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Thread started by Jackhammer

Jonathon Herring
Does anyone know how to remove dried Ammo Ultra glue? Tried alcohol and it works ssssssslllllllllooooooowwwww. If nobody has any ideas, I will continue on with the alcohol till March (exaggeration) 😭
9 January, 15:41
try acetone, but be careful acetone also dissolves plastic
9 January, 15:46
Jonathon Herring
Yeah🤔. It's a windshield so that may be a no go. Probably should have slipped that information into the initial post. Maybe, just maybe, if I had seen and cleaned it when it first happened, this would be moot. Live and learn🫣
9 January, 15:51
ok, this is shxx.
try it carefully anyway and if the windscreen tarnishes, only sanding and polishing will help (until the doctor comes).

Then dip in Future or Allclad Aquacloss and leave to dry well and for a long time
9 January, 15:58
Jonathon Herring
Thanks. Gonna give it a try tonight. If all else fails, I will go to Evil-bay and look for the clear parts from the part-out sellers. That or figure a work around🤫
9 January, 17:28
9 January, 18:34
Jonathon Herring
Need some help on the teaser photo before I commit to what could be a blunder. Any help, even just opinions, will help me take the leap (even though most of the time, I need to be talked off the ledge 😂)
25 January, 14:18

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