scale modeling database | stash manager
SCM Features
Feature Requests (SCM Features)



HyunMo Koo » Feature requests
This is a just some shower thoughts (well actually I'm in the bathroom sitting on the throne) but maybe we could have some sort of barcode scanner? If you upload picture while accessing scalemates (maybe using your phone or other devices with camera) it can scan the barcode and auto recognize the kit or something like that.
6 June, 13:46

June 5, 2024

HyunMo Koo » Feature requests
I wish there was a way to enter number of the same kits I have when entering my stash info. Or duplicate the entry. I sometimes get multiples of the same kit (usually customize materials) and it gets quite tedious entering 5+ of the same data.
3 5 June, 05:33
5 June, 08:17

June 3, 2024

scalemates » Feature requests
There are login issues for mates in Asia since a few days

3 June, 10:13
this is fixed
3 June, 10:14

June 2, 2024

Jasper Breur » Feature requests
A notification system for the marketplace section seems like a useful addition, especially for kits offered for sale by other mates. It could be useful to receive a notification when a rare or hard to find kit you're after comes up for sale.
2 June, 12:24

May 31, 2024

Bob Hall » Feature requests
Possibly a category for the Automotive kits : a listing marked as : CURBSIDE / PROMO STYLE. as AMT is coming out with a lot of the Craftsman Series.and it lacks the detail of a FULL KIT.
2 24 May, 16:54
do you have an example of the kit details?

the issue with such a classification is that it is subjective. What is "enough" detail for a full kit?

There is already snap tite?
25 May, 16:24
Bob Hall
What is a curbside model car?

By contest standards a curbside is a kit with no opening panels (eg. doors, hood or trunk), judged at "curbside level of paint/body work and interior. It's now become a catch-all term for any kits - mostly Japanese, promo based annuals, and/or Snap-Tite kits that don't have any engine detail. As the definition from Model car Magazine.
25 May, 17:20
Bill Newcomer
While I am appreciative to get certain rarely released subjects a curbside, vs. nothing at all, my OCD compels me to add at least an engine bay via kitbashing.
31 May, 04:18

May 28, 2024

Nicolas » Feature requests
Hi, is it possible to add "donated" for the removed kits? We got sone events here where donated kits are auctioned /sold for good causes like cancer or alzheimer help.
5 8 May, 17:56
isn't that covered under "gift"?
25 May, 16:22
Gifts and donations are similar, but not quite the same thing. I think it makes a difference whether I make a friend / relative happy or support an aid organization and can possibly deduct the donation from tax.
27 May, 18:37
Thx! I'll add it
28 May, 05:30
28 May, 18:15
Garvin Lee » Feature requests
I've been trying to update my personal stash, but have not been able to add "new magazines" and also see that the "new paint range" button is disabled. Will they be implemented in the future?
28 May, 16:04

May 27, 2024

aetios » Feature requests
I wonder if it could be made possible to mark a kit you built as 'completed, but sold/gone/brokn and trashed/etc', so that you still show up in the 'completed' section. I built a kit for a friend and I am quite proud of having finished it (since I don't tend to finish many kits!) so I'd like to have the 'completed' badge of honor. I don't have it in my stash anymore though. It's just a small thing but it annoys me a bit! haha.
22 May, 13:01
Alex K
But... stash is precisely for the un-built kits in your possession... Of course you should mark this as "completed" (it will disappear from you stash, that's the point), regardless of where the finished model currently resides (your house/showcase, your parents'/friend's house, the trashbin, whatever!)
22 May, 19:15
Makes sense then! 🙂
27 May, 14:13
Steven Van Dyck@Feature Requests
Embedded Youtube videos in the comments appear over the next few comments, maybe it has to do with the video not having a still shot and Youtube showing a placeholder. I saw this on my Samsung 5G phone.
Stage fright | Album by wilky (1:10)
All comments (7) » 1 6 May, 12:27
Steven Van Dyck
Here too, but not in my first link, only in the newsfeed.
27 May, 11:20
Eddie Mann
Same on Windows 11/Edge and Chrome.
27 May, 11:58
Raphael Holzer » Feature requests
Good morning,
at the moment the map in the categorie "shops" doesn't work. I'd like to Tell you this.

2 27 May, 05:31

May 26, 2024

SunTsu » Feature requests
Hello! A question for the developers:

Is it possible in the future to add the function of printing the list of magazines from the “store” and “wish list” to PDF? It would be nice to have the same option of “Kits” “Paintings” and “Books”!

Thank you!
3 29 March 2023, 08:07
moved to todo
11 June 2023, 18:17
Hi, when will this feature be implemented ? Thank You.
26 May, 18:04
Mike Bird » Feature requests
Is it possible to add a feature to mute users? There are occasionally people who aren't breaking any rules, but where I'd like the option to never see their posts and replies.
2 26 May, 13:43

May 22, 2024

Nicolas » Feature requests
I try now for a few days to upload an instruction. For some reason I get Timeout Request every time I try. The PDF is about 350 MB big (thick photo instruction with smal writing, so I scaned in good quality) so my question: Is there a max file size for the upload and if yes, whats the max size?
21 May, 18:08
Eddie Mann
Yes, there is a limit, I think it is 20MB.
21 May, 22:05
Thanks Eddie.
22 May, 04:12

May 18, 2024

Murfie » Feature requests
There has obviously been a recent change that impacts requests for instructions. Previously I was only asked to supply instructions if a kit was in my stash. Now I am being requested to supply instructions for kits I have previously finished. As I don't retain instructions after completion, I am unable to assist. Some of the kits in question were finished years ago. I think it would be preferable to return to the earlier logic that applied.

Thank you ...

I just became aware of the earlier request to alter this logic. Apologies ....

Is it possible to limit the request to those kits in the stash or started but exclude those kits which have been completed. If not then I can just delete those kits from my completed list.
2 18 May, 08:31
Eddie Mann
I would agree with not listing completed kits.
18 May, 09:29
Or perhaps show only recently compleated kits e.g in the last year.
18 May, 20:13

May 6, 2024

Francky » Feature requests
I would suggest to have a look at the interface. sometimes it appears to me that info is on top which is less relevant, while what we really need is somewhere down below on the page.

One example: the "paints" page gives a list of popular brands and you need to scroll down to find the "find a color" search field. It would seem more logical to me to put "find a color" on top?!
1 6 May, 14:38
There is a search bar at the very top?
6 May, 15:55

May 5, 2024

Ger Darkly » Feature requests
The "Missing Instruction Sheets" health check only checks kits that are in a user's Stash, not kits marked as Started or Completed. Users are likely to have the instruction sheet for Started kits, and maybe for Completed kits.

For example, I have marked this kit as Started and I'm no longer prompted to upload the instruction sheet: Gloster Whittle E28/39 Pioneer (Novo F174, 1:72)

4 1 May, 21:41
great suggestion! this is implemented
5 May, 06:55
Ger Darkly
Thank you.
5 May, 15:25
Eddie Mann » Feature requests
The "Country" option in "Markings" is showing UN flag on all.
21 April, 14:16
fixed 👍
4 May, 09:28
Eddie Mann
Thank You.
4 May, 09:46
Eddie Mann
UN flag is still showing on "worldwide", random example: SCM Search:
5 May, 15:02
Torsten » Feature requests
I try to add articles from Green Stuff World, the company also exists in the search at scm. But when I enter it and then the article number, the system claims that I have to create the company first. What am I doing wrong, the company is created in the search?
Thank you very much!
All comments (6) » 2 3 May, 17:12
thx for the pointer
5 May, 07:23
Ah, that explains a lot! I had also on tablet PC (Android/Chrome) and PC the problem today, that a reload of the page is needed to get the page loaded completely. Could not click fro example on brand of a kit page, even after long wait (fast fibre optical connection).
5 May, 10:42
Redrocco » Feature requests
Search / Sort by year released would be nice
2 26 April, 20:30
That would help, but I think evan more helpful would be the option to sort by the age of the new tool the kits are based on.
5 May, 07:04
scalemates » Feature requests
Find a solution for reducing the exploding storage requirements for instruction sheets. We are now at 360GB
5 May, 06:50

May 3, 2024

Tini Hendriks@Feature Requests
Hello, like the previous caller, here the same.
With the Meng British RR Armored Car (MSG-VS010)
On the upper companies it is on sale at AK for € 27,65 and on their original AK-site it is €39,50.
At Super Hobby it is on Your site €13,10, but on the Super Hobby site it is actually € 50,18
A pity because I use that a lot to order, what was till now a trustfull advice..

With regards,


All comments (5) » 3 26 April, 11:58
Couple weeks ago the prices were wrong for some Great Wall Hobby kits, but now I don't find any kits with the correct prices at super hobby.
29 April, 07:22
this is fixed 👍
3 May, 13:16

April 30, 2024

jasperjl » Feature requests
Good afternoon. recently I have discovered that the "Leopard 1 PRTL A1 (Cheetah) Perfect Scale Modellbau | No. 35208 | 1:35" & "Leopard 1 PRTL A2 (Cheetah) Perfect Scale Modellbau | No. 35209 | 1:35" say they are compatible with the "German Flakpanzer Gepard A1/A2 Bundeswehr SPAAG Meng Model | No. TS-030 | 1:35". This however is not the case. The Meng model is largely the same as the Takom Gepard it is based on, but the "Upper turret" part is different. This causes major fitment problems of components such as the tracking radar and the smoke dischargers.
30 April, 17:27

April 28, 2024

Spanjaard » Feature requests
i was entering a product, and all seemed ok. When I finished and save, and I went to view mode, there was a message saying that the barcode had a wrong format. It was actually a typo from my side so i corrected it. my question is, If possible to check the barcode for wrong ones, it will be great to show the error already when entering the details, so you can correct it before saving it. i could have easily not seen the message once in view mode.
1 28 April, 11:30

April 27, 2024

Spanjaard@Feature Requests
Flak Tower IV Heiligengeistfeld G Tower (Takom 6005, 1:350) in the stores section, Super-hobby shows 12.97 as price, but when you visit the site, the price appears as 49.65

1 26 April, 08:26
thx! we are on it
27 April, 08:29
Eddie Mann » Feature requests
Hi again,
When working through "Latest additions without a topic", editing an item is taking CPU usage up to around 22%, Windows 11, MS Edge
19 April, 18:41
Eddie Mann
I forgot to add that the page freezes while the CPU usage is high.
20 April, 06:34
Eddie Mann
Any update on this please, CPU usage now approaching 30% and a full minute to edit 1 item.
27 April, 07:25

April 26, 2024

Dean » Feature requests
Re: Marketplace
Is it possible to add a search by currency as I would like to search for kits in my own currency due to often very expensive shipping costs. Thanks
21 April, 00:14
maybe it will be good to have a filter by region, Europe/NorthAmerica/SouthAmerica/Australia/Africa/Asia, of course if the sellers do not enter their country, they will not appear when filtering....
26 April, 09:09

April 25, 2024

Melgg Lütschg » Feature requests
The shop location on the map is not working. I tried PC (Microsoft Edge) and Mobile Phone (Safari).
2 24 April, 11:04
The maps in the Event section are not working too.
25 April, 06:01

April 23, 2024

bughunter » Feature requests
There is a new annoying bug in the picture albums:
If you view an album in Mosaic View and click on a picture, the album is displayed in normal big view, but jumps to the first one instead of showing the clicked one.
1 22 April, 06:03
Now this is magically working again. Can be closed.
22 April, 12:39
23 April, 12:25

April 22, 2024

scalemates » Feature requests
Launch sister website
All comments (27) » 6 15 March, 20:05
Thanks for being so willing to hear our feedback on this!
21 April, 14:38
Thats great to hear! I was worried that the site is going to keep splitting off into sister sites and it would become confusing to manage, especially for cross genre models.
22 April, 17:52

April 21, 2024

Nicolas » Feature requests
If I try to visit the Contributers area directly after login I'm loged out again. If I visit my stash od do a search it just works fine.
21 April, 10:50

April 20, 2024

Starbase101 » Feature requests
Very often I get auto-logged out, and when I log back in I've got access to my Stash, Albums, profile, etc....but NOT any of the feeds (News Feed, Feature Requests, Data Suggestions). When attempting to access any of the feeds I'm back to not logged in. So I log in again, go to a feed, and I'm logged out. Rinse and repeat over and over. I deleted the Scalemates cache cookie and logged in again and now it seems to be working. What's the point of storing data on a user's machine if it's not going to remain uncorrupted?
All comments (17) » 2 3 May 2023, 12:45
I'll mark this one as closed, thank you for your patience
22 December 2023, 09:13
Just got "kicked out" of the site again. All I did to "offend" was reload the Newsfeed page.
20 April, 02:54

April 19, 2024

DunRig » Feature requests
I would like to bring my "model-shops" up to date. When I click the list of all shops under "Activities", I get a blank page. I use Vivaldi and not an Ad Blocker. What can I do ?
19 April, 12:22

April 17, 2024

Dave Pluth » Feature requests
Project list view. It would be great to get a simpler project listing. Basically a list of all of your projects in a report format with that ability to expand any of the projects and see a listing of the items in the project (like the + to expand type of thing). Also have the ability to queue projects and sort by the queue or filter by the queue (queue number <> blank). to see what is on deck.
2 17 April, 15:37

April 16, 2024

BigChewgus » Feature requests
Can we have an option to sort kit results by number of wishlists / stashed? It would be helpful to be able to figure out which kits of a certain subject are more popular than others when researching what to buy and build.
1 16 April, 10:36

April 14, 2024

scalemates » Feature requests
Clicking the hamburger menu on mobile no longer works
1 14 April, 09:39
on it
14 April, 09:39

April 12, 2024

Anthony Richards » Feature requests
Can we have a option to search for sale or tradable between USA and Europe listings? Since shipping is so high across the pond we need separate North America and Europe listings.?????
1 22 March, 01:33
Agree - I have asked for this before - living in Australia it would be helpful if I could filter on kits for sale in Australia only.
12 April, 07:00

April 11, 2024

Dave Pluth » Feature requests
My wishlist item would be for personal items. With the advent of 3D printers I am sure there are a lot of folks making their own stuff and need to keep track of it also.
11 April, 17:53
Bill » Feature requests
I don't know if this is there and I can't find it or if it's a feature request. Is it possible to upload a CSV file to your stash?

Here's my situation, I do have my own stash that I might get around to documenting one of these days. The idea is daunting though, it's gotten big. But for a while from about 2001 to 2011 I was buying up collections of kits and selling most of them on Ebay. I got to add kits to my own stash for free that way. 🙂

My day job was struggling at the time and it was a way to supplement my income. My day job picked up and I quit selling on Ebay, but I have about 500 kits in my database unsold. I've tried going back to Ebay, but they have made it very expensive for sellers (back 10+ years ago they were about 4%, now they are effectively close to 30%). My database has all the field needed for a Marketplace/Stash listing, if there was a way to upload a batch here, it would make listing many of these kits a lot easier.

I also sold some pretty rare kits in that decade. I still have all the data and even the pictures I took for the auctions. I'd like to update the Scalemates database with anything missing, and that was my intention when I joined here back in 2014, but my day job went from full time to much more than full time for a couple of years, and then various family stuff on top of that and I never got to it. I'm not sure how to do an efficient comparison of the Scalemates db to my own though. Maybe if there is an upload a stash feature I could try it with sold items and see which ones can't be found?

My database has 8600 items in it. Mostly kits but also some decals, modeling books, and aftermarket. There are duplicates though.

I do have hopes of building some of my stash some day. I think this year I'll be finishing some of the kits my father left me that are partially built. Most of those sat unfinished for 40 years.
11 April, 12:16

April 5, 2024

David M » Feature requests
Hi, I've just gone in and manually marked as private all of my wall posts that I can see, however when I look at my wall when not logged in, I can still see some posts. These posts visible publicly are not included in my view of my wall when I'm logged in. Is there a way I can access these posts to mark them as private (or otherwise prevent them showing publicly)? I wonder if there's a setting somewhere I've missed.
5 April, 13:18

April 1, 2024

Marc Bastide » Feature requests
Good day.
Is there a problem with the stash exporter?
I cannot export my stash content in PDF. With any option I get a blank page. It works wit started or Completed ....
I can also export in text format, but it is not so nice 🙂
1 April, 20:57
tyu » Feature requests
would sorting a wishlist by vendor be a option for you to consider?
Maybe not valid for most users but the ones with a substantial wish list could benefit from this possible feature. I usually try to order the most bang for my buck, hence my question.

2 27 March, 14:33
Michael Kohl
I would appreciate such a feature too.
27 March, 15:47
if you visit the shop's profile page you will see your wishlist for that vendor. (under preferences you can opt in so clicking the logo goes to the shop profile page)

SCM Shop: Der Sockelshop

1 April, 14:07
Michael Kohl
Ahhh. Excellent! Thanks for pointing this out.
1 April, 20:19

March 31, 2024

tyu » Feature requests
I noticed on several occasions that when opening or working within my stash it displays someone else's stash. I have not tried altering (for the obvious reason), usually after a reload of the page it displays the correct stash. I assume the Scalemates ID is unique so why does this happen?
1 31 March, 15:20
Eddie Mann@Feature Requests
There is a misalignment on the "Quick Looks" section on the right hand side.
1 31 March, 13:50

March 27, 2024

Alec K@Feature Requests
Looks like I am now part of Papermates also? Cool, but how come my Scalemates albums and collections show up there?
All comments (8) » 17 March, 22:48
27 March, 14:34
Alec K
Thanks Tim 👍
27 March, 16:50
David M » Feature requests
It would be great if a kit's data could optionally include its dimensions when built. Some manufacturers, at least, provide this. Knowing how big the model will be, so being able to tell if it will fit in the display case or will I need a stand alone solution, would help me decide whether to buy a particular kit.
2 27 March, 01:10

March 25, 2024

Łukasz Gliński » Feature requests
When I open particular topic, I'd love to see relevant part of my stash before scrolling down to all the products and so on
Of course only when I have anything is stash/on order/wishlist in selected topic.
2 25 March, 13:58

March 20, 2024

Mike Pullen@Feature Requests
Hi Tim
Not sure how practical this is for you but thought i'd ask since you did something for diecast collectors.
How about a site for collectors of remote control vehicles and maybe call it rcmates?
The subjects are quite similar to this site, cars, planes, helicopters, drones and ships in different scales with both official and aftermarket accessories available.
Some are pre-built but some are kits requiring tools and paints.
Then there is the variety of transmitters, receivers, speed controllers, motors and servos etc.
The Matchbox/Revell 1:72 Flower Class Corvette is also a good example of a scale model that very often gets made into a remote control ship which is something it was never designed for.
The RC crowd are quite a community that attend events like banger racing, drift racing and having rc air shows etc too.
Just a thought
All comments (7) » 1 4 February, 07:01
domain ordered for all RC items (once available I will move relevant items)
4 March, 18:31
scalemates is live
20 March, 06:13

March 19, 2024

Wouter » Feature requests
If a stashed paint is on 0% remaining, maybe it would be useful to have a red border to it or different color text/background on the overview.
1 19 March, 20:55

March 18, 2024

Chester S. A. Reginald Berwick, Duke of ... » Feature requests
Is there currently an issue with counting users' contributions? I believe last batch of my edits hasn't been counted as contributions.

See also:
SCM Newsfeed

EDIT1: The contributions are visible in the graph of my personal contributions, these have not been added to the total sum though.
All comments (7) » 1 17 February, 21:23
I'm with Eddie here.
18 March, 08:29
all stats are still counting
the "live" display just crashes the site each time a person looks at it
the stats will be back (no data lost) when I have re-engineered the counting process

18 March, 08:31
bughunter » Feature requests
There is a conflict between the new "SCM PPM GDM RWM DCM RCM" bar and the own project assignments of a kit (mostly hidden now), as both are at the same place.
3 17 March, 18:31
Thx! Will fix
18 March, 07:14
fixed 👍
18 March, 07:42

March 17, 2024

scalemates » Feature requests
Marking a book as RC does not work. The settings are not saved. Eg. for Tamiya RC Catalogue 2021-2022
2 12 March, 18:28
fixed 👍
17 March, 16:49
HSC1932 » Feature requests
I’m not sure where to ask this so I thought I’d do so here: how do I add the paint color to the paint code when I write it in the captions of a photo album?
Not yet decided
16 March, 22:55
it is autodetected when you type in known codes, eg. RLM02 or FS34095
17 March, 11:19
scalemates » Feature requests
Powercontributors should (for now) at a glance see if a product is linked to one ore more sister sites
1 17 March, 11:18

March 16, 2024

scalemates » Feature requests
Projects were not visible on gundammates
1 16 March, 07:16
fixed 👍
16 March, 07:16

March 15, 2024

scalemates » Feature requests
Move "scope" selection a bit more to the top (for power contributors), as this is currently a very popular modification.
2 12 March, 18:31
15 March, 16:43

March 14, 2024

Starbase101 » Feature requests
Cannot add a photo. Twice I've tried adding the artwork for 1/29 Red Five X-Wing Decals (OtherWorld Models , 1:29) and saved, and twice the artwork is not showing up for the product.

14 March, 23:32
The next item I added took the artwork without issue Bandai 1/144 Snowspeeder Decals (OtherWorld Models , 1:144)

14 March, 23:38
Tried again on the first one and image still won't save, even though it uploads without error and I see the thumbnail before saving changes.
14 March, 23:41
Okay, changed the file type from PNG to JPG and now it saves. Never mind.
14 March, 23:42

March 12, 2024

scalemates » Feature requests
Modify timeline so it is clear that certain kits are only/Also displayed on a sister website.

eg. A timeline with 8 standard scale models should show a 9th variant which is the RC version on scalemates

When looking at the RC model on the 8 other models should clearly be marked as "No RC"

2 12 March, 18:06
Implemented, check timeline of Flakpanzer Gepard (Tamiya 36208, 1:16)

12 March, 21:01
scalemates » Feature requests
Mixed kits (shown both on scalemates and rcmates should get an indicator they are also RC)
2 12 March, 20:35
Implemented, eg: SCM Search: RT1602
12 March, 20:38
Starbase101 » Feature requests
When a product is multi-topic, I do not see a way of linking products from all the topics, only the main topic. For example, Boat Rope Set (HiSModel SET-Amati03, 1:72) should be linked to both Golden Hind (Airfix A09258V, 1:72) and Black Pearl (Revell 05699, 1:72) (both topics are assigned) but only the Golden Hind kit is listed for linking to.

All comments (7) » 11 March, 17:06
Eddie Mann
You don't need them, just the Topic & Subject plus any more which are relevant. See the one you linked, I filled it in.
12 March, 18:30
I would argue "Markings" is not the best heading for that section then.
12 March, 18:57
scalemates » Feature requests
Send out a notification to all "stash" owners with an item moved to one of the sister websites
1 12 March, 18:47
scalemates » Feature requests
Brand pages on scalemates can look empty while 1000 items are visible on a sister website (or vice versa)

Give the possibility to easily switch to a sister website when that brand has items over there
1 12 March, 18:11
scalemates » Feature requests
Improve the contribute section so there is less noise from sister websites.

2 12 March, 18:10
Nicolas » Feature requests
The overview map in the Event section semst to be broken. It's just a white section. I testet a few events, there the maps are working.
2 26 January, 06:58
thx, checking
26 January, 17:02
Thank you, this is fixed
26 January, 19:44
Thank you.
26 January, 20:07
Hello, the same problem again.
12 March, 17:58

March 11, 2024

PIBWL » Feature requests
When there is a multi-topic kit, eg wz.28 i wz.29 (Wydawnictwo WAK WAK 2018/12, 1:32) it would be good, if it showed up in the second topic as well.

WAK 2018/12
9 March, 18:00
it does no?
10 March, 17:05
Eddie Mann
I think he meant the timeline which only shows the first item in a multi-topic kit.
Example: 75TH Anniversary D-Day Air Assault Set (Airfix A50157A, 1:72)

10 March, 19:45
I think I haven't seen it in the other topic the other day, but now it seems OK indeed 🙂 Thanks.
The timeline is a good point however.
11 March, 19:43

March 10, 2024

Nicolas » Feature requests
I think for some areas in the stash, the possible information in the "State" area doesn't always make sense. For example, for materials such as static grass, an indication of the state and fill level would make more sense than the state of the decals or missing parts.
1 10 March, 14:33

March 8, 2024

Bernd Kehm » Feature requests
Can I find a listing of the country-abbrevations? Most are self-explanatory, but some others are misterious, for example 'BA'.
8 March, 12:36
I assume its based on ISO 3166

? Bosnia and Herzegovina ?
8 March, 15:02
Bernd Kehm
TKS!! Very good Side
8 March, 15:08

March 6, 2024

Ihor C » Feature requests
Please pay attention to the right panel of the site with filters like Scale/Brand/Group/Category/Topic/Subject/Manufacturer Country.
Please add sorting to these values. Ideally to all. But at least to Brand, Topic and Subject. It's a pain to find something in the non-sorted list.
1 6 March, 07:40
Not sure if I understand you correctly - but there are two types of sorts at the top of the filter - by "relevance" and by "ABC"

I would note however that for manufacturer (as an example) this sometimes goes a bit awry and you have to refresh to get it to sort by ABC - maybe this is the issue you have? I had wanted to raise this myself but never got round to it

6 March, 07:45
Ihor C
It works!
I didn't see this switch before. It's so small and unclear for me.
Thanks a lot!
6 March, 07:52
No worries
6 March, 10:21

March 4, 2024

Nicos D » Feature requests
Are there any plans to make a Scalemates App for the iPhone and Android?
3 March, 14:41
Eddie Mann
Not necessary. the mobile browser does all that is needed.
3 March, 15:30
Nicos D
Switching to an app streamlines the operation and can open other functionality. Think outside the box 😉.
3 March, 23:44
George Williams
It works perfectly as it is on my iPhone and iPad.
4 March, 00:27

March 3, 2024

Skyhiker » Feature requests
Would it be possible to put the kit's first production date next to the item number in the news feed? The product update banner is helpful but I often want to know when the mold was made without having to click on it and scroll down to the timeline.
1 3 March, 21:56
Chester S. A. Reginald Berwick, Duke of ... » Feature requests
All my posts I ever made in Data suggestions ( ) are now visible in my messages ( ). Is this behaviour intentional?
2 March, 22:26
yes, it shows all "messages" from or to other users.
3 March, 09:00
Chester S. A. Reginald Berwick, Duke of ...
It does not show messages to "Feature requests", unlike messages to "Data suggestions", that's what confused me.
3 March, 10:18
Chester S. A. Reginald Berwick, Duke of ... » Feature requests
In my Notifications there are "replied on your post" notifications, but the replies simply do not exist. Also the users mentioned in the notifications never replied on the notified threads. All these notifications are from approximately the last two weeks.
2 March, 22:28
can you share one of the threads?
3 March, 08:59

March 1, 2024

Aris Grey » Feature requests
Hi, having a date range on the stats screen would be very helpful. To see for example how many kits i sold this year.
Thanks. Great job maintaining this beast.

1 March, 21:56

February 28, 2024

Vicente Sánchez Navarro » Feature requests
(I don't know if this should go in feature request or data suggestions) but... Would it be possible to add in paints, the WW2 Soviet aviation color palette like AMT colors, etc... and also Regia Aeronautica colors like Giallo Mimetico 1,2... Verde Mimetico, etc?
It would be the same thing to do when you write the color scheme in the kit edition and put the number of a federal standard color or a British standard color and show the "color" and color name.
VVS (Currently this month of February this website is not working due to a technical problem) massimotessitori.alt..ors/color-table.html
Regia Aeronautica
28 February, 14:20

February 27, 2024

Honkfish » Feature requests
When you click 'my' on the home page to see your custom scale or favourite topic hot picks goes blank and doesn't show any kits till you go back to 'all'. For instance mine is set to 1:24 and I have Cars favourited in my settings. I can remember it working but it's been quite a while.
2 31 December 2023, 13:26
Any updates on this? I saw that it was working last night but now today it's just blank again.
4 January, 22:11
this is a weird issue and no clue what is going on. In can reproduce but it comes and goes
13 January, 14:28
This bug has been driving me crazy the last few days. I have to turn on all scales and all topics to see any hot topics. I have seen this happen a few times in the past, but the issue cleared itself up after a day or so. This time, it has been acting this way for several days in a row.
27 February, 03:54

February 26, 2024

PlasticWolf » Feature requests
I have been trying out the kit contents feature for a while now, and i have a suggestion for improvement.
I am missing the folowing materials in the list: Mesh and Wire. Also would it be posible to make a distinction between the different types of waterslide decals? E.g. Standard/silk screen, laserprint or ALPS printed. For the instruction sheet(s) it could be helpfull if the number of pages could be added.
1 24 February, 21:32
Assembly aids and gauges are also missing (e.g. propeller or track assembly)
@ Richmond: What do the topics have to do with the box content?
26 February, 05:43
Apologies I didnt read it properly.
26 February, 06:04
Not worth mentioning.
26 February, 06:25

February 22, 2024

David M » Feature requests
Could it be made possible to associate a magazine with a project? I've some weathering magazines and would like to record which I've referenced for which project, so that when I look back I can see where I might have got techniques and tips from.
3 21 February, 08:00
I requested something similar last year: SCM Newsfeed
No answer yet.
21 February, 20:49
Eric Thornton
Good idea. Would be nice to add references for a project. Books, magazines, etc
21 February, 23:07
It works for books already now!
22 February, 07:29

February 21, 2024

bughunter » Feature requests
There is a problem in the automatic event logic!

If I look on my club page, it stated: "Looking forward to see you on our next event in Ergolding:" but shows an old event from last year!

But there are upcoming events in Events page, where this club is filled in as organizer, so that one should be displayed as next event:
2. Plastik-Modellbau-Flohmarkt (6. April, Ergolding )
2 21 February, 20:41

February 19, 2024

Michael S » Feature requests
A question about the Contributor Results reporting changes made to the data. Are changes to the Barcode(ISSN) field for Magazines taken into account when calculating changes made? I added the Barcode(ISSN) data for 40 magazine issues and these changes were not reflected in my contributor stats.
2 16 February, 12:22
yes; there is indeed an issue.... short version, calculating the contribution stats takes toooo much time

Will find a better way. (data is not lost; just the stats are showing old data)
18 February, 09:24
Michael S
Ok, thanks for the feedback.
19 February, 05:41

February 18, 2024

scalemates » Feature requests
The SCM Contributor Page page loads to slow, making it a feel like I punish contributors for visiting that page.
3 18 February, 09:22
18 February, 09:22
Richmond » Feature requests
Is it possible to set up a 'program' to clear empty topics after a certain time period - i.e say it runs at the end of the week and removes any empty topic greater than 7 days? The list as it is is becoming unmanageable and I believe defeats its purpose.
3 18 February, 01:48
recently created Empty topics are now auto-deleted each time a person visits the contribute page.

Or if a contributors cleans up a topic and revisits the page = cleaned
18 February, 09:17
Thanks it looks a lot better now and you can actually see the true uncategorsed topics
18 February, 09:22
Richmond » Feature requests
Is it possible to add, perhaps to the FAQ, a section re classification of kits - especially for product types - dicussions have come up a few times in the past but I forget the 'consensus ' of opinion

I find this especially applicable to 'landscape' type products which are a real mismash of product types.

Also detail and conversion seems to be misused a lot. Again you have provided a succint response to this on a few occassions but no one can reference thbis response and newer users wouldnt know about this at all.

Sorry if this is already here if it is can you point me to it.
2 18 February, 01:56

February 17, 2024

Spanjaard » Feature requests
in my album pak 35/36 | Album by hetspanjaard (1:35) comments are disabled, when I try to enable commenting, I got message "not allowed"
2 16 February, 20:00
👍 fixed
17 February, 20:00
thanks a lot!
17 February, 23:02
scalemates » Feature requests
Opening the Edit page of a kit is slower than in the past. Not annoyingly slow, but remarkably slower
2 17 February, 20:53
Improved 👍
17 February, 20:53

February 16, 2024

Spanjaard » Feature requests
when i am browsing the site, I can not see the link for the FAQ anywhere, includding the top banner (it goes only up to "Contribute"). if i use Scalemates FAQ still works. When i use the link the "FAQ" appears in the top gray banner. if i go anywhere in the site, it disappears
All comments (5) » 2 16 February, 14:37
mind that i do not really it much. but for new users, it will be really handy to have it more visible, i think 🙂
16 February, 17:04
Eddie Mann
Agreed, I remember it as being at the top .
16 February, 17:12

February 15, 2024

bughunter » Feature requests
There is a problem with the Album preview of an Album attached to a project. The photos in the Album are 3:2 (2160x1440 pixel), but in the preview there are photos fragments below the teaser picture in the preview.

Please see screenshot:
Screenshots | Album by bughunter

Example Project:
Halberstadt D.II | Project by bughunter (1:48)

3 14 February, 10:54
thx! fixed
15 February, 21:43
Thx! Looks nice now 👍
15 February, 22:35
I noticed this too, never thought before of fixing it, agreed it looks much better!
15 February, 23:11
scalemates » Feature requests
Fix the nightly backup downtime
1 15 February, 22:07
I think i finally fixed it (Turns out it was not the actual Database backup responsible for the downtime, but the GZIP process afterwards consumed all resources.)
15 February, 22:14

February 12, 2024

James C » Feature requests
Youtube links do not appear to be working anymore.
All comments (12) » 1 7 February, 15:44
James C
Doesn't appear to be any change for me. Still getting the same error message in place of the video preview image, but if I click on the txt for the video (as others have already mentioned) it will play normally.
11 February, 23:57
Eddie Mann
Your 3 links are working for me, no error message.
12 February, 00:34

February 11, 2024

Sardaukar » Feature requests
How about a random kit selector function from your stash? for when you can't make up your mind what to build next.
1 11 February, 20:09
Nicolas » Feature requests
Since a few days I have the problem that when editing the topic field the suggestions are not always displayed if you have typed a few letters. This can quickly lead to the same topic being created a second time with a different spelling (e.g. "-" instead of " "). Since this error occurs about every 3rd or 4th time, it helps to reload the page (several times if necessary).
3 10 February, 09:57
11 February, 09:26
Hi, I worked on some topics today and analyzed the problem in more detail. My internet speed sometimes fluctuates greatly (500 bit / sec to 200 mbit / sec ), the problem always occurs when the page is visually loaded but the loading clock is still running in the tab. I also found out that it is enough to click on another input field, as soon as the warning pops up I can click on the topic field again and the autocomplete function is activated.
11 February, 13:43
Miguel Duque » Feature requests
When editing box content of a kit, it´s not possible to edit or delete any item because the sidebar (options and advertisements) is over the icons making impossible to click on them. It happens in Firefox and Chrome and even using two different monitors and resolutions.
2 10 February, 23:59
thx for letting me know, this is fixed
11 February, 09:26
Miguel Duque
Thx so much!
11 February, 12:59
Marcus J » Feature requests
Hello Tim
it is possible to create an export function for projects. Here it would be nice to get a list of which components / kits are assigned per project.
All comments (7) » 3 22 June 2020, 12:55
good idea.
8 February, 14:00
Alec K
Agree 👍
11 February, 11:47

February 9, 2024

bughunter » Feature requests
The filtering, for example in own projects, does not work today and need a refresh to be activated.
2 9 February, 20:16
Sy Bar » Feature requests
Hi, was wondering if it's possible to display the album entries in reverse order when you select the "Advanced options" button under the "manage" images. This would allow you to quickly see your latest images at the top so you can rotate them easily etcetera, especially when you have more than 5 images saving scrolling though your previous images which no longer require manipulation.
I appreciate this sounds straightforward but could be tricky to implement, something to ponder.
Thanks for the great site.
2 9 February, 06:14

February 8, 2024

bughunter » Feature requests
Since there seem to be users who are bored with my build logs or postings, perhaps a mates-ignore-list would be appropriate so that they can better filter out my postings. Something along the lines of what exists in other forums.
5 8 February, 10:05
This is already possible.

If you click the gear icon just below a post you can put any post on "Hide" for whatever reason you think you want to hide it.

8 February, 15:26
Ingo F@Feature Requests
Model kits from 2024 are displayed on the main page under "New releases", but when I click on "View more", they are not displayed.
I have tested it in different browsers, but the same result everywhere.
All comments (13) » 1 3 February, 16:03
Eddie Mann
Thank you.
7 February, 22:18
Thanks Tim, that's much better (even cheered me up a bit 🙂 ).
8 February, 07:21

February 7, 2024

Ingo F » Feature requests
Hi Tim, model kits from 2024 are displayed on the main page under "New releases", but when I click on "View more", they are not displayed.
I have tested it in different browsers, but the same result everywhere.
2 3 February, 16:05
Patrick Hagelstein
Hi Tim and Ingo! I have to second Ingo's remark as I see the same, independent of the platform I use.
3 February, 17:10
thank you; this is fixed
7 February, 20:19
Ingo F
7 February, 20:43
Patrick Hagelstein
Thank you very much Tim! So cool to see how you listen to your platform's users. Greatly appreciated! 👌🏼
7 February, 22:16

February 5, 2024

Alec K » Feature requests
I am considering replacing images in my older albums with new ones in higher resolution (my understanding is that 2160 pixels wide is now recommended and the aspect ratio to avoid top or side gray bars is 3:2).

To my understanding, uploading a new image to an album causes the associated album to move to the top of the newsfeed (past commenters are not notified). I am wondering if there is a way to prevent it from moving up in the newsfeed?

Also, when new older image is replaced with one in better resolution, could the original posted date be retained? This could be accomplished by a toggle in the album “Manage” window user could select (retain original posted date: Y or N).
2 5 February, 15:32

February 3, 2024

Ihor C » Feature requests
This is not a feature request but seems the issue with site. I can't upload the boxart picture. After I click 'Save changes' button I get the page with only one message 'Couldn't copy the file!'.
Please check.
2 2 February, 19:03
Thx this was fixed last night
3 February, 07:36

February 2, 2024

CartoonX » Feature requests
Please check it this problem with timelines- more Timelines appears at the same time and unnecessary.
This problem overcrowding a view on timeline.

Fw 190 F - 8 (Airfix 02063-7, 1:72)


Please look at video: Video will expire in two days.

I separate this one timeline
Focke-Wulf Fw 190D (Airfix 01064-7, 1:72)
with next trick: for the first kit I set up "Origin" different from "Initial Release-new tool", and than back to "Initial release-new tool". This helped in many cases, although sometimes the condition again back on too many timelines (previous state).


But this trick with a temporary change of "origin", does not work for Fw 190 F - 8 (Airfix 02063-7, 1:72)


Where is the problem, and is it possible to fix.
All comments (5) » 3 7 January, 21:05
Fixing galleries (separate by mold, or same gallerie on two or more molds) will fix problem with overcrowding the view on timeline.
31 January, 23:09
Same thing with this time scale, Revell Bf-109E mixed with Bf-109G:
Messerschmitt Bf 109E (Revell (Great Britain) H-612, 1:72)
Five time line (with different molds) mixed!!!

2 February, 11:52

February 1, 2024

Nicolas » Feature requests
would it be possible to set up an additional field for costs for non-model-specific items in projects? Many people use e.g. picture frames or plywood or styrofoam sheets from the hardware store when building dioramas. I have also seen mirrors specially adapted to bases by glaziers. Such (individual) pieces tend not to be included in the database, but can sometimes have a major impact on the price of a project (especially if craftsmen's costs are included, such as for the mirrors mentioned above). These costs could be recorded relatively easily this way.
2 1 February, 21:06


2024-02-01 21:06:10

2016-01-01 10:03:25


/ajax/wnolder.php?lang=en&sd=2024-02-01 21:06:10&md=2016-01-01 10:03:25&filter=&w=22973


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