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Michal Válek (Beren)

Albums (20)

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Latest project albums

21 images
Lužické Zero 2022View album, image #1
1:48 Mitsubishi A6M5 Zero Fighter (Zeke) Type52 (Hasegawa 09070)1:48 A6M5 Zero (Eduard FE217)
41 images
Bf 109E-4 Maj. H. Wick - 28.11.1940View album, image #38
KODAK Digital Still Camera
1:48 Bf 109E-4 (Eduard 8263)
8 images
WarhawkView album, image #2
1:72 Warhawk - Pocta Václavu Šorelovi (Eduard 7144)
30 images
Fokker Dr.I 593/17 - E.UdetView album, image #1
1:48 Du doch nicht! (Albatros D.V, Fokker D.VII, Fokker Dr.I) (Eduard 11137)
82 images
P-51D Mustang: Fighting LadyView album, image #78
1:48 Very Long Range: Tales of Iwojima (Eduard 11142)1:48 P-51D 75gal fuel tanks (Eduard 648349)1:48 P-51D Gun Sights (Eduard 648570)
19 images
Spitfire Mk.I earlyView album, image #17
1:48 Spitfire Story: The Few (Spitfire Mk.I) (Eduard 11143)1:48 Spitfire Mk.1 exhaust stacks (Eduard 648580)1:48 Spitfire Mk.1 wheels (Eduard 648579)
49 images
Spitfire IXc late - W/C T.Vybíral, operace OVERLORDView album, image #1
1:72 Spitfire Mk.IXc late version (Eduard 70121X)1:72 Spitfire Mk.IX stencils (Eduard D72008)1:72 Spitfire British WWII roundels late (Eduard D72010)3+

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Other albums

19 images
Focke-Wulf FW-190A-3View album, image #12
KODAK Digital Still Camera