F-4D monogeram
22 September 2011, 12:58
Aghis Barberopoulos
Hello Babak, I like the angle of the shot, and the background! You are using a DSLR ? (Narrow depth of field and low shutter speed used to good effect)
Hello Babak, I like the angle of the shot, and the background! You are using a DSLR ? (Narrow depth of field and low shutter speed used to good effect)
22 September 2011, 15:17
babak chalangi
thank you Aghis
actually this was a commission build and the the owner picked it up right when it finished and this is the only picture of it witch taken by the owner and i have no information about the picture only thing i know is that he have a Sony alpha camera !
thank you Aghis
actually this was a commission build and the the owner picked it up right when it finished and this is the only picture of it witch taken by the owner and i have no information about the picture only thing i know is that he have a Sony alpha camera !
22 September 2011, 20:09