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Robert W Martel (bobster)

Academy 1/400 RMS Titanic Centenary Anniversary Edition

Album image #1
lots of portholes to drill out 

Album image #2
over 800 of the little buggers total 

Album image #3
Album image #4
Album image #5
drill out the hole for the Howser cable 

Album image #6
propeller mounts added 

Album image #7
holes for the stand 

Album image #8
soaking some plated parts. the props would have been brass, not gold, and a few others. They've been in bleach for a week and no sign of coming off. Some good plating I guess !! 

Album image #9
more portholes to drill 

Album image #10
Album image #11
crane bases and some walls built 

Album image #12
removed the molded on benches and things to make room tor the wood decks 

Album image #13
all the deck parts cleaned up 

Album image #14
Album image #15
Album image #16
Album image #17
I left the stairs for now just in case the PE gives me trouble 

Album image #18
The hull on the stand. I drilled down through the stand pedastals for the switch wires for the lights 

Album image #19
OH ! that doesnt look right. 

Album image #20
I hadnt noticed that the legs on one side were nearly broken off 

Album image #21
So I put some Testors cement around the cracks and let it set for a few monents,,,,, 

Album image #22
,,,,then pushed it straight. There's also PE parts for this. 

Album image #23
OK ! Here's the first mistake I noticed in this kit. A wall joined together in the middle of a window???? SERIOUSLY! You must be joking, why not make that section like the rest of the wall joint, on the corners! HELLO<<<<ANY BODY IN THERE?? OUT TO LUNCH? 

Album image #24
Clean up the sprue tabs and seams on all the little pieces. 

Album image #25
Misc stuff 

Album image #26
life preservers 

Album image #27
crane booms. They are also in PE, but figured I'd do them just in case things go wrong with the PE. These have nubs to snap to crane, the PE ones dont! 

Album image #28
the cranes 

Album image #29
motorized vents ??? 

Album image #30
more vent funnels. I want to drill the fronts to give them a hollow look, but I haven't tried any yet. That will be a project in itself. 

Album image #31
Mistake #2, WHY couldnt these have been one piece like the rest??? Now there's a seam you can't get rid of. They are just like the others except for the bottom. WHY????? 

Album image #32
the life boats & covers 

Album image #33

Album image #34
motorized somethings ??? 

Album image #35
put together some small walls 

Album image #36
there are PE ladders for here, but I haven't tried any of them,,, YET 

Album image #37
Stairs, PE for these too. 

Album image #38
Lifeboat davits, also in PE 

Album image #39
Some of the sprue tabs are extremely close to the parts. very tedious to remove and I did crack a few ladders doing it. There are PE ones also. But these are ok with a bit of repair. REMOVE PARTS W/EXTREME CAUTION !!! 

Album image #40
more close sprue taps 

Album image #41
The instruction addendum shows removing those platforms from the smokestacks 

Album image #42
,,,,,,not so hard to do on the one half, but on the other??? Are you joking??? How do they expect that to be accomplished neatly?? perhaps these should have been re-cast???,,,,,, 

Album image #43
,,,,, BUT in their picture of the finished build,,,, THEY DIDN'T REMOVE THEM !! WTF,, OVER !! 

Album image #44
obviously still there! 

Album image #45
Anyway, stacks glued together and ladders cleaned up. 

Album image #46
OK,,,, another goof. That wall is obviously too long and will have to be trimmed shorter. 

Album image #47
AND,,, obvioisly the end wall is too long also, it fits between the side walls. Everything MUST be test fit !! 

Album image #48
This one went together pretty well,,,, 

Album image #49
not so good overhang of the roof here,,,, well,,,, 

Album image #50
,,,,,overhang is a bit off here. 

Album image #51
,,,,until you get the front. There's a large vent that goes there, so hopefully that wont be so noticable. The jion was not in the middle, so not much to do about that, except maybe cut and widen it a bit. OH WELL !! 

Album image #52
Here's a good one !!! A wall joined together in the middle of a window !!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? What a joke~! 

Album image #53
more extremely close sprue. 

Album image #54
OK,,, What's up with this????? Britannic??? Why is the Britannic even mentioned and the Titanic kit shown??? Britanic Crankshaft????? WTF??? JUST PLAIN STUPID 

Album image #55
A bit out of focus,,, but those "windows" on #23 &24 look to be centered vertically,,,,,, 

Album image #56
I guess I should have studied the pics closer. They have them near the bottom,,,,, 

Album image #57
mine are near the top! 

Album image #58
huh. oh well ! 

Album image #59
From different kit instructions, even in this pic they look centered! ??? 

Album image #60
glueing up as many wall sections as I can so that I can putty and fix the joints. Some will show and they are pretty UGLY. 

Album image #61
painted the cargo holds 

Album image #62
Another flaw ! Pin marks and no window frames on the outside wall that shows. Frames are on the inside that doesnt show! 

Album image #63
,,,,. frames are on the inside that doesnt show! 

Album image #64
OK, someone forgot to put windows in a section of the wall !!  

Album image #65
The FIX,,, add part #C14,, just glue it on top of the wall with no windows. !  

Album image #66
FLASH! There are still no windows, DUMMIES 

Album image #67
More on this next set of pix 

Album image #68
So,,, looks like I need to open up that wall behind the windows so we can see through them! BUT,, after carefull measuring I discovered that will make that wall so thick that now the wood deck wont fit around it. ????? 

Album image #69
Then a brain fart hit me! DUH !! 

Album image #70
Lets just cut that section out and replace it with a wall with windows! 

Album image #71
the black parts painted, I used satin, not flat. They all say flat,,, but the real thing would NOT have been flat paint. Flat is NOT weather & salt resistant paint. I dont give a hoot about "Scale Effect" If the sun is shining it will reflect light. 

Album image #72
That looks pretty bad, but its just the wall is warped. The little section on the right is glued in. It IS square and should be fine once the walls are glued to the deck. 

Album image #73
a few more sections glued together. 

Album image #74
Another good one ! Door on the inside wall,,,, 

Album image #75
,,,,but not on the outside! 

Album image #76
same here, door & window frames on the inside !! 

Album image #77
and yet again !! 

Album image #78
OK, the instruction sheet sprue diagrams. HULL? WHERE? E50 are 2 railings not used i guess. F14 &15 are the masts and not on F but a new K tree. And not a spool of thread, but wrapped on cardboard. 

Album image #79
Another one ! or was that the same one??? I'm getting confused! lol 

Album image #80
door on the inside but not the outside ! WTF 

Album image #81
heres that one section w/window frames on the inside 

Album image #82
craziness!! but maybe a lot of it wont be noticed anyway ! 

Album image #83
Another good one. The 2nd class entrance. You can barely see part of the door under the little wall 

Album image #84
Here's how "they" did it, cut halfway up between the windows and opened the wall! WRONG !! 

Album image #85
I can't find a pic of the door. Here's the real thing, but it doesn't show the door 

Album image #86
here's someone's build from Google, hard to tell what they did, sut there's something there. 

Album image #87
you can see the partial door in this pic also. 

Album image #88
there's a few places on the inside deck walls that have pin marks that may show if you look close. 

Album image #89
the wall along the top is on the boat deck and will definitly be seem. Must Fill !! 

Album image #90
most sections together ready for paint. The wall at the top of the pic has another long section, but I figured it will be hard to handle that long. So I'll have one join that may show. It's between decks, so I doubt it. 

Album image #91
Not sure what I'm gonna do here. Sand off the partial door and scribe one in or cut it out completely???? 

Album image #92
Ok both bottom pics both say ssembly of lower hold. ??? 

Album image #93
Next issue, The forecastle kit part,,, 

Album image #94
Pic on left as seen from an angle like the kit part, pic on right from above.  

Album image #95
part # 62 is a ladder, 53 a stairway. Seems youd bump your head on the stairs while climbing the ladder! 

Album image #96
The little PE benches. GEEEEZE these were a pain, took me 3 days to do them all, and theyre not exactly as they should be,,,,, 

Album image #97
,,,,but from a few feet away youll never know it 

Album image #98
Well,,, 1 short as I ruined it figuring a way to bend them. I'll put the best ones on the side thats displayed 

Album image #99
NEXT, the PE decks under the stacks 

Album image #100
after cutting them from the sheet they just bowed,,,, A lot 

Album image #101

Album image #102
Now the stacks do not contact the plastic, so another CA glue join 

Album image #103
No holes in the PE part 

Album image #104
Album image #105
Had to clamp them down hard, one side then the other. Hope they stay put. 

Album image #106
Album image #107
on to #2 stack 

Album image #108
the PE covers parts of 3 mounting pads of vents/ducts? 

Album image #109
the 3 items in question 

Album image #110
thats not going to work too well 

Album image #111
the wood #17 doesnt have those pads cut out either, but the next section #14 does !! 

Album image #112
My solution chop off those ends, that will fix the 2 on the end, the other I'll just have to put a notch in. 

Album image #113
one of the PE roofs 

Album image #114
Like I said I sure hope the CA holds over time, or sooner or later we'll have a nice mess 

Album image #115
Next issue, note the half round little windows on top of the larger frames 

Album image #116
will they even show after the wood deck is installed,,, doubtfull! 

Album image #117
and a HUGE gap that will be seen 

Album image #118
note the doors on the inside of the wall,maybe those will be seen ??? 

Album image #119
But the pin marks are on the outside of the wall !! 

Album image #120
This side raised,,, 

Album image #121
this side sunk 

Album image #122
some pin marks on the inside wall will be seen near the ends and on the boat deck inside walls 

Album image #123
the boat deck is supposed to fit into the uppermost groove on the wall. Do you suppose it fits in there?? 

Album image #124
NO !!! Had to sand the crap out of the deck to get it to fit in !! 

Album image #125
another nice little gap ! 

Album image #126
just a hair over 33mm,,,,,  

Album image #127
,,, but the wood measures 34+mm so it might just take up the gap if I move the pieces out 

Album image #128
My fix for the covered doors. .010 styrene sheet cut to shape and glued on.  

Album image #129
Not perfect, but better 


18 March 2018, 18:32
Robert W Martel
Since I can't paint yet I decided to start a long term project too. This will take quite some time !!! I did get a cheapo light kit for it also.
Also bought Toms windows & detail sets. The kit comes with a lot of PE, but no window frames !
I'm not sure what all the rave is. Everywhere I read says they are a MUST HAVE, but I don't get it. Firstly the directions say to remove the window frames from the kit. RIGHT. They are pretty small, some are tiny. I tried 1, and it would be near impossible to do without making a mess of them. Then when I tried to match the PE ones to the windows, They Don't Fit !! they are either too big or too small. You'll either see plastic inside the PE frame or see gaps at the top or bottom. You cant really just put them over the windows, you will see the plastic frames under the super thin PE ones, not much point in that! So I'm supposing I'll have to try painting them one way or another. The Toms frames may be accurately scaled as the full scale ship, but they don't fit the Academy kit very well. You would think they would design them to fit the kit better. After all that's where the are being used. Right???
18 March 2018, 18:59
Thomas Mayer
I have the 1/350 scale edition, also collected some of Tom´s PE and a wooden deck from Scaledecks. Will follow your build; I am sure there is a lot to learn!
What about those strips of Tamiya tape on the hull on the first pics?
18 March 2018, 19:23
Robert W Martel
Hi Thomas.
LOL the tape was just to keep track of where I was drilling the holes. I did them in sections. It really did take quite some time to drill them all and clean them up as you get ugly burrs on the back sides. and all together with the deck sides there are over 800 holes. I'm also planning on filling them with Window Maker. I did buy a cheap light kit for it, so that will also take some extra time & effort!
I hope the Tom's fit better in 350 than they do for this 400. I'm not too happy about that. I'm going to have to paint them I guess, its gonna take some time! But then I did say it was a long term project didn't I. Longer than I anticipated I suspect. The wood decks aren't going to be EASY either! We'll see about the rest of the PE that came with it, railings and benches wont be too difficult I'm hoping.
I do really like the kit and it's one I've been looking forward to building. I bought it 4 years ago, it's been sitting in my closet! It will be cool when finished, I'm taking my time!
At this point I'm getting what little parts I can cleaned up and waiting for some Tamiya paint to get here, PE bender and a few other things. Also waiting for better weather!
I think the worst part about this kit is the lack of coordination between the original instructions and the new sheets that show the PE and wood. It's hard to figure what to do at which stage! Actually the plastic rails and such look pretty good and it would probably look fine using them, but the PE if manageable will probably look better. We'll see !!
Anyway, thanks for looking Thomas. The progress will be slow, and I'll be doing other projects along with this one.
Cheers !!
20 March 2018, 18:52
Thomas Mayer
Hi Robert! Surely these are not kits to be build in a hurry. Mine still is up on a bokk shelf, waiting for the mood to start it. One day... 😉
21 March 2018, 08:07
Robert W Martel
You got that right !!
21 March 2018, 18:42
Robert W Martel
SO,,,,, after doing some of the basic parts cleanup and putting together a few things, and studying the instructions over and over, I'm noticing a lot of stupid errors with this kit. This doesn't count that every review says that the railings(plastic ones), and other things are Grossly out of scale. I don't care about ant of that! What I care about is FIT of the parts and does it look realistic when assembled!!
Do ANY of these kit makers have someone building the kits to check for problems BEFORE the are put into mass production ????? OBVIOUSLY NOT !!! These guys are absolutely OUT TO LUNCH! There are so many obvious F ups it's hard to fathom.
The instructions are the first obvious flaw. Extremely poorly done for this "Deluxe" kit. They really should have completely redone the instructions, not just poorly tried to amend them with a few sheets of pictures !!I'll try to describe them as I go along with the pics in the project album.
18 April 2018, 21:03
Martin Oostrom
PE instructions can be a real pain in the ***
Just kerp thinking and you'll figure it out.
Good start 👍
18 April 2018, 21:04
Great info. I have this kit in the stash. Even bought a ton of AM stuff for it. But what you have shown, I think this kit is going way, way back deep into the stash so far it might show up on ebay. I am getting too old for that kind of plastic anguish. I will still watch to see how you fare. Oh and to pile it on more, many sources say that the hull plates overlap in the wrong direction.
I even picked this up to help but so far your post has been more informative. amazon.com/Shipcraft..tannic/dp/1848321104
18 April 2018, 22:22
One more comment, to strip chrome try soaking in automotive break fluid. That is what the Car model builders say.
18 April 2018, 22:45
Robert W Martel
Thanks Martin, I need some encouragement !! Yes it's going to take a LOT of thinking and planning. I'm determined to do it !! One way or another ! I am noticing the PE instructions are NOT so great! they leave a lot to figure out. But I'm a stick with it kind of guy, I'll get it done if it kills me ! Definitely not a quickie! Good thing I'll keep a couple other projects going on the side, so when I need some stress relief from this one I'll have something else going too. lol

Robbie, I getcha ! totally! I'm already too old for this kind of nonsense !! Yes, I read about the hull plates too !! AH, I'm not a big stickler for accuracy anyway, nobody that sees it will ever know the difference anyway. As a matter of fact very few will ever see it period, just ME ! As long as it looks good, I'm happy, inaccuracy doesn't bother me, it's detail of the little things, like inside out windows!, gaps between walls etc that bother me.
If I had only had a clue I might do the same. When I bought the kit 4 years ago all the reviews RAVED about it. Best Titanic ever,,,, bla bla bla. Obviously no one had built it yet !
You know,,,,, it could probably be just thrown together and look just fine, I'm just too picky for that!

The book would probably be helpful, especially for colors and part identification which this kit sorely lacks. I've looked at other kits instructions and no 2 are the same as far as colors go! But I'm not sure I want to spend MORE $$$ on this kit. I'm using the colors from the older Minicraft 1/400 kit instructions, they seem more logical to me, and they identify parts too. That's how I know what the 2nd class entrance is ! I've already bought paints, threads, misc "stuff", both Toms & Eduard PE sets, the windows on either one just don't fit! But on the plus side I have lots of spare railings and things. So far the kit PE looks the best of them all, but didn't come with windows! And why they primed one sheet and not the other is beyond me !!

Yea it seems some plating comes off better in different stuff. I have used brake fluid, purple stuff, bleach etc. some work better than others on different kits. Go figure. Actually when I took these out of the bleach the plating came right off with a toothbrush!

Thanks for looking & commenting guys. Everything is helpful. Do plan on this being a LOOOONG term project. Surely won't be done next week, next month, maybe even next year !! LOL

Like your logo btw

Cheers !
19 April 2018, 00:59

Project info

129 снимки
В ход
1:400 R.M.S. Titanic (Academy 14202)1:400 Titanic Detail Set (Tom's Modelworks 4013)1:400 Titanic Window Frames Set (Tom's Modelworks 4014)

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