Kestrels CAG Bird 2015
11 28 October 2019, 11:23

Mates, thank you so much for your appreciation! Really means a lot!
@Roland: yes, the base consists of a mirror with 6mm depron on top, brushed with a thick layer of cheap thick black acrylic color. Seam lines between deck segments were made with a color line squeezed through an injection needle. The tie downs were 3d printed. Sadly I didn't take photos during my building frenzy...for my next navy project I will def. prepare some deck personnel to add some life to it - but next up is the GB Viper, finally 🙂
28 October 2019, 18:30

Wow, this is a very impressive Hornet. Congratulations mate!
2 November 2019, 11:34

Great job Daniel! The scheme choice surely was a good start, but the execution has taken it to some length - really like the job on the upper surfaces - just the right amount of everything that should be present, you got it spot on 👍
2 December 2019, 11:28

Thank you for the compliment slavo, a "spot on" coming from you means something! 🙂
5 December 2019, 13:20