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Andrew Gledhill (Smegger213)

Stug III Ausf G Early

January 20, 2022
May 11, 2023

This build is the 1:16 scale Stug III Ausf G Early from Das Werk

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Пълни комплекти
StuG III Ausf.G early
Das Werk 1:16
DW16001 (16001) 2021 Нова матрица
German W.W.II
Wehrmacht Panzer Crew (Driver) Multi-Pose for Luchs, Tiger, Panzer IV
Classy Hobby 1:16
MC16004 2016 Нова матрица


155 снимки
Stug III Ausf G EarlyView album, image #1
Проект: Stug III Ausf G Early
1:16 StuG III Ausf.G early (Das Werk DW16001)1:16 Wehrmacht Panzer Crew (Driver) (Classy Hobby MC16004)


9 20 January 2022, 18:47
Andrew Gledhill
Update 20/01/22 Hi folks. I have started a new project. The 1:16 scale Stug III Ausf G Early from Das Werk. This kit is pretty large so I should find it easier with my poor close eyesight. I have added an armour plate to the front lower plate. Added smaller detail parts to the sides of the lower hull. Then added all the torsion bars and securing mounts. This has completed up to stage 3 in the manual. Looking good so far.
20 January 2022, 18:58
David Taylor
There are loads of extras on the web for the Heng Long RC Stug if you want to go overboard.I did LOL.
20 January 2022, 19:50
Andrew Gledhill
Thanks David Taylor. There is a rear deck stowage set you can get with plenty of cool stuff. I will probably get that at some point. Das Werk are also releasing a 3 figure set for this kit too.
20 January 2022, 20:38
David Taylor
Made my own with Evergreen sprue,metal tracks etc.Like everything else always evolving.
20 January 2022, 21:00
Andrew Gledhill
Update 2, 22/01/22. Now I have got to the stage where all the suspension swing arms are fitted. The torsion bar system should work fully, when all the wheels are on etc. The swing arms rise up and down on some neat curved guide blocks. Some rear bulkhead parts have been fitted. Plus rear idler adjusters etc. Had a minor cock up. Fitted 2 parts to the side of the lower hull up side down. So had to pry them off and glue them back on the right way up. This resulted in some scratches to one part of the lower hull side. It should be OK because you won't see much once the wheels and tracks are on. I can always hide it with some mud etc. I have also primed the lower hull with grey primer. I will paint it with the main Dark Yellow colour next. Then I will paint all the wheels. I need to do this because some exhaust blocks will be put on the rear of the lower hull. I intend to rust these up before I fit them. That is why I need the lower hull painted now. Anyway, keep watching folks.
22 January 2022, 17:59
Andrew Gledhill
Update 3. 23/01/22. Today I have painted all the lower hull in the main body colour of Tamiya XF88 Dark Yellow 2. I have rusted up the 2 exhaust blocks. I did this by first painting them with some Mr Surfacer 1000. I let this dry slightly, then stippled it with a brush to create some lumps, scratches and rust imperfections etc. I then painted these with ammo mig rust paints. Starting with dark rust, then dry brushing with various lighter shades of ammo mig rust colours. These were then glued on to the lower hull rear bulkhead. I then fitted some rear bulkhead parts around the exhaust blocks. I then did some rust painting of some small brackets on the rear bulkhead. But I can say that a 1/16 scale Armoured Vehicle light this, doesn't half take a lot of paint. I have had to place an order for more paint. Anyway, onwards and upwards. Making up all the wheels is the next task. Enjoy.
23 January 2022, 17:15
David Taylor
Try doing a Tiger B,Bloomin heck.
23 January 2022, 20:05
Andrew Gledhill
Update 4, 26/01/22. OK folks. We have got some wheels all painted up. The first set of wheels has been fitted to the lower hull. I decided to do the scheme that is depicted on the box. Overall Dark Yellow with Dark Green Camo. I thought that it would be easier to paint some of the Green camo pattern on the sides of the lower hull, before the wheels were fitted. The wheels would just get in the way to do it later IMO. Next is to fit some more parts to the rear of the lower hull. Then it will onto the dreaded tracks after that. Not looking forward to making up 93 links per side, 2 parts for each link.
26 January 2022, 19:10
Andrew Gledhill
Update 5, 28/01/22. I have fitted the lower rear plate with photo etch grill. Then I built up the fully workable tracks. Oh boy, what a chore. Each set of track consists of a 2 part link, with 93 links per track. These had to be cut off the sprues, cleaned up, then glued together. That is a total of 372 separate track parts that had to be cleaned up. It took me about 4 hours just to cut them off the sprues and clean them up. Then another hour today to glue them all together. The pictures show the tracks temp fitted to see how they look. I am impressed to say the least. I will have to paint and weather the tracks next, before I fit the rest of the wheels. Anyway, enjoy.
28 January 2022, 19:45
Andrew Gledhill
Update 6, 01/02/22. Ok, I have got the tracks and all the wheels on. Painted the tracks up and weathered them with various rust paints and washes. I may do more weathering after the main tank is built up and painted. I will have to dust up all the wheels anyway. I decided to glue the suspension arms in a normal flat running position. They kept pinging out of the mounts. This made it awkward to fit the outer drive sprocket and the rest of the wheels. If I do a diorama for this model. I will just have it on flat ground. Anyway, its onto some interior parts next I believe. Enjoy.
1 February 2022, 14:49
Andrew Gledhill
Update 6, 06/02/22. I have added the front of the upper hull, and made a start on the interior. I need to paint the interior in matt white next before I can any more. That will be the next task.
6 February 2022, 17:35
David Taylor
Hate doing whiteGrrr.
6 February 2022, 22:42
Andrew Gledhill
Update 7, 19/02/22. I have been working on parts of the interior, including the radio's. Done a bit of detail painting on the radio's. Took a bit of artistic license with the details. Couldn't find any reference photos that looked the same as the kit radio's. But what I did see, were overall a Grey colour with White panels with gauges etc. With black knobs & dials. So that is how I have painted them. Not done any weathering with the interior yet. Next I worked on adding stuff to the side fenders. I left things such as tools, the jack and wire cables off for now. Then I added parts to the main body. Painted the inside White, and painted outside Dark Yellow. I have just placed the body and fenders onto the lower hull for the photos. Not glued down yet. That is it for now. Feel free to comment. Enjoy.
19 February 2022, 17:58
Andrew Gledhill
Update 8, 24/03/22. It's been awhile since I posted any progress. I have been off for 2 weeks with bloody Covid. Anyway, I decided to re-do the radios. Changed the colours to a lighter grey and field grey/green. I have glued the casemate and fenders to the lower hull. I wish I could say that went well. It didn't. This part of the build sequence is badly designed. No matter how much I fiddled with the parts, I could not eliminate large gaps between the upper casemate and lower hull. If I was to build this kit again, I would glue the fenders and radio shelves to the lower hull first. Then I would glue the casemate on after. I have completed the engine deck. All the hatches open as you can see in the photos. But there is no detail underneath. Unless someone comes out with after market engine and transmission details. Then the hatches will be staying shut lol. The engine deck has had a base coat of Dark Yellow 2. It is not glued onto the lower hull. I will probably leave it loose for now. Next will be the gun to build up and paint. Enjoy.
24 March 2022, 17:40
Andrew Gledhill
Update 9, 26/03/22. Just 3 quick pics showing my progress on the gun. I am using the instructions from the 1/35 scale Mini Art kit as a painting guide. The Das Werk instructions don't tell you one jot about what to paint any of the interior. The gun is not glued into the hull yet. I just put it there to sort out the fit. Had to widen the slots in the lower hull gun platform to get it to fit. Anyway, I will be doing the frame and shell basket next, plus gun controls, seats etc. Enjoy.
26 March 2022, 18:42
Andrew Gledhill
Update 10, 27/03/22. I have built up more of the gun. Done the shell guard (or whatever you call it). Shell basket and a couple of other bits. Still more stuff to add to the gun, such as sights and winding wheels etc. I intend to spray a light gloss coat onto all the gun parts once its built. I think they tended to use at least semi gloss paint on the gun breach etc. It looks like the kit has no way for the gun to traverse from side to side. Which is a shame, esp considering the large scale. Enjoy.
27 March 2022, 19:55
Andrew Gledhill
Update 11, 31/03/22. OK, I have completed all the parts of the gun. Except for the mussel end. I have given the back end of the gun a gloss coat. In most tanks that I have seen in real life. The working parts of the gun tended to be painted with gloss paint from what I have seen. The gun is not glued into the hull yet. I need to do a load of weathering to the gun and inside the tank first. I used most of the colour call outs from the 1/35 Mini Art Stug kit instructions. Not much more to do now. Top cover, hatches, cupola and machine gun. Plus it will be onto camo painting etc. Enjoy.
31 March 2022, 20:04
Andrew Gledhill
Update 12, 03/04/22. OK folks. I have got the majority of the tank built up. The gun is not glued in yet because I still have to weather the inside. The top of the casemate is a good fit, so I will not be gluing it in. That way, it can be removed to show the inside. At the moment, the main hatch is not glued in. The machine gun can be removed and put on the upper mount for firing against aircraft. The hatches by the machine gun can be opened and closed. With the machine gun shield folded out of the way. The binoculars in the main hatch can be removed, so that the hatch can be closed. The next task will be to weather the inside. Then I can get the gun glued in. That's all for now. Enjoy.
3 April 2022, 10:56
David Taylor
Looks great.
3 April 2022, 11:25
Andrew Gledhill
Update 13, 08/05/22. Just a quick update today. I have not done much more on this kit. Been concentrating on my Super Hornet build. Anyway, I have finally got the gun glued in. Done some weathering inside. This consisted of putting down various shades of Flory Clay Washes. Letting it dry a bit, the wiping some of it off. I need to let that all dry now, then I can do some dry brushing of nuts & bolts etc. Once I get the interior finished, I can then start with putting some Green camo paint on. Enjoy.
8 May 2022, 17:14
Andrew Gledhill
Update 14, 10/05/22. OK folks. I have done the Dark Green Camo pattern. Most of the kit schemes have Green blotches instead of wavy lines, with no Dark Brown. So that is what I have gone with. Next will be to paint up and fit all the tools etc. Then we can get a clear coat down, decals. Then look at weathering. Enjoy.
10 May 2022, 11:36
Andrew Gledhill
Update 15, 11/05/22. Things are coming along nicely now. I have completed the main build and painting phase. All tools etc are painted and fitted. A few touch ups needed here and there. Used some oils on the tool handles. So I need to let them dry for a couple of days. I still have to build up some track sections to fit on the back of the casemate. Then a gloss coat will be applied before decals are put down. Then it will be down to weathering. Enjoy.
11 May 2022, 21:11
Andrew Gledhill
Update 16, 14/05/22. OK, I have put down all the decals. Then I have done some chipping effects. You will also notice that I have put some photos of parts of the Value Gear stowage set for Stug. These will all need painting up next. I have also ordered some plastic card strips. I am going to make my own rear engine deck stowage frame to hold all the stowage extras. Not far to go now. Enjoy.
14 May 2022, 20:07
Andrew Gledhill
Update 17, 27/02/23. Its been quite a while since I posted any updates. Can't believe that my last update was in May 2022. I lost my mojo a bit.Hopefully got it back now lol. Anyway, I am working on a scratch built storage rack for the engine deck. Finished painting all the stowage items. The rack has been made out of plastic card strip. A base coat of Dark Yellow applied. Then it was glued to the engine deck. I put plastic putty along the joins to simulate weld seams. Next I have to spray on some Dark Green camo spots. Then do some chipping and weathering. At the same time I am doing a Commander figure to go in the cupola. Enjoy.
27 February 2023, 21:19
Andrew Gledhill
Update 18, 28/02/23. The updates are coming thick and fast now lol. As you can see in my latest photos. I have now nearly finished the tank itself. I have just about finished the custom made storage rack. Done the camo painting and chipping on it all. I might paint some of the simulated weld seams in a rust colour though. I am now concentrating on a commander figure to sit in the cupola. I have ordered a couple of aerials for the aerial mounts, and a metal bucket lol. Enjoy.
28 February 2023, 14:36
Andrew Gledhill
Update 19, 11/05/23. OK folks, I am going to call this one complete for now. I have finished the stowage rack. I have added a couple of aerials from FOG Models.I have painted up the commander figure. I must admit that I am crap at painting faces on figures lol. Tried my best, but I just have to admit that it is not my thing lol. I may mud up the tank a bit in the future. But for now, I am going to call it complete. I even got a metal bucket lol. But there was no hook to hang it off lol. Anyway, that is another one complete. Enjoy.
11 May 2023, 19:54

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