C-160 transal
6 3 January 2014, 01:08
Eduardo Arguijo
not currently working on it, but the intirior is allmost ready for paint. I used plastic plate, evergreen plastic strips, and aluminum foil.
not currently working on it, but the intirior is allmost ready for paint. I used plastic plate, evergreen plastic strips, and aluminum foil.
3 January 2014, 03:05
Eduardo Arguijo
what stopped me was that I haven´t decided which paint to use for the interior, it is kind of a pale beige with a tint of yellow.... If any one can advice? I will be thankfull.
what stopped me was that I haven´t decided which paint to use for the interior, it is kind of a pale beige with a tint of yellow.... If any one can advice? I will be thankfull.
3 January 2014, 15:31
Lionel Marco
Maybe the pictures of this article could be usefull?
Maybe the pictures of this article could be usefull?
3 January 2014, 17:06
Eduardo Arguijo
thanks Lionel, I am thinking of doing it German, but in the end, I think it really doesnt matter if the colors realy match. I will keep this project as soon I finish The X-planes projet I am in.
thanks Lionel, I am thinking of doing it German, but in the end, I think it really doesnt matter if the colors realy match. I will keep this project as soon I finish The X-planes projet I am in.
3 January 2014, 19:55
This looks really interesting, would love to see you spending some time on this. Well done so far!
This looks really interesting, would love to see you spending some time on this. Well done so far!
20 October 2022, 07:12
Eduardo Arguijo
you are right, this is one project I hd relented for a long time
you are right, this is one project I hd relented for a long time
20 October 2022, 14:30