AN-14 Pchelka - Amodel
7 21 February 2016, 10:35
Nils Steyaert
a very nice project, especially in 1/144 scale 🙂
looking forward to see more!
a very nice project, especially in 1/144 scale 🙂
looking forward to see more!
21 February 2016, 10:52
Denis Kuleshov
It is not "Chelka". It is called "Pchelka", or "Pchyolka" that mean "little bee" on russian. Very nise aircraft fot 144 scale.
It is not "Chelka". It is called "Pchelka", or "Pchyolka" that mean "little bee" on russian. Very nise aircraft fot 144 scale.
21 February 2016, 10:57
Album info
Building the An-14 of East german Air Force with Boardnumber 996