Junkers Ju.52m3
7 22 August 2020, 19:20
Boris B
Hello Maxim, I'm building one too. How did you get the ddecals to settle down on the corrugated surface ? My (original Italeri) decals refuse to conform, even with Micro Sol.
Hello Maxim, I'm building one too. How did you get the ddecals to settle down on the corrugated surface ? My (original Italeri) decals refuse to conform, even with Micro Sol.
28 August 2020, 11:12
Maxim Finchenko
Hello Boris
I'm used AIMs decals, it was more worst than original Italeri, it fall to pieces in water and I used Microsol Decal Film for fix. Wherefore, flag on vertical fin and letters on the wing was painted by mask, but other gave me a lot of trouble. For softing ans setting decal used Gunze Mr. Mark Setter and Mr. Mark Softer
Hello Boris
I'm used AIMs decals, it was more worst than original Italeri, it fall to pieces in water and I used Microsol Decal Film for fix. Wherefore, flag on vertical fin and letters on the wing was painted by mask, but other gave me a lot of trouble. For softing ans setting decal used Gunze Mr. Mark Setter and Mr. Mark Softer
28 August 2020, 12:05
Album info
Junkers Ju.52m3 1/72 Italeri