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79 29 September 2020, 08:25
looking really interesting 🙂
29 September 2020, 09:40
Thanks! Hope the result will meet your expectations. 🙂 Not the first D-Day project, but just my attempt to built a part of the Atlantikwall in Normandy during D-Day.
29 September 2020, 10:20
Rui S
This is going to be huge. I'm the first boat😉
29 September 2020, 10:31
Added some pics of the construction of diorama base and the construction of the PAK gun.
22 November 2020, 20:26
The roof parts of the bunker are dry fit.
23 November 2020, 05:39
Added some pics of a couple of G.I.'s painted in the base color and the PAK gun which is constructed. Currently assembling some ranger figures and steel obstacles for on the beach. Try to minimize the amount of pics because I love to take lots of pics when working on a project. Also included a pic of the nameplate.
7 December 2020, 08:10
Obviously the tyres on the PAK are not fitted the way they are supposed to be fitted. This is done for test purposes.
7 December 2020, 08:11
Great idea and nice Start, following!
4 August 2021, 16:43
Tini Hendriks
Very nice!
5 August 2021, 18:47
The beach, dunes, trench and the German bunker are getting more and more to how I want them to be.
27 August 2021, 19:30
Looks great.
27 August 2021, 21:03
Great progress
28 August 2021, 03:13
I've painted the PAK in the dark yellow base color with the airbrush. First I painted it with grey primer, than with black paint and then dark yellow. I tried to do some preshading but that didn't really turned out as I hoped it would. Nevertheless I'm happy with how the PAK looks. I've also painted the details and now I'm doing chips. Washes and drybrushes will be done at the last step.
1 September 2021, 14:21
Simon Nagorsnik
a lot of work to do but look impressive 👍
1 September 2021, 14:22
The first piece of barbed wire is finished. Hand made. Painted with Tamiya metallic grey. Still my favorite paint for steel, metal or iron.
3 September 2021, 18:41
Bruce Huxtable
The home-made barbed wire is very impressive. How many more metres to do...? It's coming together for sure 👍
18 September 2021, 12:59
Muy buena pinta
18 September 2021, 14:36
Thanks for the nice comments. I don't know how many metres of barbed wire I have to add, but it's quite alot. 😁
19 September 2021, 07:12
And a little update. Worked on creating sand bags, placed the PAK gun in the bunker and closed the roof.
I've put sand and tufts of grass on the roof of the bunker. Also placed the first parts of barbed wire.
4 November 2021, 21:02
Rui S
Nice progress. Keep it coming 👍
6 November 2021, 15:31
A few items of this project have been finished. I finished the German mortar crew and placed them in the dunes. I also added more barbed wire. The barbed wire obstacle is getting somewhere. Also finished painting the dead German that will be placed in the door of the bunker.
2 January 2022, 19:37
David Taylor
Just wow.
2 January 2022, 19:56
Thanks David! The first American G.I. is finished. I'm quite happy with how he turned out.
4 January 2022, 20:10
Robin (WhiteGlint)
What a huge project. Awesome work so far! 👍
I think your figure painting skills are top notch.
4 January 2022, 20:54
Thank you! Another German soldier is finished. This one might not be as good as the previous German and American G.I. but it's good enough for me. The only thing is that the strap on his rifle is a bit width.
5 January 2022, 20:17
Guy Rump
Looking great! 👍
5 January 2022, 20:32
Thanks Guy! The 2nd American G.I. of the 29th ID is finished. I'm happy with the result.
9 January 2022, 16:23
The 3rd American G.I. is finished. That makes this one the 9th completed figure of this project. As with the other figures I'm also happy with this one. Let's start working on the 10th. 🙂
16 January 2022, 19:36
Rui S
Impressive figure painting 👍
16 January 2022, 19:37
Added some sand bags at the back of the pillbox and added the dead German in the door of pillbox. Also used a white drybrush to add depth and to make the damage to the concrete more visible. On the roof of the pillbox I put some camouflage netting.
20 February 2022, 19:31
Added more self made camouflage netting on the roof of the pillbox.
25 February 2022, 19:22
25 February 2022, 19:51
Great progress here!
26 February 2022, 07:05
Thanks guys!
27 February 2022, 11:06
Thanks Karl! Add pics of another finished German. Will get it's place soon in the trench.
28 May 2022, 18:15
Rui S
Again, impressive figure painting 👍
28 May 2022, 20:39
Thanks Rui! Nice to read. 🙂
29 May 2022, 07:20
Sure I can share how I made the sandbags. No problem. I got it from a Dutch tutorial. Will translate it and send it to you.

I've placed the commanding German in the trench. Added a pic of that.
29 May 2022, 17:50
add the link to the tutorial here, aub 😉
29 May 2022, 21:15
David Taylor
Figures look superb.
30 May 2022, 15:05
Thanks for all the positive feedback. Started building seven years ago and never thought I would got this far. Many thanks goes out to a building buddy here in the Netherlands who taught me alot about figure painting.
30 May 2022, 18:58
Guy Rump
Your building buddy taught you well, the figures are excellent! 👍
30 May 2022, 19:55
Pietro De Angelis
Wow, amazing project, figures and dio,
can't wait to see it finished!
7 August 2023, 17:17
Mathias Decommere
This is a magnificent diorama! I love already every inch of it!
7 August 2023, 19:12
Thank you Mathias and Pietro. Can't wait myself to see this project finished. By that time I've made more than enough barbed wire. 🙂
8 August 2023, 18:37
What a fantastic dio!!! I'm more & more impressed every time I look👌
8 August 2023, 18:40
Marcin Snakowski
Good job. It looks very promising!
Using an airbrush, I would add some sandy color to the vegetation. It is now too distinct from the soil. In a similar way and with an oil wash, I would slightly differentiate the sand with darker shades here and there.
8 August 2023, 19:46
Thanks guys! When I'll resume working on this project I'll take your suggestions in consideration.
9 August 2023, 07:06
The first row of barbed wire runs from left to right in front of the bunker. Took alot of time to get there. I'm gonna add 2 more rows of barbed wire left of the bunker and in front of the trench right to the bunker. Also added the German mg gunner. Gonna add a opened ammo box and a belt of ammo running to the mg.
3 December 2023, 18:52
Love these huge projects!
3 December 2023, 20:25
Huge it is. 🙂 Currently working on one more big project and after that I'm quite sure I'm done with huge projects. 🙂 Because of the amount of work that goes with it I kind of loose my motivation after a while. Fact remains that if a project like this gets completed you really have something.
4 December 2023, 08:43
More barbed wire added. We're getting somewhere. 🙂
2 January, 19:06
Last figures are done. Finally, after four years. 🙂 Now I have to finish the base. The end of this project is starting to get in sight.
19 January, 07:51
Mathias Decommere
Patience is key
19 January, 18:36
Absolutely. Fact is I shouldn't be working on so many projects at the same time. 🙂
19 January, 19:26
This is just getting better & better everytime you go near it…….. is your name Midas? Seriously impressed every time I check in👌👌
19 January, 22:27
Thank you very much for your compliment! Very nice to read. 🙂
20 January, 08:24
The barbed wire is still making good progress. Now working on the area in front of the trench.
25 February, 18:46
Mr James
All that beautiful painting and weathering on the PAK and only the barrel to be seen 😉 Your figure painting on the uniforms is splendid. What a project 🙂
25 February, 20:24
Holger Hubbes
Absolutely awesome
25 February, 21:03
Thank you guys! Yes James, in a way it's a pity that only the barrel of the PAK is visible, but I knew that when I started this project. I'm glad that producing and adding the barbed wire is reaching it's end. That took me way more time than I imagined.
4 March, 09:17
I agree with Mr James - your figures are always top notch! Curious to see how this turns out.
18 March, 21:21
Thank you!
21 March, 18:13
The final details have been done. Added bits of concrete blown off the bunker by shell fire and sand that got blown away by other shell fire. Next set of photos are from the end result. Coming soon.
2 October, 19:08
3 October, 05:47
Thank you!
3 October, 06:57
Outstanding! super excited for the final shots!
3 October, 07:55
Thanks! I'm excited too so I hope I can post them very soon and show this project in it's entirety.
3 October, 10:00
The final shots are up. I've got more shots so if more shots are wanted just let me know and I'll post more.
4 October, 17:13
Fantastic finish, congrats! Will you bring it to any upcoming model Show? Would to love to see that live.
4 October, 17:55
Thanks for the kind words. 🙂 Unfortunately I won't be attending any model shows.
4 October, 19:13
Mathias Decommere
Fantastic work! Very impressive! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
5 October, 07:20
I agree with Mathias! "Sie sind gekommen, sie sind schon da!"
5 October, 08:11
Impressive work!
5 October, 09:26
Thanks guys! Very nice to read! 🙂
5 October, 12:40
Shar Dipree
Impressive dio. 👍
5 October, 13:05
really impressive. let us know if you change your mind, would love to see this beauty in Houten or Veldhoven 🙂
5 October, 15:41
Seung-hyun Kim
hat diesen Artikel bestellt
5 October, 15:40
Ronan Donohoe
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International Turboporters
Max Decals 1:48
5 October, 15:40
hat diesen Artikel gestartet
StuH 42 & StuG III Ausf. G Late Production 2 in 1
Takom 1:35
8006 2021 Neue Bauteile
5 October, 15:40
hat diesen Artikel fertiggestellt
Morris Bofors C9/B Gun truck Early variant
Thunder Model 1:35
35210 2023 Neue Bauteile
5 October, 15:40
Frank Brzobohaty
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Focke-Wulf Fw 190 V75 with SG 113 Förstersonde
AML 1:72
AMLA72057 2019 Neue Bausatzform
5 October, 15:40
Ronan Donohoe
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Antartic Helicopters Pt.1
Max Decals 1:48
MAX4822 Mehrfachthemen (5)
5 October, 15:39
Frank Brzobohaty
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AMLA 72 057
Focke-Wulf Fw 190 V75 with SG 113 Forstersonde
AML 1:72
AMLA 72 057 201? Neue Bausatzform
5 October, 15:39
Raphael Holzer
will diesen Artikel
GTK Boxer RCH 155-Radhaubitze
Mobau-Factory 1:35
VM0164-35 2024 Neue Bausatzform
5 October, 15:39
Seung-hyun Kim
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5 October, 15:38
Raphael Holzer
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GTK Boxer Skyranger 35
Mobau-Factory 1:72
MD0167 2024 Neue Bausatzform
5 October, 15:38
Łukasz Gliński
hat ein neues Fotoalbum hinzugefügt.
5 Bilder
ŁośView album, image #1Neu: 4 October, 20:49
Ahhh, what a trip down the memory lane :)
1:72 PZL-37 A/B Łoś (ZTS Plastyk S04)1:72 Polish PZL 37 Los Crew - 1939 (Scibor Monstrous Miniatures 72HM0063)1:72 PZL.37 Łoś Painting Masks (IBG Models 72M002)
19 21 September, 19:35
21 September, 19:52
Dave Flitton
21 September, 20:50
I'm in👍🏻
21 September, 20:59
A classic old and hard kit from Łukasz... I can't miss it!
22 September, 18:08
Patryk S.
Following! Is this build an indication and warning of an incoming Czapla build?😜 Greetings!
22 September, 18:51
Maciej Bellos
Oh, gotta see this one!
22 September, 18:53
Moreno Baruffini
Oh wow! Following!
22 September, 19:17
Mr D
Nice 👍👍
22 September, 19:34
Count me in as well.
23 September, 04:25
Łukasz Gliński
Welcome everyone, glad to have you on board.
@Patryk: LOL, it is waiting in the stash indeed, but I'd like to train some tricks on Łoś and RWDs 6&8 first 😄
23 September, 07:54
Andrzej Rygiel
Insert "I was there 3000 years ago" meme 😄 I got this as a souvenir from our family trip to Poland back in the 80's and finished it in one afternoon sitting straight after our return. I do not doubt you are going to make much better PZL.37 replica than I did back then...
23 September, 19:55
Alec K
Ahh, I have this thing somewhere, in glorious blue. Watching, of course.
2 October, 01:45
Ben M
👀 just what I like
2 October, 01:53
Mr D
Nice to do a vintage kit... takes you back.
I remember doing the Matchbox Electric lightning ⚡ with my dad as a boy..
Good luck with everything 👍👍
2 October, 09:52
Robert Podkoński
Somehow I missed that... taking a seat, of course! (I kinda "built" this kit three or four times as a kid...)
2 October, 11:52
Łukasz Gliński
Welcome everyone, glad to see y'all here 👍
Say hello to the crew members awaitng varnish and washing.
Alec, I'm very jealous, I have failed to locate the turquoise one 😄
Andy&Rob - I sort of built at least two, no more I could remember, one has been lost 'flying' (in my hand) somewhere over my parents garden 😄
Andy - you're welcome 😄
4 October, 20:52
Mr D
Nice to see this one making a start.... nice project
Looking good 👍👍
4 October, 21:47
Moreno Baruffini
Hello!!!! 😊
5 October, 09:10
Zbynek Honzik
I built this Łoś kit about 35-40 years ago.
These are memories...
Good luck with the build Łukasz! 🍀👍
5 October, 15:38
besitzt diesen Artikel
SR-71A Blackbird interior 3D decal for Revell
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QD48244 2022 Neue Bausatzform
5 October, 15:38
Raphael Holzer
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Boxer CRV
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MT72552 2024 Neue Bausatzform
5 October, 15:37
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SR-71 Blackbird - Interior
UA Metallic Details 1:48
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5 October, 15:37
Seung-hyun Kim
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Spitfire Mk.VIII / IX / XVI Wheel bay plugs for Eduard
Omask 1:72
5 October, 15:37
Rene Halter
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5 October, 15:36
Seung-hyun Kim
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5 October, 15:35
Frank Brzobohaty
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F6F-3 Hellcat ProfiPack
Eduard 1:72
7076 2011 Neue Bausatzform
5 October, 15:35
Trude Barkhorn
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Meng Model 1:72
DS-009 (MENDS9) 2024 Neue Bausatzform
5 October, 15:35
hat ein neues Fotoalbum hinzugefügt.
20 4 October, 21:16
This excellent work deserves more pictures.
5 October, 08:23
That is a impressive build and paintwork! Congrats 👍🏻
5 October, 09:20
Looks very good. Please, more pictures! 😀
5 October, 10:59
Geoff Murphy
Great paint work! You captured the Euro-1 scheme perfectly.
5 October, 15:29
will diesen Artikel
Messerschmitt Bf 109F-4 Fridrich "Aces"
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AZ7531 2016 Neue Abziehbilder
5 October, 15:34
Dionisios Klavdianos
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TBM-1C Avenger for Accurate Miniatures
Eduard 1:48
48187 1996 Neue Bausatzform
5 October, 15:33
Seung-hyun Kim
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Zero Fighter Wheel Bay Plugs for Tamiya
Omask 1:72
5 October, 15:33
Dionisios Klavdianos
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TBF-1C Flaps for Accurate Miniatures
Eduard 1:48
48189 1996 Neue Bausatzform
5 October, 15:33
Dionisios Klavdianos
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P-61 A/B "Black Widow"
Revell 1:48
04538 2001 Neue Abziehbilder
5 October, 15:32
Seung-hyun Kim
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F6F Hellcat wheel bay plugs (for Eduard)
Omask 1:72
5 October, 15:32
Dionisios Klavdianos
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Stearman PT-17 Kaydet
Revell 1:48
03957 (80-3957) 2016 Neue Abziehbilder
5 October, 15:32
Dionisios Klavdianos
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Stearman PT-17 Kaydet
Revell 1:48
03957 (80-3957) 2016 Neue Abziehbilder
5 October, 15:32
Dionisios Klavdianos
hat diesen Artikel bestellt
Stearman PT-17 Kaydet
Revell 1:48
03957 (80-3957) 2016 Neue Abziehbilder
5 October, 15:32
Dionisios Klavdianos
hat diesen Artikel bestellt
E-2C Hawkeye / Hawkeye 2000
Italeri 1:48
2687 2010 Neue Abziehbilder
5 October, 15:32
Alexandre Reynaldo
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Yokosuka Ohka MXY7-K1 trainer
Brengun 1:72
BRP72029 2018 Neue Bauteile
5 October, 15:32
Dionisios Klavdianos
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U-2R Senior Span
Italeri 1:48
864 2000 Neue Bauteile
5 October, 15:32
Seung-hyun Kim
hat diesen Artikel bestellt
Mig 15 Wheel Bay Plugs for Eduard
Omask 1:72
77212 202x Neue Bausatzform
5 October, 15:32
Péter Tolnai
hat ein neues Projekt hinzugefügt.
5 October, 15:31







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