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Holger Kranich (Booze)

One of my new projekts...


5 May 2011, 09:51
Holger Kranich
Added some new pic´s, hope you like it!
13 July 2011, 17:20
Holger Kranich
Hi Michael, good morning! My 109 will get the "Red 13" markings. I like the witsch on the fuselage and it is a bird, stationed on my island in the fall 39/40.
14 July 2011, 07:08
Holger Kranich
One new picture!
14 July 2011, 07:35
Holger Kranich
14 July 2011, 14:12
Aghis Barberopoulos
I built the Gelbe 14 witch, using aftermarket decals. The witch and possibly the red colour "13" of the eduard decals are not that accurate...I believe.
14 July 2011, 19:58
Holger Kranich
There are many meanings about the colour. I have pics of the original, so i think or mean, that red or better a dark orange will be right. But i´m not sure at all!!!
15 July 2011, 06:24
Moin Holger, der Priest sieht gut aus. Ist der von Revell/Italerie? Gruß Acki, Ostfriese in Berlin
15 July 2011, 17:22
Holger Kranich
Moin Acki! Schön von Dir zu hören. Ja ist der Revell-Priest. Ansich ein nettes Ding, auch von den Zugaben her aber ich hab ihn vor ner halben Stunde versaut... Ich wollte das Modell mit Lifecolourmattlack versehen und den letzten Schliff anbringen und hab den Lack wohl nicht genug verdünnt... Jetzt sieht dat Ding aus, als hätte es 20 Jahre an einem Salzsee gestanden... Ist also nur noch Spielzeug für meinen Sohn... grrrmmpff!!! 🙁
15 July 2011, 20:12
Holger Kranich
Hey Aghis, now i´m sure!! The 109 i´m building, was stationed on the island where i´m living (thats the reason i´m building it). I asked one of the grandpa´s, who experienced the war here as an crewmen of an 8,8cm FLAK. Besides he´s the islandchronist and he told me that the aircraft´s with the witch on , had red numbers on the sides of the fuselage. He was absolutely convinced that it was like he said! He even knew the pilot, Fw Kurt Ubben! A modeling-mystery is solved! The man i asked is named: Hans-Jürgen Jürgens, Wangerooge
15 July 2011, 20:46
Willkommen im Club. Das Gleiche ist mir gestern mit dem Bren Carrier von Tamiya passiert. Der Schaden ist aber nicht so furchtbar groß. Ich laß es drauf. Die ganz starken Stellen hab ich mit dem Cutter abgekratzt. Könnte mir vorstellen, daß man es mit ganz feinem Schmirgel (1500er oder feiner) wieder runterbekommt. Evtl. den restlichen Schaden mit Pigmenten und Ausrüstungsgegenständen kaschieren? Sonst das Ding bei Euch im Wattenmeer aufstellen, da stehts ja im Salzwasser. Never give up! Gruß Acki
16 July 2011, 09:07
Holger Kranich
Danke das Du mir Mut machst, ich hatte es schon aufgegeben... Ich stell dat Ding aber erstmal aus Frustrationsgründen beiseite und widme mich einer schönen Bf-109. Der Priest war sowieso son "Ich bau es aber eigentlich habe ich keinen Bock mehr drauf" Modell. Vielleicht kann ich den ja auch in einem Dio als Beschussmodell verwerten... Mal schauen irgendwas wird mir schon einfallen!
16 July 2011, 09:15
Den Schock mußt Du erstmal sacken lassen. Magst Du mal ein Bild von dem Unglück einstellen?
16 July 2011, 10:08
Holger Kranich
Na lieber nicht... Ach ich werd nach der Mittagspause mal eins machen und hier posten!
16 July 2011, 10:17
Christian Mundt
Das Pech muß ansteckend sein. Ich darf jetzt das Turmdach von einem Panther neu lackieren, irgendwie hat es das letzte Washing nicht vertragen. Merkwürdig, am restlichen Fahrzeug hat´s gut geklappt. 🙁
16 July 2011, 11:20
Holger Kranich
Is ja übel... 🙁
16 July 2011, 12:36
Holger Kranich
Hast Du denn ne andere Verdünnung genommen?
16 July 2011, 12:51
Christian Mundt
Nee, ich denke eher, daß die Grundfarben noch nicht ganz trocken waren. Naja egal, hab´s jetzt angeschliffen und werd´s morgen ausbessern.
16 July 2011, 14:43
Holger Kranich
Na dann viel Glück bei der Geschichte!!!
16 July 2011, 19:49
Aghis Barberopoulos
Holger, I am sorry I cannot follow all the german discussion (wish I could). If you talk to Herr Jurgens again, please pass my warmest greetings and tell him it is an honour for me to hear such a first hand account ! I am really thrilled. Thank you.
18 July 2011, 14:01
Holger Kranich
Hello Aghis! We were talking about some misfortunes whilst building our tanks. Christian and me ruined some parts of our models. I meet Mr. Jürgens on wendsday and i know he would be pleased to hear from your greetings! He wanted to give me some rare pic´s of the first Bf109 B´s & D´s, wich were stationed here at first! And he would see if he have any pic´s of the 18.12.1939. This is the day when the first dogfights in the war happend over the northsea and some parts of it happend over Wangerooge. I´m very exited about that!
18 July 2011, 14:15
Aghis Barberopoulos
This is exciting indeed! I will post photos of my Gelbe 14 as soon as I have them. Please do not forget to pass to Herr Jurgens my sincere greetings and wishes for good health. Thank you again.
18 July 2011, 14:44
Aghis Barberopoulos
Incidently, Kurt Ubben, our subject pilot and legend, was born the same date I was...just 59 years earlier (November 18, 1911). 🙂
18 July 2011, 14:50
Holger Kranich
Be convinced that i pass him the greetz and good wishes! I let you know what he said about this! Would be very nice to see how your " Yellow 14" looks like! i´m looking forward to see the pic´s! 🙂
18 July 2011, 14:54
Holger Kranich
Ha, i was born, November the 24th... 🙂
18 July 2011, 14:57
Holger Kranich
I added the last pic´s i took, before ruining my M-7!
3 August 2011, 12:39
Aghis Barberopoulos
Is that "crazy Holger" in the muzzle ? I can't see it clearly... 🙂
3 August 2011, 14:58
Holger Kranich
Thank you, Ahis! It´s still a pleasure to talk with you and getting kidding!!! 🙂
3 August 2011, 18:49
Aghis Barberopoulos
It is good to have a laugh! We have to keep our spirits up. Thank you too, Holger!
3 August 2011, 19:37
Holger, time to try that winterlook.
4 August 2011, 10:55
Holger Kranich
@Acki, you are damn right!
4 August 2011, 11:03
Aghis Barberopoulos
4 August 2011, 11:19
Holger Kranich
What is your question, Aghis?
4 August 2011, 11:21
Aghis Barberopoulos
Winterlook ?
4 August 2011, 11:23
Holger Kranich
I couldnt remove the matt-varnish and with it on the surface, the tank looks like it was freezing in the spring, so i decided to create a winterdiorama.
4 August 2011, 11:30
Aghis Barberopoulos
OK, I thought you were thinking of freezing up the bf109...
4 August 2011, 11:35
Holger Kranich
No no! The 109 will have summerconditions, just like your lovely "14"!
4 August 2011, 11:44
Aghis Barberopoulos
On the Eduard kits again, I have stopped working on the Bf 108 two years ago - due to serious problem of fitting the cockpit, the fuselage and the engine all together...after the 109 experience I am thinking of going back to it for another go...
4 August 2011, 12:00
Holger Kranich
And so one project after the other comes on the "to-do-list"! I hope to live long enough to get them all finished 🙂!

The bad fitting is hopefully not a typical Eduard-problem... But maybe you can fix the "Taifun" and bring her to live after 2 years?
4 August 2011, 12:09
Aghis Barberopoulos
I certainly hope so! It is a very nice aeroplane, and I am making a racer...shiny blue finish... 🙂
The to-do list is enough to keep me occupied for the next...uhm...uhm... (don't want to think about it)
4 August 2011, 12:19
Holger Kranich
Thats my problem, too! 🙂
4 August 2011, 12:38
Neil Pepper
Holger i didnt now u had meet my wife (crazy Helen) looking good
8 December 2011, 12:59

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