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Jakko ‌ (Jakko)

Tamed Panther: "Cuckoo"


11 13 February, 15:55
Rui S
I'm in 😎
1  13 February, 16:10
Ben M
1  13 February, 23:13
Villiers de Vos
Booking my seat.
1  15 February, 19:18
Danny Ray
This looks better than my Panther. Then again my Tamiya was/is (it's in the paint shop) my first ever 1:35 scale AFV…if I ever get to your level of build quality I'll be a happy cockney 😘😇😊😊😁
1  6 March, 11:02
Danny Ray
By the way, you can always trust you Jakko to have an interesting subject matter. Something a little quirky or different. Never knew the allies had one. It was relatively common to use an enemy's vehicles I believe but it's still somewhat of a shock when you actually see it.
1  6 March, 11:11
Jakko ‌ Autor
There are a good number of photos of captured Panthers used by the Allies, but Cuckoo is probably the best-known. For a lot more pictures of all kinds of captured German vehicles, take a look at this thread on Missing-Lynx:
1  6 March, 11:23
Danny Ray
If you look at the new hatch door you built, if you zoom in a little it looks a little bit like the palm tree part of the DAK marking that has the tree with a swastika half way down its trunk. Or am I going mad? They do say the human brain tries to find familiar shapes in everything. Could be a case of that! 🙂
1  6 March, 11:25
Jakko ‌ Autor
You mean on the Zimmerit? That's an arrow pointing up, to ensure the hatch would end up the right way round 🙂 I had to take care that the ridges and grid pattern on the hatch line up with those on the turret, and the arrow helps with that.
2  6 March, 12:06
Villiers de Vos
Very nice progress so far. This threat also is a good tutorial.
2  7 March, 04:28
Jakko ‌ Autor
Thanks, I like model threads that actually show what the builder is doing rather than just posting the finished article 🙂
2  7 March, 10:03
Danny Ray
Ahhh thanks for the explanation Jakko. I thought it must've been intentional!
1  7 March, 11:24

Album info

In late 1944, the British 6th Guards Tank Brigade captured a Panther Ausf. G in the Netherlands, repainted it and named it "Cuckoo".

26 Bilder
In Bearbeitung
1:35 Sd.Kfz.171 Panther G Early Production (Dragon 6622)1:35 Zimmerit PANTHER G, M-N-H Pattern (Atak Model 35039)1:35 Workable Track Links (Rye Field Model RM-5014)1+

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