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Markus Meyer (MMeyer73)

Defenders of Freedom


23 24 March, 17:57
Rui S
Beautiful Dio. Great work 👍
 25 March, 11:37
Adam Gudynowski
Looks so great!
 25 March, 13:25
Adam Gudynowski
Lighting is key here. Do You mind sharing your photo studio setup?
 25 March, 13:28
Alex K
I like how things "escalated" into this Berlin Cold War dio! 👍
 25 March, 16:01
Major Oak
Great dio well done 👏
 25 March, 16:13
Awesome, nice idea
 25 March, 16:53
Clair Greenwood
Thats totally awesome,. Love that idea 🙂
 25 March, 23:43

Album info

A Berlin Cold War Diorama. I wanted to recreate the UK Berlin Brigade camouflage - and then it escalated into a diorama with the tanks of all three nations - and GDR border guards

14 Bilder
1:35 AMX-30B (Meng Model TS-003)1:35 Chieftain Mk.10 (Meng Model TS-051)1:35 M48A1 MBT (I Love Kit 63531)1+

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