Ki-44-IIb Shoki (Tojo)
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29th Hiko-sentai, 2nd Chutai, Formosa 1944
The Ki-44 Shoki (Demon) was known to the allies as the "Tojo" and was widely deployed by the Japanese Army Air Force during WWII. It was designed as a high altitude interceptor and had good speed and maneuverability. Some versions had the 20mm cannon in the wing replaced with 40mm cannon for use against B29s. While not as well liked as it's predecessor, the Ki-43 Oscar, the Ki-44 was able to hold it's own against allied fighters. This particular aircraft was deployed to protect against American B-29s flying from bases in China.
This was nice Hasegawa kit which I built out of box and I used the included special Aeromaster decals to build a B29 defender based in Formosa. The decals were hard to apply around the tail and rear wings. The model was weathered with washes, a sliver pencil and light dry brushing for the exhaust.