Grumman F3F-3
12 25 April 2020, 02:15

Looks nice.
Did you used the feature with the retracatable gear?
And what have you done with the incorrect wingspan?
28 April 2022, 16:18

I got 5 kits of the F3F-3 now, build between 1967 and 2011 by Monogram and Revell. Next month I start to craete the first one. I will use the LoneStarModel-Set with the corrected wingspan.
28 April 2022, 16:20

Thanks, ThoKi and Villiers. I left the wingspan as is. I did install the retractable gear feature. It's a little sticky, but it does function.
29 April 2022, 00:44

The way you did the rigging looks really like the original plane. Which material did you used?
1 May 2022, 11:51