Finished - MT-LB 6MB
45 19 April 2023, 16:39

I want to try a full 3D printed kit and choose Red Tank Miniatures MT-LB 6M for a first try. The parts are highly detailed designed and the printing is really fine without any visible printing steps (only to be seen with using magnifying glasses). The kit contains just 10 parts, hull, turret, lower hull plate, tracks left/right, fender left/right, hatches left/right and tow bar.
I suggest adding some holes from the hull underside to make sure the resin can fumigate completely. The turret has holes from below.
The single piece tracks were slightly bent, but I glued them with a little tension onto the hull using superglue. Unfortunately the designer missed to add positioning pins, so you need to be most careful to adjust the tracks left and right correctly.
The long and thin 30mm barrel was bending too and I was not able to correct it. So I finally cut the barrel off and replaced it by a part out of an ACE BTR kit (I have one brass barrel for the 30mm cannon). Unfortunately there are no options to build the kit with open hatches. Minimum the drivers and commanders hatch in open / close position would be fine.
Decals are missing completely and the construction manual is just a few images of the parts and where to add, but it is enough here in this case.
Finally, the kit has excellent details and is nicely printed. On the other side, there are no decals, a brass barrel and open driver and commander hatch would be fine and positioning pins are much appreciated.
But all in all a very nice kit and I am looking forward to start the funniest thing in model making, painting and weathering.
Happy Modelling, Christian
19 April 2023, 17:00

Where did you purchase this kit from? I've been interested in their products but I cannot find where to buy them.
19 April 2023, 18:56

LC76 - you can get the kits at Tracks&Troops
20 April 2023, 16:27

Mmhhh, so I am new with 3D printedt kits. From the first look the quality of the kit is amazing, but after priming the kit a lot of cracks appered on the left side. I checked the photos of the umprimed kit and it seems the cracks were there from the beginning, but invisible for the naked eye. I have no idea what happened here and dropped a line to Red Tank Miniatures.
Maybe the cracks are a result from the curing process? The hull and turret are hollowed inside and the turret has holes from below, but not the hull. Maybe the outgassing inside the enclosed hull was the reason?!
Anhyhow, I carefully sanded the sticky surface and enclosed the cracks with the abrasion. Finally few more layers of primer were added. The cracks disappeard for the cost of a slightly irregualr surface. I hope I solved the problem!?
23 April 2023, 19:04

I got a feedback from the manufacturer Red Tank Miniature today. The cracks propably came from a to long cleaning process in Isopropanol. The manufacturer offered a replacement part - fast and excellent service 👍
24 April 2023, 18:10

The basic paintwork is done including hand brush painted tracks and details. Next chipping effects, a wash and highlights with oils is required to do. Also it looks I was able to seal the main scratches on the left side of the hull.
By the way, does anyone knows about any countries who use this configuration, or was it just the Russian Army?
Happy Modelling, Christian
2 May 2023, 17:02

Great job on the paint job! Super clean and love the variation in the green color. Can't wait to see it weathered up. I believe this configuration is only currently used by the Russians but I'm not 100% sure. Also how did you reach out to Red Tank Miniature? Was it through their Facebook or email?
2 May 2023, 20:30

Man your painting skills are fabulous, it certainly does not look like a 1/72 scale model. 😛
2 May 2023, 21:09

Very interesting. They must have a really good service - isopropanol cleaning, replacement parts 😮
And finally a reasonable MT-LB in 72nd scale! 👍
2 May 2023, 21:26

Thank you LC76, Michael and Łukasz for leaving your kind comments and additional information.
@LC76 conntact was via e-mail.
3 May 2023, 12:00

By the way, more information about Red Tank Miniature can be found in the owners blog:
11 May 2023, 20:45

Good painting skill and valuable background information. Waiting for more.
13 May 2023, 18:43

WIP on my MT-LBM.
After a wash with oils and some two weeks of drying time I start adding highlights. I also use oils for setting the highlights.
Now again let's wait until it dries completely for the final touches.
Happy Modelling
21 January 2024, 18:46

I hope so Neuling. Wait until the oils dreis completely and some chipping and scratches are added 🙂
23 January 2024, 20:46

The oils are still drying but I can't wait to see how it will look when the vehicle is placed on the vignette. The modulation of the vehicles clours compared with the autumn colours are exactly like I want to have them.
Happy Modelling, Christian
28 January 2024, 16:51

I call it done, MT-LBM 6MB, Red Tank Miniatures scale 1/72. I first used Muddy Ground compound for terrain and vehilce and I am really happy with the final result.
Well, first one gor 2024, more to come.
Happy Modelling
3 February 2024, 19:16

Lovely muddy finish 👍 I started experimenting with these compounds lately too and they're really cool
3 February 2024, 20:23

Indeed Łukasz, this is some great stuff. And thx by the way to you both 🙂
3 February 2024, 21:09

Seems like I dropped in just in time to catch the premiere. Outstanding work as always and thanks for sharing your findings 👍
4 February 2024, 00:40

Always good to be in time, thx Alec for your kind words 🙂
4 February 2024, 09:45

Thank you gorby 🙂 The praise for the tree goes to Silhouette, the company who made these excellent trees.
4 February 2024, 10:22