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Stuart Massey (StuMassey)

2. Panzer Division (Vermacht)

In Bearbeitung
January 9, 2025

2. Panzer Division was formed in October 1935 as one of the first three such units (1., 2., and 3. Panzer Divisions) in the German Army. The Tank element of the division was 2. Panzer Brigade consisting of the 3. and 4. Panzer Regiments. The division also made up of a motorized infantry regiment, a motorcycle battalion, an armored recon battalion, an artillery regiment, an anti-tank battalion, engineers, pioneers, medical, signals and all logistical units necessary. It was under this organization that 2. Panzer Division trained and undertook their first operations up to October 1940.
2. Panzer Brigade fielded about 150 tanks, most of which during this period were either PzKw I or PzKw II light tanks. The first Operation was the Austrian Anschluss in 1938, setting up HQ in Vienna and drawing much of it continued recruitment from the Austrians. In September 1939, the war began as Germany crossed the Polish frontier aimed at quickly destroying the Polish Army with multiple armored spearheads. Driving toward Krakow, 2. Panzer Division was equipped with 62 - PzKw I, 77 - PzKw II, 3 - PzKw III, and 9 - PzKw IV. The reliance on the light tanks would prove costly in terms of tanks destroyed by brave Polish anti-tank gunners. Their 25mm anti-tank guns easily knocked out many of the thinly armored German tanks before being overwhelmed by the sheer weight of the German and (on September 17,1939) Soviet Armies.
More coming.

Sources: wikipedia, panzer-world, lexicon der panzer sites.


Vollständige Bausätze
Panther Ausf. A
Italeri 1:35
270 2023 Neue Abziehbilder
Pz.Kpfw.I Ausf.A & Pz.Kpfw.I Ausf.B
Takom 1:35
2145 (03.01.2145) 2021 Neue Bausatzform
Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf. A/B/C (Sd.Kfz.121) (French Campaign)
Tamiya 1:35
35292 2008 Neue Bausatzform


4 Bilder
2. Panzer Division (Vermacht)View album, image #1
1:35 Pz.Kpfw.I Ausf.A & Pz.Kpfw.I Ausf.B (Takom 2145)1:35 Panther Ausf. A (Italeri 270)1:35 Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf. A/B/C (Sd.Kfz.121) (Tamiya 35292)


9 January, 01:25