SKU alternativos para ResKit RSU72-0126: RSU720126
Nota: Los precios y la disponibilidad son sólo indicaciones. ¡Compruebe si el producto realmente coincide!
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No conocemos ninguna revisión de caja para esto F-16 (F100-PW) - closed exhaust nozzles (#RSU72-0126) desde ResKit.
Shar Dipree Hello.
As far as I know, the F-16CJ Block50 was powered by the General Electric F110-GE-129, not the F100-PW. The Block 52 was powered by the Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-229
Other as mentioned ("Designed for") consequently this nozzle kit should be wrong for the Tamiya F-16CJ Block 50 kit?!