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5cm KwK L/42 Gun for Bunker Emplacements

Verlinden Productions | No. 1658 | 1:35

Boxart 5cm KwK L/42 Gun for Bunker Emplacements 1658 Verlinden Productions


Verlinden Productions
5cm KwK L/42 Gun for Bunker Emplacements
Kit completo
5 cm KwK L/42 Fortification » Cañones (Armas)

Contenido de la caja

Resina (molde)

Línea temporal del producto

información faltante
5cm KwK L/42 Gun for Bunker Emplacements (Verlinden Productions 1658) Historia completa »


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Nota: Los precios y la disponibilidad son sólo indicaciones. ¡Compruebe si el producto realmente coincide!

Productos relacionados

EP 2275
Munitionsbeschriftungen für 5 cm KwK Munition
Peddinghaus-Decals 1:35
EP 2275 2010

Revisiones de caja

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No conocemos ninguna revisión de caja para esto 5cm KwK L/42 Gun for Bunker Emplacements (#1658) desde Verlinden Productions.


Hunter Cummins
What is this used for???
16 July 2015, 19:43
Wayne Hale
They were installed in concrete and other fortified defensive bunkers, such as those on the Normandy beaches on D-Day.
 16 July 2015, 19:50
Hunter Cummins Autor
Thank you wayne, that is very neat and might get it!!! hey whats your new address, I need to get your hummel to you, sorry for the looooong wait, tried to send it in september but they rejected it. I am just going to get a new box
 16 July 2015, 20:09