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Zsolt Czegle
Nuevo álbum de fotos añadido
14 imágenes
Unimog with snowploughView album, image #12
Shaded with Ammo's Shader
1:87 Unimog with snowplough (Kibri 18010)1:72 Rückspiegel / Rear mirrors (Hauler HLH72024)1:72 Scheibenwischer / Window wipers (Hauler HLH72026)
19 6 September, 18:40
Zsolt Czegle
This is just a quick fun project to kick back after a few months off....
6 September, 18:41
Zsolt Czegle
The Unimog is painted, highlighted, masked/painted and chipped....
11 September, 20:36
Zsolt Czegle
Added some shades with Ammo's Shader
15 September, 21:12
Oh, an Unimog!
I really like Unimogs and I'm sure you will convert this one into a golden winter Unimog too 👍
Golden will not be the colour of the Unimog, but of the medal you get for it!
16 September, 20:51
Zsolt Czegle
Thank you Bughunter! 😉
17 September, 19:22
Zsolt Czegle
Thank you Bughunter! 😉
17 September, 19:22
Alec K
Well done 👍
18 September, 12:15
Nuevo álbum de fotos añadido
117 imágenes
Focke Wulf Ta 152 H-1 (1970 tooling / Scratch)View album, image #116Nuevo: 18 September, 12:15
Canopy masked and interior color painted.
1:72 Focke Wulf Ta 152 H (Revell 04180)1:72 Ta 152H (Eduard 73261)
84 27 January, 18:23
My next big project is turning this FROG into a Prince. Wish me luck I'm going to need it.
27 January, 18:25
Moreno Baruffini
Good luck! 👍
27 January, 18:52
Robert Podkoński
Ambitious! Keep my fingers crossed!
27 January, 19:01
I'm following. In my opinion the Ta-152H is the most beautiful plane of WW II. I got the kit from Kora in my stash and hope to start the build in spring this year. Good luck and, above all, have fun building it.
27 January, 20:18
Nicolas, I agree. It's a long, lean, fighting machine as they say. Definitely one of the more elegant designs to come out of the war.
27 January, 22:10
Taking a seat 🙂
27 January, 22:45
I had to widen the fuselage today, in order to make space, before I scratch build the cockpit.
29 January, 01:47
Jennifer Franklin
Following 👀
29 January, 02:27
Bit more done today.
30 January, 00:56
Lukas Muller
good job 🙂 Following
30 January, 12:18
Łukasz Gliński
Respect for your patience 👍
31 January, 11:24
Martin Nevo
this is going to be awsome.
I am picking kits that are near perfect so I have fun.
but there are also people who pick not-so-perfect-kits like this Ta152 and they still have loads of fun!
GL 🙂
31 January, 13:12
Well mostly I pick not-so-perfect-kits because I'm a cheap skate. I'd rather pay 6 euros than 40 for a kit. I do have some moderately priced kits and they are a lot faster and fun to make, but often I just have the need to challenge myself and see where my skill level is at.
31 January, 17:56
This looks like a real challenge; I'm watching 🙂
31 January, 18:24
Moreno Baruffini
@Skyhiker: I totally like your approach and I think you did a great start!
31 January, 19:16
Martin Nevo
same here @Skyhiker, I really like the 6eur price point. so affordable. probably thats why I started to look into the 1/144 scale 🙂
31 January, 19:58
A bit more progress on the scratch built cockpit today.
2 February, 02:56
Jennifer Franklin
Excellent work on the exhausts, and the cockpit is coming along nicely.
2 February, 03:24
I did a bit more today but I can't seem to get any images to upload. Anyone else having these problems?
2 February, 19:03
Looking at photo #17 I want to give a tip:
I would be a little careful keeping the roll of masking tape on the table. I like keeping them in a holder, or placed in a bag, to avoid the side of the roll picking up all kind of dirt.
2 February, 19:10
Yes, I keep my tapes in a bag but it doesn't seem to help as well as it should. I think I need a better bag. When I photograph things at this scale there is more dust than I realize.
2 February, 19:18
Jennifer Franklin
I can finally upload my images again now, I was having problems too.
2 February, 20:13
Thanks Jennifer
2 February, 20:15
Treehugger I cleaned my tape and got a new bag. Thanks for pointing that out. No need for fuzzy tape.
2 February, 20:20
Cowling remade with a lot of sanding, cutting new flaps and a PE grill.
2 February, 23:49
Moreno Baruffini
Really a great progress!
3 February, 07:52
Thanks Moreno, I am having fun with this one.
3 February, 09:06
I have to take a break and will be back in a week. I must say I am in love with this plane. It's really a beautiful design with those long wings. I can't wait to get back to it.
8 February, 06:54
Lukas Muller
I'm agree with you, one of the most beautiful plane for me 👍
8 February, 08:53
Dave Flitton
I like it so far!
8 February, 13:58
Guy Rump
I'm going to build this one from my stash this year, definitely following! 👍
8 February, 14:14
The canopy was totally uneven and so I decided to do the risky thing and file it from the inside. Hopefully I didn't just ruin it.
2 March, 13:17
This is already an impressive build. Good luck!!!
2 March, 18:22
Worked a bit on the cockpit today.
4 March, 20:23
Follow. Want to See the result
4 March, 20:24
This kit has its flaws but nothing that can't be corrected with a little bit of skill. Are there more accurate kits out there that are easier to build - yes. But the modern trend of wanting perfect kits seems counter to the art of modeling. If you have ever built a model from a block of wood you wouldn't call this kit useless. Challenging or time consuming I can agree with but it is not crap.
10 April, 08:09
I haven't given up yet. Sometimes life forces me to take breaks but I hope to get back into this one soon. I have to put a lot of tiny details in the cockpit next and I need the right head space for that. Kits like these take time and often I will start easier kits mid process to keep things flowing. I absolutely agree that reboxing old kits without a mold date is deceptive. Thankfully with this site we can look up the history and sometimes see the sprues before buying anything. I've only had one kit that I couldn't do anything with. I bought it for 20 bucks opened up and threw it directly in the trash. That was a Top Gun F/A-18 Hornet snap kit, which really was a piece of shit.
10 April, 16:03
Remco van Haren
Following. Really looking forward to the end result.
Especially since I built this kit myself last year. Although I didn't put so much effort and detail into it as you are doing.
10 April, 21:29
Johne 69
So gar so good 👍
21 April, 09:04
I added a bit of detail to the scratch built cockpit today.
28 April, 18:37
Worked on the canopy and tried to figure out how the scratch built cockpit will fit into the body.
2 May, 23:45
I corrected the seat position today.
4 May, 16:32
Added some space for the wheels
5 May, 20:54
Trez your message is pretty cryptic. Are you talking about panel lines or internal wing structures? The last photo is just a dry fit. I haven't started with dealing with any panel lines yet. I've been working on the inside of the wing walls to make something that gives an impression of space for the wheels.
6 May, 11:45
Trez, thanks for your ideas. I'm using a lot of photos and the instructions from a 1:32 model to help figure out what is going on. This little model is a challenge to correct but I'm having fun pushing my skills and learning as I go.
6 May, 15:36
Moreno Baruffini
I'm really enjoying this build! 👍👍👍
15 May, 19:13
I worked out most of the cockpit issues today. It's not perfect but I got it in there.
15 May, 23:09
Moreno, I'm glad you're liking it. This is kinda pushing my skills a bit. We'll see what happens in the end together.
15 May, 23:11
Getting this kit to accept a cockpit was like pounding a square peg through a round hole. I had to reshape the whole damn fuselage.
16 May, 03:35
Patrick Hagelstein
Whoah!!! Amazing what you did to that old tooling! Very cool to watch! 👍🏼
16 May, 15:20
Thank you Patrick. I'm trying. We will see if it works.
16 May, 15:55
Bruce Huxtable
Really liking what you're doing, Skyhiker, and learning lots too. Impressed with your skills 🙂
16 May, 19:43
Łukasz Gliński
What is that superglue thingy?
16 May, 20:09
Łukasz the shape of the hood is really off in the kit. The superglue is just material for me to try and sculpt into a better hood.
16 May, 20:26
Łukasz Gliński
I was just wondering if you have mixed it with something
16 May, 20:33
No, It's just cheap super glue from a discount store that I poured right from the tube and hardened with accelerator.
16 May, 22:08
Started reshaping the fuselage today.
17 May, 00:11
Hood work today.
18 May, 08:39
That looks very messy. But as long as it works, and it looks promising.
19 May, 16:21
Yes, very messy but it works. Old school style.
19 May, 20:19
Patrick Hagelstein
The effort put into this is just amazing! 👌🏼
19 May, 22:32
More work on the exhausts today.
20 May, 15:41
Moreno Baruffini
The true essence of modelling!
20 May, 16:03
I began rescribing the panel lines today. This will take a bit of time.
21 May, 22:56
Tony Cooke
22 May, 03:59
Bruce, thanks for your encouragement. It definitely helps.
23 May, 06:33
Dave Flitton
That's a lot of work!
23 May, 11:42
Well the fine engraving blade I just bought broke within a day of use. Very frustrating.
23 May, 14:42
Luckily I bought a .02 mm blade in addition to the .01 mm that broke. It will have to do even though I would prefer the lines to be a little bit thinner.
23 May, 15:06
I finished the panel lines on the underside of the wings today.
24 May, 19:08
Impressive work!! Keep it up!
24 May, 19:57
Patrick Hagelstein
Amazing progress! Once you go the route of updating such an old kit, there's no way back, is there?
24 May, 22:19
Thanks Patrick, your right there is always more to discover and do. I'm having fun with it. Of course I have no idea what it will look like in the end. I'm spending far too many hours allowing myself to be lost in process. But if that's what it takes, why not?
24 May, 23:19
It's amazing how every kit I look at of a FW Ta 152 H is different. All the photos of the original aircraft are so blurry that details are impossible to pick out, so I'm left with looking at kits and guessing which ones are correct.
26 May, 01:25
Anyone out there with a book on the TA 152? I'm trying to figure out if the top of the flaps have a vertical line down the center of them or not. From underneath there is a line there but I am getting conflicting images of the top surface. Can anyone post a decent image?
28 May, 16:28
I looked through some of my books and picture collection. But to find even a picture of the Ta152 is rare. 🙁
28 May, 17:06
Thanks Mattes. There are a few decent books out there but they go for 80 Euros and I can't afford that. I doubt the library would have anything worth while. Maybe the model shop will let me look through one of their books but usually they are sealed in foil. Hopefully someone here has something. Getting panel lines correct is not so easy. Even worse are the rivets.
28 May, 17:49
I found this image which clearly shows the flaps divide in two sections. Interestingly the sections are not even like the underside.
29 May, 05:48
Maybe this would be helpful?
I do not have the magazine, but kind of stumbled over the link 😉
31 May, 13:34
That's cool Mattes. Thanks for the tip.
31 May, 23:09
Ben M
I admire you trying to make something of this kit.
31 May, 23:22
Thanks Ben, this kit gets a bad rap. It's not as bad as people make it out to be. Of course I am putting a lot of work into it to make it better. But if its done straight out of the box it's not that bad. The backwards propeller is a stupid engineering mistake but that's an easy fix.
31 May, 23:54
Nice project, Skyhiker. And really stunning what you achieved so far. 👍🏻
1 June, 06:30
Sy Bar
Can't wait to see fruits of your hard work 🍿
1 June, 06:45
I'm worked on the top side of the wings today.
2 June, 19:16
Panel lines... panel lines and more panel lines...
7 June, 13:25
Matthew A
7 June, 17:02
Yeah, I was a little heavy handed, but it's not a problem. I just glued it back together. I prefer trenching and filling over trying to get the lines the exact depth overall and then accidentally sanding away lines. The only problem with using this method is the deep panel lines can make the model unstable in places if you are not careful. But in the end it should all work out.
7 June, 21:47
I am slowly moving forward on the panel lines behind the scenes. This is the part I have to force my way through because I don't really enjoy it. But it is coming along and I could have some photos soon.
2 July, 18:21
Patrick Hagelstein
Looking forward to that! 😊
2 July, 19:01
Good progress, great craftmanship!👍🏻
2 July, 19:02
Got most of the panel lines down. I still have to do the bottom.
6 July, 15:46
Moreno Baruffini
I personally ate re-scribing, so my admiration for you is huge!
6 July, 16:12
Thank you Moreno, re-scribing is definitely the part that's the least fun for me too. Some days I have to force myself just to do one line. If you do that once a day eventually it gets done. But yeah, re-scribing sucks.
6 July, 16:21
Big step made with attaching the wings. It makes me feel like I am moving forward after all.
7 July, 14:33
Patrick Hagelstein
There ya go! 😄
8 July, 14:33
Wing plates are made.
10 July, 12:58
Pietro De Angelis
An impressive amount of work, your patience and skills are incredible, congrats!
11 July, 20:02
Thank you Pietro.
11 July, 21:56
Thomas Kolb
Wow, what an insane amount of work you put into this project! I am humbled by your perseverance and attention to detail!
12 July, 03:34
Thanks Thomas, I enjoy the process of trying to figure out how to do stuff. The model is just an added bonus in the end.
12 July, 13:20
Today I continued with the landing gear. A few pictures added.
12 July, 23:15
Moreno Baruffini
As I wrote above, it's the true essence of modelling!
13 July, 16:04
Thanks Moreno. I'm having fun with it, mostly. The panel lines were a drag but I got through that part. Hopefully after the primer I won't have to any major touch ups. But we will see. One step at a time...
13 July, 16:13
Primer started!
13 July, 17:17
Johne 69
Nice Details 👍
14 July, 09:01
Yesterday and today I filled the panel lines to the appropriate depth.
16 July, 22:09
Patrick Hagelstein
This keeps on being cool to watch! 👍🏼
16 July, 22:15
Watching you making process is indeed great to watch. The plane is starting to look great!
16 July, 22:54
Moreno Baruffini
Wow! How do you filled the lines? How was you able to calculate the exact quantity?
17 July, 05:43
Moreno, I used an engraving tool to cut deep lines and then I rubbed white putty into them. By rubbing the excess off it automatically brings the lines to just below the surface of the model. As the lines dry they also shrink a bit. So, it was not too hard to do. The trick is to use enough water and a brush to apply the putty and to use enough water on a paper towel or cotton bud to remove the excess. Hard to get to areas need to be cleaned up with a wooden tooth pick.
17 July, 06:01
Robert Podkoński
I never would believe that the base kit is a Revell's offering.... Awesome job!
17 July, 06:31
Moreno Baruffini
@Skyhiker: Super! Many thanks for the explanation!
17 July, 06:59
Alec K
Great project and some serious dedication to a challenging tooling 👍
17 July, 12:11
I worked on some details today. Tomorrow I will give it another coat of primer and hopefully start the riveting.
17 July, 21:24
Wow this is borderline masochistic👍
18 July, 15:07
I am debating with myself when the best time to do riveting is. If you do it before priming you run the risk of filling the holes. If you do it after priming it makes it harder to correct mistakes. If you do it after the final paint job you run the risk of fucking everything up. Anyone have any experience with riveting?
19 July, 13:17
Matthew A
I think you typed f when you should have typed m
19 July, 14:22
I stand corrected. Thanks.
19 July, 14:57
Alec K
Regarding riveting: I have done it before priming but I don't see why you could not do it after. You'l have to sand after as the riveter leaves 'rings' around each divot (as it pushes the plastic out). In my experience, a thin coat of primer has negligible impact on the rivet holes (if it had, this would be a problem with any factory-riveted kit).
20 July, 23:38
Alec, I tend to agree with you. My thoughts on doing the riveting after the primer was that the rivets may remain a bit better defined. But I am not convinced. I think I will have to do some tests for the future. By riveting before and after the primer on some styrene, then spraying a color coat over both should give me a better idea of which I prefer. Right now I feel like I prefer not doing it at all, because riveting is a pain. But that's just me feeling sorry for myself for wanting to do a half way decent job on this kit. I do wish I could find some reliable riveting guides for this plane. It seems like everyone is just guessing at it.
21 July, 00:00
I got some riveting done today.
21 July, 19:49
Patrick Hagelstein
That riveting looks very impressive! 👌🏼
21 July, 22:14
Thanks Patrick, I haven't mastered riveting or panel lines yet but I'm learning. I am pretty limited in my tools and the scale is not the easiest. But with practice and study I hope to improve.
21 July, 22:44
I've realized that one of the benefits of doing the riveting after the primer is that you can make sure that most of the sanding is completed. However inevitably there are areas that get messed up and sanding is required after all. I just haven't found the perfect solution.
21 July, 23:33
Sy Bar
Enjoying your progress a lot, the transformat is amazing.
I must say your plans are so clear and great reference where do you get your plans like these from, I search the tinternet but never find any as useful as your plans, any extra guidance would be appreciated
22 July, 08:12
I drew my plans on the computer by looking at various images on the internet. Unfortunately I haven't found any place to download great paneling or riveting guides. There is a Russian website that has blueprints that I sometimes use but I'm not sure if it is still available. I didn't use it for this project.
22 July, 08:31
Sy Bar, which plane will you be doing next? I can look around for blueprints and see if I can find anything useful.
22 July, 13:37
Sy Bar
Cheers Skyhiker v kind offer and thanks for the info. Not sure what will be next and if plans will be required but I'll keep you in mind should the need arise.
Keep up the work I'm loving watching the progress 👍
23 July, 20:34
Widened the wing roots and I am continuing with the riveting today. Also I did a lot of research on the proper colors to use, which was not as easy as one would think. They certainly are not what the instructions say.
24 July, 17:51
Moreno Baruffini
Great work as usual! I'm curious about the colours: aren't they the late RLMs?
24 July, 18:48
The colors are late RLM colors but not exactly as the instructions say. To start with they call for the hood to be RLM83 which of course is wrong, since in actuality that was a marine color and blue. Many paint manufacturers have some type of green with that number but it was based on a typing mistake in the original RLM records. I believe the hood should be RLM73 as in the original photos it is a bit darker than 81. The fuselage is RLM81 and RLM82, but there were three variants of 81, two that were brownish and one more green. The green is the correct one for this plane. The under carriage is RLM76, but once again we have three variants to choose from; one that is greyer, one bluer and one more tan colored. The greyer one is correct. There is confusion about whether the nose is red or black. I still have to do more research on this. I believe the propeller blade was RLM70
24 July, 19:16
Moreno Baruffini
Many thanks! Super explanation! 😀
24 July, 20:09
I hope to be finished with the riveting today. Most of my time was spent trying to figure out which of the conflicting diagrams was closest to the original. I don't know if I got it right since there are no surviving planes left.
28 July, 10:23
Great Work on this old Revell Kit and there is still one surviving aircraft.In National Air and Space museum.
29 July, 14:01
National Air and Space museum has a different version of this plane. It is very similar but there are a lot of differences.
29 July, 14:37
Ouh okay, thank you
29 July, 15:23
Worked on a bunch of details today.
29 July, 20:33
I redid the engine today and laid down a second layer of primer. The rivet lines came out well. There are just a few small touch ups on the engine cover and wing tips to do before I start on the wings.
30 July, 15:59
Fantastic work, looks like a different kit!
30 July, 21:11
Thanks DerMattes. It's more a scratch build than a kit at this point. It's starting to come together. I still have a while to go though. How is a scratch build defined at the official contests?
31 July, 00:46
Hans-Jürgen Haag
From an old crow to an up to date beauty! Owsom project!👍👍👍
31 July, 07:17
It's like you are building a vac kit with the amount of work and attention to details you are putting into this build. Impressive and inspiring!👍🏻
31 July, 08:04
I made a gunsight out of 7 scratch built parts that is only one millimeter in size.
31 July, 14:23
The gunsight looks fantastic.
31 July, 16:22
Alec K
Indeed, looks awesome 👍
31 July, 23:24
Next I have to try and repair or replace the front windshield. Somehow it cracked when I was sanding it down. Is it me or do the clear parts on Revell kits always have problems?
2 August, 04:51
Well I painted the propeller today but afterwards I had to clean my Iwata airbrush and change the needle. Unfortunately the needle noozle broke off in my airbrush and there is no way to fix it! Now I have to rely on a cheap Chinese knock off to finish painting until I can save an extra 150 bucks to buy a new airbrush.
8 August, 16:58
That sucks. I'd love to lend you my second airbrush, but unfortunately that's also just an old Chinese product at the moment. Probably wouldn't help much.
8 August, 18:10
What now? Aftermarket or scratchbuild canopy?
20 August, 18:11
I will try scratch building the canopy if that doesn't work I will have to get a vacuform machine.
20 August, 19:17
I wish I could add another like for your vacuum machine! Man, you're really cool!
21 August, 14:43
Ben M
Never give up.
21 August, 15:00
And the results are in.
21 August, 16:08
Ben M
Did you follow a tutorial? Very interested in how you did this
21 August, 18:13
No, I just needed to make a canopy so I first tried replacing the front windshield with a clear plastic piece from a CD cover and glueing the original side windows to it but when I finished it was too thick. So then I made the front windshield out of thin plastic sheet from some packaging I had laying around. That worked but the bubble canopy was now too thick. So I tried making a bubble canopy by heating up some of the plastic sheet over a candle and pressing it down over the original with my fingers but that didn't really work. I only got one that looked right but I burnt it so I realized I needed to use a vacuum and change my heat source. My hair dryer runs so hot it overheats and turns off, so I tried that with the vacuum and it worked. You just need to tape the plastic on a piece of cardboard with a hole cut into it and practice. You can make the vacuum screen out of anything. I just used an old sanding disc that I punched holes into and taped down on my sweeper.
21 August, 19:02
Ben M
I'm not sure I can visualize that yet but I'll see if there's something on YouTube. I have a truck I need to make a windshield for.
21 August, 23:11
Mr D
🤣🤣 love the vacform 😁, l split the canopy on my little mig-23 project, to heavy with the Quetip/ ear cleaner!!
I used toaster n paintbrush end 🤣, it worked...but was just a little 1/144 mig-23, it's my wall.
The homebrew job was clearer than the original 🙄,
Would love a little vacform.
Love the scale detail you go to.
21 August, 23:58
Ben here is an example I found on YouTube of vacuforming.
2 September, 08:17
Ben M
Thank you!
2 September, 13:19
Jennifer Franklin
I will have to bookmark that reference, love it Skyhiker!
2 September, 21:26
Just make sure that the plastic you are heating up is polystyrene and not PVC. You don't want to poison yourself with heavy chemicals. Polystyrene is bad enough. And don't use your oven or anything that will be in contact with food.
2 September, 21:36
I made another canopy. This time as one piece. After painting I will try to separate it.
5 September, 14:13
Mr D
That canopy has come out nice n clear.👌
I think it would be nice model with closed canopy also.
I like closed as keeps the dust out n preservation on cockpit.... Little time capsule too.
Doing a good job, persistence is a good trait in this hobby 🙄😆.
I've spent more time making a missing gun turret.! Than on the rest of the build !!
5 September, 14:30
Working on the landing gear today.
8 September, 12:49
You mean you build an entirely new landing gear, right? At least this is how it looks 😉 Impressive work and dedication!
8 September, 16:44
George D Munro
Cannot wait to see more. Amazed at the effort expended to correct, such an old kit. Reminds me of a favorite saying of a long lost friend. "that wouldn't stop a good modeler". A good modeler you are. I thought Inwas pretty good, but am in awe of your talent and dedication. Am following
8 September, 17:45
Mr D
An amazing amount of improvement and scratch work to improve the model.
Very impressive..👍👍
8 September, 19:33
Thanks guys. I'm trying. Learning a lot on this model. It certainly is a challenge, but I'm having fun.
8 September, 20:56
So, the legs are on now.
8 September, 22:01
Mr D
Can l ask what the 🕯️ candle wax was for?? I was guessing 🤔 maybe to build up higher for super glue. ? I like watching builds as you can learn new skills.
Also if you don't mind, how did you thin down the retract arms ...looked machine down.
Enjoyed watching so far being fascinating,
I built the Revell FW-190 this year ...that wasn't to bad.... Few of the engine fan blades hadn't been moulded in !! So l built them back with super glue gell, back wheel was fragile n came off. But rest ok .
Thanks 👍👍
9 September, 09:48
Mr D. The candle is used as a receptacle for the super glue. It helps to keep the super glue from setting. By putting it on wax and covering it with foil it will remain in a liquid form for a whole day. The retractable arms were made from styrene rod and stretched sprue. The thick end is the rod. The thin end is sprue and the raised area is very thin sprue wrapped around it.
9 September, 10:04
Mr D
Thanks for the info 👍👍.
Have you tried super glue gel?? It's slow to dry but builds up more.well.
9 September, 13:54
No, I haven't had a need for that. I just use cheap super glue. 5 tubes for a Euro.
9 September, 18:51
I gave the wings a boost.
10 September, 10:10
Robert Podkoński
WOW. I admire your perseverance!
10 September, 19:02
Mauricio Rada Matamoros
Impressive work, I am currently working on a similar kit, I didn't know whether to repanel, but I don't think I have reached that level that you achieve... excellent, I will follow your work closely!!!
12 September, 16:30
Welcome Mauricio
12 September, 22:10
Sergey Bevza
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18 September, 12:14
Artículo completado
IS-2 Heavy Tank Mod. 1944 ChKZ 1+1 Quickbuild
S-Model (China) 1:72
PS720062 2014 Nuevos moldes
18 September, 12:14
Chris Ubing
quiere este artículo
Fune Next
IJN Battleship Yamato 1944/Operation Sho 1-go (Battle of Leyte Gulf) w/Photo-etched Parts
Fujimi 1:700
46104 (009 EX-201) 2024 Nuevas piezas
18 September, 12:14
Artículo completado
Sd.Kfz. 265 Panzerbefehlswagen German light command tank
First to Fight 1:72
PL1939-004 2013 Nuevos moldes
18 September, 12:13
Artículo completado
Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. A German light tank
First to Fight 1:72
PL1939-002 2013 Nuevos moldes
18 September, 12:13
Artículo completado
Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. B German light tank
First to Fight 1:72
PL1939-008 2014 Nuevas piezas
18 September, 12:13
quiere este artículo
USN PV-1 Patrol Bomber
Academy 1:72
12587 2024 Nuevas piezas
18 September, 12:13
Alexander Perov
Nuevo álbum de fotos añadido
14 17 September, 17:22
Michael Kohl
Perfect NMF. Top.
17 September, 17:36
Ben M
Holy cow, that's some surface prep and painting.
17 September, 18:08
Alexander Perov
Thank you guys
17 September, 18:35
Dave Flitton
Wow! Very clean construction!!
17 September, 18:45
The NMF looks indeed amazing!!
17 September, 18:50
Excellent! 👍🏻
17 September, 19:19
Mr D
Looking really good 👍, what paint is the chrome/metallic here??
Great work.. very sharp 👌👍
17 September, 20:56
Alexander Perov
I added paint to the album Thanks to my colleagues for the feedback. But I'm not very happy with the result myself, I wanted a more mirrored surface
18 September, 10:00
Alec K
Excellent indeed 👍
18 September, 12:13
Artículo completado
Panzer IV Ausf. F2
Hasegawa 1:72
31142 (MT42) 1998 Nuevas piezas
18 September, 12:12
Artículo completado
Tank T-34/76 (1941)
UA UM (Uni Models) 1:72
329 2004 Nuevas piezas
18 September, 12:11
quiere este artículo
Grumman J4F-2/OA-14 "Widgeon"
Kovozávody Prostějov (KP) 1:72
KPM72476 2024* Nuevas calcas
18 September, 12:11
quiere este artículo
F-22A Raptor Air Dominance Fighter
Academy 1:48
12212 2008 Nuevos moldes
18 September, 12:11
Artículo completado
Light tank
T-26 with cylindrical turret
UA UM (Uni Models) 1:72
361 2005 Nuevas piezas
18 September, 12:10
Artículo completado
Sd.Kfz. 141 Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. J
UA UM (Uni Models) 1:72
271 2016 Nuevos moldes
18 September, 12:10
Jan Tichý
quiere este artículo
M2 Bradley U.S. Army Infantry Fighting Vehicle (interior)
Academy 1:35
13237 2007 Nueva caja
18 September, 12:09
John Hawley
quiere este artículo
F-14A Tomcat "Gulf War"
Fine Molds 1:72
FP53 (FP-53) 2024 Nuevas calcas
18 September, 12:09
John Hawley
quiere este artículo
US Navy F-14A Tomcat VF-2 "Bounty Hunters"
Fine Molds 1:72
FX05 2025 Nuevas piezas
18 September, 12:08
Greg Baker
Nuevo álbum de fotos añadido
88 2 February, 06:28
Greg Baker
I've been saying that I've been working on repairing/upgrading my Tintin model collection. I'm not quite finished (still 2-3 on the workbench), but I wanted to take a few pics of the new display now that it's coming together. I'm going to take some close-up pics once I finish off the last few.
2 February, 06:34
Very nice, a treasure for sure .........
2 February, 06:43
Markus Antonius
"It belongs in a museum!" 🙂
2 February, 06:44
Lochsa River
2 February, 07:19
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Absolut awesom Collection!! Super nice!👍👍👍👍
2 February, 07:38
ScaleFella NAFO
2 February, 07:40
wow, great to see the collection together!!
2 February, 08:06
Beautiful collection!
2 February, 08:57
Maciej Bellos
One like is nothing. Many likes from me Greg!
2 February, 09:26
Łukasz Gliński
Outstanding, where can we get the tickets?
2 February, 09:36
Łukasz Gliński
The dark brown background adds a bit of vintage feel to your collection 👍
2 February, 09:39
Uwe Kaeding
Fantastic display Greg!
2 February, 11:44
Erik De Smet
brilliant, magnifique, and with the original albums in the background. Hergé would be very pleased
2 February, 12:07
Nils Steyaert
i must say, truely impressive 👍
2 February, 12:17
Alec K
Greg, this is really outstanding, a presentation quality few ever achieve. And considering that you had to repair it all, doubly impressive 👍
2 February, 12:44
Wow Greg, not only quality models - as we know from your build logs here - but also a very nice presentation 👍
2 February, 13:34
Nathan Dempsey
Wow, it's nice to see them all together. What a great display.
2 February, 14:42
LucLuke B
Really cool! Can't wait for the Unicorn. Are you going to do that with the broken mast? Or even three copies of the same ship?
2 February, 15:28
Urban Gardini
@ LucLuke B ROFL
2 February, 15:31
Urban Gardini
Great showcase mate, well done!
2 February, 15:32
Bob Hall
That's a sweet set-up ! 👍
2 February, 15:38
Very cool and beautiful 😍
2 February, 15:38
Bart L
nice themed collection well executed!
2 February, 16:03
Robert Podkoński
2 February, 16:08
Greg Baker
Thanks guys! I used to have my Tintin collection in an IKEA glass display case, but it outgrew it (and adding extra shelves was partly to blame for having one fall and crush several of the models below it, and damage some of the other ones). At the moment, the only projects that are still "ghosts" (i.e. no figures) are:

- The BMW motorcycle and side-car (Soviets)
- the wooden canoe (Broken Ear)
- the ZIL limo and Land Rover (Picaros)

The Armoured car (Red Sea Sharks) requires no driver to be seen, but I did try to stick a small Tintin face (just eyes really) peeking out of the Bordurian tank (Calculus Affair), but I gave up... and even though I think I could get a prop motor in, I'm at a total loss as to how to insert a pilot into the Beechcraft Bonanza... I may have to redo that one eventually. I'm already planning on redoing the DHC Chipmunk (upgrade from the old Airfix kit to the nice AZModel kit that Robert sent me), so what's one more, right?
2 February, 18:35
Greg Baker
At the moment, on the workbench, I've got:
- The Mil-3 Helicopter (now with a spinning rotor and a pilot climbing in) (Picaros)
- The yellow Opel Olympia (Otokar's Sceptre), just waiting for a new 3D printed motorcycle to chase it.
- My yellow Tiger Moth (Black Island). This one bugs me... some of the struts broke and I seem to have lost them... do I just steal the needed parts from my other box, or do I rebuild it? Haven't decided, so it's still sitting.
2 February, 18:42
Greg Baker
As for new projects... I'm currently working on my Model T (Congo), but trying to decide if I want to include the little train as I first planned or just stick with the car itself. I've also got a half started Red Rackham pirate ship (using the HMS Bounty as a base for a kitbash). And LucLuke B - I've got a Soleil Royal kit that I plan to turn into the Unicorn! Oh, and currently in the 3D model building stage... the Carreidas 160 (Flight 714).

So, I think I'm gonna need a bigger shelf... 😉
2 February, 18:46
Daniel Klink
Wonderful and unque collection Greg! You should really think about some kind of private Exhibtion!
2 February, 18:48
Donald Dickson II
A great display for a fantastic collection of work!
2 February, 18:55
Wow... I have no words for this. I love it!
I'm glad to see your collection again in this big, bright new display case.
2 February, 20:06
Alex K
One of the most amazing collections to ever grace the scalemates news feed... Every praise in the above comments is so well deserved... Maybe one day we will see such displays of your other collections (Studio Ghibli, DC Comics etc) too?
3 February, 14:35
Julian Herrero aka Yuri
3 February, 21:08
Gary Kitchen
Agree with everything said above. There are some amazing modellers on this forum and some truly inspirational dioramas but the elegance and imagination of this collection is a joy to behold every time. How many more can you extract from the source material is the question? 👍
15 February, 08:02
Greg Baker
Ha! Thanks Gary! Don't worry... there's PLENTY more projects to be mined here. Some bigger than others... and some more likely to see the light of day than others, but I've list almost 100 more potential projects on my blog~ Stay tuned!
16 February, 03:28
Pierre Pierre
Magnifique ! looking forward for the upcoming inspiration !
16 February, 04:21
Michael Kohl
Very neat.
16 February, 07:54
16 February, 09:37
Juergen Klinglhuber
18 February, 14:33
18 February, 15:42
Greg Baker
Thanks everyone! A few more (scale/sizing) adjustments to a couple of projects and I'm going to take some new final pics of each and will update this album.
18 February, 16:38
Pierre Pierre
18 February, 19:26
Beautiful display! 😄
18 February, 19:57
Villiers de Vos
Thank you for sharing your Tintin universe.
17 September, 16:09
Bruce Huxtable
What a splendid collection 🙂
17 September, 16:53
Michael Kohl
Indeed it is.
17 September, 17:23
Ed Janka
Greg, this is ART! I am speechless... 👏
17 September, 17:45
Nils Steyaert
truely an amazing collection!
17 September, 18:21
Greg Baker
Thanks guys. Looks like I'll have to update my Tintin shelf pictures soon. The Hawker Hart project I just posted was number 48, and I've got number 49 on the workbench underway... but I feel like I should do something special for Tintin Project 50. I've got some plans for some truly monumental projects... including the moon rocket, the Unicorn ship and Marlinspike Hall itself, but I'm not quite ready to tackle any of those. I have 3 thoughts in mind... I wonder which one I'll pick... 🙂
17 September, 19:01
Claus Gaertner
Amazing, I`m a big fan myself nice job !
17 September, 19:07
Lorraine Lin
Greg, what a cute collection. Love it!
18 September, 03:31
Awesome! Love it! ❤️️
18 September, 07:06
A fantastic collection, its been wonderful to watch it grow.
18 September, 08:19
Alec K
Greg, this is truly itnspirational and impressive 👍
18 September, 12:08
Artículo completado
Medium tank
M4 Sherman
UA UM (Uni Models) 1:72
370 2007 Nuevos moldes
18 September, 12:08
Artículo completado
M10 Tank Destroyer (early version)
UA UM (Uni Models) 1:72
201 2012 Nuevos moldes
18 September, 12:08
Artículo completado
Armored Vehicle
UA UM (Uni Models) 1:72
319 2002 Nuevos moldes
18 September, 12:08
Sébastien Courbet
Nuevo proyecto añadido
1:72 Brewster Buffalo (Airfix A02050V)
Brewster F2A-2 Buffalo
US US Navy (1794-now)
VF-2 "Fighting Chiefs" 2-F-7 / 1412
1941 World War 2 - USS Lexington
Silver FS13538 RAL1018 RAL5005
18 September, 12:08
quiere este artículo
Maserati 250F 1957 French GP #2/German GP #1
Model Factory Hiro (MFH) 1:12
K-676 2018 Nuevas piezas
18 September, 12:07
Sébastien Courbet
Nuevo proyecto añadido
1:72 Brewster Buffalo (Airfix A02050V)
Brewster B-339E Buffalo Mk.I
GB Royal Air Force (1918-now)
No. 67 Sqn. B-RD / W8243
1942 World War 2 - Mingaladon AB, Rangun
BS381C:350 BS381C:241 BS381C:210
18 September, 12:07
Tobias Lewandovski
Nuevo álbum de fotos añadido
3 imágenes
Italeri - Lamborghini DiabloView album, image #3Nuevo: 18 September, 12:06
It's not going fast, but maybe it'll be good?
1:24 Lamborghini Diablo (Italeri 667)
18 September, 12:06
Ludvík Kružík
Nuevo álbum de fotos añadido
29 imágenes
Mi-1M, model conversion by Special Hobby - WIPView album, image #27Nuevo: 18 September, 10:07
I used a piece of transparent tree to make the reflector on the fuselage nose. I cut a 2mm thin slice of it and polished...
1:48 Mil Mi-1 (Special Hobby SH48001)
26 15 August, 08:24
Ludvík Kružík
I still miss this small helicopter in my collection of flying machines used in Czechoslovakia. The time has come for me to rectify that. 😉
15 August, 09:26
Villiers de Vos
I will follow along.
15 August, 17:40
Ludvík Kružík
Welcome Villiers! 🙂
16 August, 14:49
Greg Baker
Oh. I built a 1/72 version of the Mi-1M... This should be interesting.
16 August, 15:07
Ludvík Kružík
Hello, Greg. I know there's a Mi-1M kit in 1/72nd scale. Unfortunately, only this and a rather old kit from Special Hobby exists in 1/48 scale. In addition, this kit is an older version of the Mi-1A, which is different from the upgraded version of the Mi-1M. It has a different nose shape, different cockpit glazing and other minor changes. And since I decided to build the upgraded version of the Mi-1M, I will not avoid modifications to the kit.
To give you a better idea of the extent of the modifications to the kit, I've included a picture with the differences between the Mi-1A and Mi-1M versions color coded.
16 August, 22:23
Greg Baker
Oh, neat! I didn't realize there were so many changes between the versions. This is going to look great!
17 August, 15:09
Ludvík Kružík
Greg, thank you for your support.
I started building the model by making new transparent parts.
17 August, 22:31
Alec K
Taking a seat, this brings back memories of ABC magazine 😜👍
17 August, 22:46
Nice work moulding the new transparent parts.
18 August, 08:01
Greg Baker
Yeah. Nice work on the heat-n-smash moulding for the clear parts. That can be tricky to do.
18 August, 16:15
Ludvík Kružík
@Alec K
I used to buy ABC magazine regularly as a kid and eagerly awaited each new issue 🙂. I assume your mention of ABC magazine refers to the occasional modeling tutorial section.

@gorby, @Greg Baker
It's not too difficult to make new transparent parts by stretching warmed transparent foil over a pre-made template. Preparing the template is the most work. Stretching the warmed foil onto the template is just a routine that anyone can do after a few attempts.
18 August, 22:17
Alec K
Correct 🙂👍👍
18 August, 22:21
Robert Podkoński
How have I missed this? Taking a seat for sure! 🙂
28 August, 18:58
Ludvík Kružík
Hello, Robert! Good to see you here. You haven't missed much so far. Up to this point I've been more concerned with preparation than building the model.
28 August, 20:59
Ludvík Kružík
I want to try to use the sandwich construction in the production of new glass parts for the coptics. So I made (using the same process as the transparent parts) parts out of white plastic sheeting. These parts will have holes cut out for the windows. The transparent part will then be inserted between these two parts. The white outer and inner parts will form the embossed framing of the transparent part.
28 August, 21:18
Jennifer Franklin
That looks great (as per usual 😛)
28 August, 21:36
Ludvík Kružík
Welcome, Jennifer, we're glad to have you on board and thank you for your goodwill. 🙂
30 August, 09:46
Ludvík Kružík
I came back from vacation and it started to rain. Ideal conditions for modelling. 🙂

So I'm back and continuing to work on the model. I need to glue the finished nose to the glued fuselage so the cockpit overlay fits exactly. That determines the workflow. First I have to finish the nose and the inside of the fuselage and glue all the parts that need to be glued to the fuselage halves from the inside. After gluing the fuselage halves together, I would no longer be able to get to these parts (or only with great difficulty).

Photos of the work progress will be coming soon.
13 September, 20:42
Alexander Grivonev
Oh some modeling for big boys, not glueing perfectly fitting parts together and throwing on some paint! Following 👍
13 September, 22:53
Ludvík Kružík
Welcome, Alexander! 🙂
14 September, 07:39
Ludvík Kružík
I glued several parts to both halves of the fuselage. These parts are glued from the inside, so they have to be glued before the fuselage is closed.
I also started working on making new parts for the cockpit.
14 September, 21:06
Landlubber Mike
Wow, this is incredible work Ludvik! Thank you for sharing your steps - I've learned a lot from your pictures and descriptions!
14 September, 21:15
Villiers de Vos
Fantastic scratch build skills.
15 September, 05:40
Ludvík Kružík
@Landlubber Mike
Mike, thank you for your interest. Welcome aboard!
I've had the idea for this rebuild in my head for a few years now. Mainly because I've been waiting to see if anyone would start making 1:48 scale Mi-1M kits. Unfortunately, to this day, no manufacturer has this kit in their lineup. So I decided not to wait any longer and start building a model from what I have available.
My rebuild is just beginning. Most of the work on the model is yet to be done. I'd also like to try some new techniques that came to mind while planning to build this model.

Thank you for the compliment. I appreciate it very much.
15 September, 09:15
Ludvík Kružík
I didn't have much time today, so I didn't make much progress on the build. But every little bit of progress counts. 😉
15 September, 20:43
Great progress and detailing! Following
16 September, 11:34
Bruce Huxtable
Wow! You don't shy away from challenges! Watchinh with admiration, and hoping to learn lots too. Hoping you are not amongst the floods? Stay safe!
16 September, 12:29
Ludvík Kružík
J35J welcome! I hope you like it here.

Bruce, I like a challenge like that. I like to experiment and enjoy thinking of and then implementing ways to improve my model.

I appreciate your concern for my safety. I live in a town in the highlands that wasn't badly affected by the floods. Only the river that runs through our town has increased flow, but it hasn't spilled out of its bed. Moreover, our house is 80 metres above the river, so even if the river had spilled out of its bed, it would certainly not have reached our house.
17 September, 07:08
Bruce Huxtable
It sounds an idyllic location.....Opravdu, česka příroda je krasná....
17 September, 13:03
Ludvík Kružík
Bruce, thank you for the compliment. I'm sure the nature is beautiful in England too. 😉
18 September, 10:23
Ludvík Kružík
I'm slowly continuing to make small parts.
18 September, 10:27
Alec K
Nice progress, this will be a beauty 👍
18 September, 12:06
Artículo completado
Pz.Kpfw. V Panther Ausf. G (Sd.Kfz. 171)
Revell 1:72
03171 (80-3171) 2007 Nuevas calcas
18 September, 12:06
Artículo completado
Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger Ausf. H
Revell 1:72
03262 2018 Nuevas calcas
18 September, 12:06
Nuevo álbum de fotos añadido
2 18 September, 11:07
Really good work an very interesting to look at.
18 September, 12:05
tiene este artículo
U.S. Navy SB2C-4 "Operation Iceberg"
Academy 1:72
12545 2020 Nueva caja
18 September, 12:05







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