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Roland Sachsenhofer (Roland)

Ar-196 "Doppelpack +1" /Revell


1 30 March 2012, 16:19
those are really great pits Roland
30 March 2012, 16:38
Holger Kranich
Hey Roland, as you told me, you will build 3 Arado´s at the same time, i thought you are crazy.

The pictures are the evidence😢!

Great work , so far! I´m exited how everything will turn out!
30 March 2012, 16:44
Roland Sachsenhofer
Excited? As me....! 😠)
30 March 2012, 17:22
Holger Kranich
Oh, yeah!😢
30 March 2012, 17:35
Aghis Barberopoulos
3 Arados ?!! Good man!!! 😉 I want to build one stationed in the Aegean of course! By the way, Kalamaki is not an island, but a suburb of Athens, in the south of the city.
30 March 2012, 17:42
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hallo Aghis, obviously thinking about my own impressions of beautiful Greece, I just wrote about an island... thank´s for correcting that!
But I have failed twice: Revell gives a description of "Kalamaki, Crete"... I had a look on the map, there´s a locality in the south of Crete called Kalamaki... 😮)
1 April 2012, 12:20
Roland Sachsenhofer
Here are some final pictures of the open fuselage Halfs. Revell has provided quite an elaborate construction of the fuselage-interior, suited for erverybody who is keen to open sidewalls and panels... For me, I am content to show open the various panels of the engine cowling on one of the Arados.
2 April 2012, 07:08
Lionel Marco
But why are you buildong 3 Arado's at the same time? Is it because you can't choose between the different decorations proposed by Revell? Or maybe you want to qhow 3 differnet configuration of the plane?

Anyway, that's 3 great jobs!

2 April 2012, 07:16
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hallo Lionel, thank you for your words!
3 Arados- sounds a little bit... excentric, I know 😮)
The answer is, that one is for a collector/ buyer in Germany, the second will be a replica of his version- a Arado in French colors from the auxiliary Cruiser "Widder"- for me and my showcase- and the third one will display the more conventionel appearence of a Luftwaffenmaschine, decaled out of the kit- because it might look interesting on my shelf....
2 April 2012, 08:17
Lionel Marco
Well, the side-by-side view of the "french" and the genuine marking would be interesting to see...

Have fun

2 April 2012, 09:49
Mathias Carl
Nice project.
A little bit mad😉, but interesting 🙂
I´m realy looking forward to your progress, as I´m having also one of these in my stash.
2 April 2012, 10:10
Aghis Barberopoulos
Hello Roland, that's what I call a triplane project 🙂 Just to explain regarding the "Kalamaki" name, there are countless villages/ areas with that name around Greece, but the one with the KGr 100 was in Athens... 🙂
2 April 2012, 15:05
Christian Meyerhoff
Hello Roland,
it seems you are starting a collection of Arados here. Looks very nice so far.
I will keep watching them. Have fun!
2 April 2012, 18:27
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hello Aghis, that´s a nice wordplay... Arado joins Sopwith and Fokker.
Your kalamaki- statement sounds like you would know -and not just think- that III/ KG 100 has been 1943 in Athens and not, as Revell specified, in Crete. That would be of interest for me.
Matthias, Christian, thank you for your interest and your encouraging words, I will do my best on these plastic parts...😮)
3 April 2012, 15:43
Nick Williamson
Nice work so far!! I don't typically dabble in vintage era planes, but this is awesome work.
3 April 2012, 15:48
Dirk Heyer
Three times the same manner! Wow!
What`s the name of your stimulant??? What kind of happy pills???
Good luck and a steady hand
3 April 2012, 16:59
Bill Gilman
Very nice work on your "Arado Alley." @Dirk, no stimulant is required when you have an exciting subect and a well engineered kit! Natural endorphins make you happy! That, and the paint fumes! 🙂
3 April 2012, 17:28
Aghis Barberopoulos
@Roland: According to my sources, II/Kg100 was operating from Kalamaki, Athens since summer 1942. SAGr 126 was renamed III/KG100 in September 1942 and was to begin conversion to He111. In Feb 1943 it apparently changed back to the old unit designation, operating solely Ar196. Bases included Scaramanga (shipyards to the west of Athens), Suda Bay in Crete, the island of Leros, the Island of Milos, and other 'auxiliary' bases. Some further research should make it more clear. I hope this was helpful Roland! I am watching your progress 🙂
3 April 2012, 17:36
Dirk Heyer
@ Bill 🙂
3 April 2012, 20:44
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you Aghis, that looks like a sound and elaborate depiction- and it gives me an indication where to start searching, if I would like to know more about SAGr 126- III./KG 100´s fate.
Bill, thank you for answering Dirks question- all that paint fumes in my brain make my reactions sometimes a little bit... slow 😮)
5 April 2012, 12:41
Roland Sachsenhofer
A small update: wings and struts have been attached, that´s also the way I will do on the remaining two Arados. Revell did a magnificient job on transposing the arrangement of engine covers into plastic... On one of the seabirds I will show these access panels fully open.
10 April 2012, 11:23
Holger Kranich
I dont see any putty, am i right?
10 April 2012, 11:46
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hello Holger,
I have added two more pictures, where you can see a big gap- on each side of every Arado- which I had to fill and sand. The glue lines of the fuselage halfs turned out a little bit crumpy: these parts did not fit very well and had to be "convinced" by a certain dosage of Cyanacrylat...
There is still need for some filler on the wing roots- you can see the small gap between the wing fuselage fillet on the photos. But in general it can be said, that there is not much afterwork to do.
10 April 2012, 12:35
Holger Kranich
That sounds great, because i´m playing with the thought, to buy myself such an Arado! Your work makes me wanna have one, too!
10 April 2012, 12:40
Roland Sachsenhofer
That´s nice... my experiences so far make me say: get one and enjoy- you will have BIG modelling fun, in any sense of these words...
10 April 2012, 12:49
Roland Sachsenhofer
After two weeks of work related absence some photos of the finished engines. Revell did a superb job designing these parts; in my opinion the final appearance is just ok even for this scale.
Ignition cables are provided as injection molds: that look a little bit mighty, but on the assembled engine model it seems to be just fine- but have a look for yourself?.

18 May 2012, 05:27
Lionel Marco
I think they just do the trick, and they will be fine once hiddent by the hood (and even if not hidden)

18 May 2012, 05:51
Roland Sachsenhofer
I agree to that!
By now I have assembled the hood- that means the forward and the back ring of the cowling. The panels of the middle section will be left wide open, that looks quite ok.
18 May 2012, 06:47
those are really great looking engines Roland, superb job
18 May 2012, 08:51
Aghis Barberopoulos
Engines look pretty good to me. I only have to make one of these guys, so it gives me courage😉
18 May 2012, 10:32
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thanks to both of you! Aghis, you will enjoy this section of the Arado-building- but take time to deal with the two intake air ducts sitting between the cylinders and die exhaust pipes... Revell, otherwise keen to equip this kit with details, has molded these parts as solid blocks! I have changed Revells air intakes for scratched ones made of cable insulation.
20 May 2012, 06:10
Philip De Keyser
Hi Roland, you've did a wonderfull job on these arado 196, love the details on the engine, it seems they needed some putty on the body section? looking great so far, greetz Phil
20 May 2012, 09:56
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you Philip! Yes, there is some filling and sanding to do, indeed?Nothing worse, but you have to deal with it.
The first one of my Arado-bunch is going into the home straight: the seaplane of the auxiliary cruiser ?Widder?, displaying parts of contemporary French markings, is recently getting its final touches.
The etched parts and details of Eduard´s exterior-set are still missing, and of course, the open glasshouse is not put together, as you can see.
I hope, I can show you the first finished Arado soon?
4 June 2012, 15:20
Philip De Keyser
Can't wait to see more pix of the results with the coat on, looks really great so far, greetz Phil
4 June 2012, 16:20
Holger Kranich
A wonderful result, so far! As usual😢 I´m a bit jealous about your great skill...😢!
4 June 2012, 16:31
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you guys, the all-metal Arado is on the run... tztztz- nix da, Holger 😮)
I just have adjusted the assembled canopy on the fuselage for the first time: Revell has chosen a very odd way to construct that glass house!
6 June 2012, 15:38
Bill Gilman
The reviews I've read about the canopy on this kit are about 50/50 love/hate. It will be interesting to see what you think of it!
6 June 2012, 20:45
Dirk Heyer
Very interesting results! Well done!
8 June 2012, 10:33
Roland Sachsenhofer
my ?French? Arado has been nearly finished yet; the antenna wiring and the observer?s gun still have to be placed and some further weathering is also to be done.
Bill, I can give a clear recommendation to everyone interested! The clear parts display a really fantastic transparency and- more interesting- the buildup of the canopy is relatively simple and, as I think, easy to achieve. The only thing I have to recommend is the usage of special cement for clear parts, because there definitely will be some minor spots, where the cement is likely to be visible, at least. I don´t think, that the glasshouse construction is a challenge- assumed it is not be done between the 11th and 12th cup of coffee? 😮)
By the way, the whole arrangement consists, as on the ?real thing? of two fixed and one sliding part, each of these are made of three clear plates and some styrene details.
Dirk, thank you for your words!
9 June 2012, 16:30
Philip De Keyser
looks great Roland, very fine paintjob, love the open engine, greetz Phil
9 June 2012, 16:56
Roland Sachsenhofer
Philip, thanks again for your kind words!
The two false French "silver" Arados are ready by now, I would like to show you pictures of one of them. The next out of the Arado bunch I am eager to finish is the camouflaged seabird...
14 June 2012, 13:57
Holger Kranich
I agree with Michael! Very clean work!!! I´m looking forward the camo-bird😢
14 June 2012, 14:12
looks superb !! but - forgive me if Im mistaken - there seem to be 2 rigging wires missing ??
14 June 2012, 14:17
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hello guys,
Thanks a lot! ?Zimmermaniac?- special thanks to you for your accurate glance. I have rigged two pairs of crossbred wires lengthwise- between the floats and the fuselage on each side- and one pair of cables between the floats, straining horiontal. Altogether, I have fixed six wires.
I have read my sources this way- but maybe I have done wrong?

Another issue is the strength oft he wires. Looking at the pictures, they seem to be a little bit weak. Maybe, I will use stretched sprues on the camo-Arado.
14 June 2012, 15:41
Aghis Barberopoulos
Six cables sounds correct. One down, two left to go... Veny nice build Roland.
14 June 2012, 15:47
Mike Kryza
Absolute TopJob!!!
14 June 2012, 17:05
ok, nothing said 🙂 it's just that I don't see em on the pics, must be my old eyes 🙂
15 June 2012, 05:53
Holger Kranich
Zimmi, you and old eyes? It looks mor than you are a young and omnipotent man!😢
15 June 2012, 07:29
Marc Garwig
verry special Roland... nice and clean ..... keep posting
15 June 2012, 10:54
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hello all,
The "Kalamaki"-Arado has got the preshading applied today.
After that, Alclad Aluminum has been sprayed on those areas, which will show peeled of paint. This will be no "japanese" plane; it´s only planned as slight abbrasions.
Next, underside RLM 65 will be applied...
Greetings! Roland
1 July 2012, 19:35
Philip De Keyser
Hi Roland, can't wait to see it with the paint on, looks already great, look out for the peeled of result, you did a great job, greetz Phil
2 July 2012, 05:53
Marc Garwig
nice pre shading .. 3 of a kind
2 July 2012, 13:57
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hello guys, the Arado-project underwent a kind of adventure: it seems, as if I had mixed up the distribution of RLM 73 and 72 on the surface of this plane. When I had noticed, it was too late... Look at the first four pictures of the new ones, and you can see this mishap.
To make a rather long story short: I had to completely repaint my little seabird; that was a pitty, because some parts of the well prepaired chipping was in danger... But after all, I am quite content by now.
Next will be a decent quantum of washing and weathering.
The last part of the Arado-project is going in the home strait now!
Greetings Roland
12 July 2012, 17:20
Aghis Barberopoulos
Looks really good from here!
12 July 2012, 17:53
Holger Kranich
Roland, you'll make it! Your way was too long to spoil it😢!
12 July 2012, 18:08
wich colors ( brand ) did ya use for RLM 73 and 72 ???
12 July 2012, 20:12
Roland Sachsenhofer
I applied acrylic water based colours from Model Master.
For the first time... I guess I did something wrong, because they frequently stuffed my 0,2mm spray valve- but concerning pigment and colour shade they are great.
13 July 2012, 07:40
Bill Gilman
I don't think you did anything wrong, I've tried everything I can think of to make ModelMaster acrylic paints not clog my airbrush, but I've not been successful. Just about every different brand of acrylic thinner on the market, many different ratios, different retarders, etc. No luck, even with 100% retarder. So back to Gunze I go...
13 July 2012, 13:27
Roland Sachsenhofer
Interesting to read about your experiences, you have spared me a lot of experimenting!
I did not care a lot about that clogging, because these two shades are the only Modelmaster colours in my paint-pool, - and so it will be in future after this performance. I had purchased MM RLM 72/73, because there is no equivalent offered by other manufacturer for these shades. Recently I have red, that Gunzes H309 and H48 should represent RLM 72 and 73 in reasonable and sensible way- my choice the next time; Bill, I agree: back to Gunze...
14 July 2012, 09:26
Dirk Heyer
Hi Roland,
I`ve used a lot of different colours of he Aeromaster Acrylic brand!
I had no problems because I thinned Aeromaster Acrylics with Tamiya Thinner!
"Only" Tamiya Thinner is the appropriate Medium.
The mixture must be 1 part colour and 2 parts Thinner!
The optimal pressure adjustment is 0.7 - 1.0 bar! Don`t adjust a higher pressure at your compressor, otherwise the colour will dry directly at the nozzle!
14 July 2012, 10:16
Bill Gilman
You guys are lucky in Europe, you can get Gunze Aqueous quite easily. There is even a nice on-line shop at Very hard to come by in the US, although we do get Mr. Color. I'm sure everyone knows that in the H400 series of Gunze Aqueous you can find RLM 04, 23, 66, 76, 78, 80, 81, 82, and 83. But alas, no 72 or 73! Some of the other H400 series, namely H403 Dark Yellow, H405 Olive Green, and H406 Chocolate Brown are German tank colours, and are also available in the German Tank Set 2.

@Dirk - you mention Aeromaster. I thought they were out of business?
14 July 2012, 14:11
Dirk Heyer
Some private traders offer this colours sometimes on model expos!
Another good choice for RLM 72 and 73 are the Agama colours! This colours are easily in application and matches the RLM very close!
14 July 2012, 19:53
Mike Kryza
I think this applies for the Vallejos too.
14 July 2012, 20:06
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hallo Dirk, do you think, the procedure you developed for Aeromaster Acrylics will also cure this specific glogging problem on Modelmaster paints? I will have a try anyway, it sounds interesting.
16 July 2012, 14:52
Bill Gilman
Yes, it will be interesting to see how this works for you Roland! I trust advice from such a good modeller as Dirk, his work speaks on his behalf! 🙂

In addition to the problem of drying too soon and clogging the airbrush, I have found that the MM acrylics have pigment that is not as finely ground as Gunze. So I am not able to get as fine of a line or edge when I am painting a camoflage pattern freehand. Since I work exclusively in the one true scale (1:72) a fine edge is very important for me!
16 July 2012, 16:41
Dirk Heyer
Hi Roland,
it is a trial worse!
But pls, don`t try it on your amazing Arado! 🙂
I hope it works with Modelmaster too!
17 July 2012, 15:08
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hello Dirk, I will have a try- for sure. Thanks again for your hint and your interest. I agree Bill in judging your reputation in any way. You do a real inspiring and admirable work!
Oh yes Dirk, it´s too late to have a try on my Arado- she has been finished... 😮)
I have added some final pictures to this photalbum- thank you all for your comments!

18 July 2012, 10:19
Dirk Heyer
Looks cool!
The finish is fine and smooth and the colours have the right tint!
You made a fine work, Roland!
18 July 2012, 15:48
Jan Goormans
these are really cool !!
build like this are the reason i buy some kits

but is it possible the the Japanese used these planes, tought i had seen a picture somewhere from a 196 with Japanese roundels on it, that was cool😉

12 August 2012, 09:36
Vitor Costa
Hi Roland, amazing! Congratulations. those are very inspiring works.
12 August 2012, 10:41
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thanks again for your friendly and encouraging words!
Jan, you are right; there have been Arados flown in ?even more than less- authentic Japanese markings. I know from two occasions: the first is the plane embarked on the auxiliary cruiser ?Thor?, when this ship operated in the Indian Ocean in spring 1942. The picture, taken from Kagero Nr 45, shows this seaplane.


I have read from a second occasion to see a ?Japanese? Arado: as late as fall 1944 the Germans seemed to have operated a submarine command in Penang. The two planes stationed here would display a proper Japanese outfit. In the www you can find this eyewitness report

I have the 1:48 scale kit from Italeri. To complete my Arado seaplane quartet, I am planning to build this kit as the japanised Arado on a.c. ?Thor.
16 August 2012, 06:10
Jan Goormans
thanks for the info!!
i will get me the Revell 1/32 kit and plan to build the one with Japanese markings
seems a very good kit , or do you need really some AM stuff ?
(i normally build out of the box)
16 August 2012, 07:09
Steve Wilson
Nice build Roland, can't understand why I had not seen this before now... Love the chipping🙂
16 August 2012, 07:17
Holger Kranich
A Japanese Arado sounds like a very nice idea! And the picture showes that a Hinomaru fits well to the fuselage!
16 August 2012, 07:22
gee, makes me wanna make my first 1/32 kit 🙂
16 August 2012, 10:41
Roland Sachsenhofer
You all are quite right; this is really an excellent model.
Jan, I would not buy the whole bunch of etched parts Eduard -for example- is offering for this kit.
Out of Eduards Big Ed I really used and enjoyed the ?interior? and the ?seat belt? section, furthermore the clear part set of masks is very handsome? I did not use the enhancements for the engine ?Revell has done superb detailing here- or the other parts of the ?exterior? etched parts.

Indeed, Revells big seaplane in Japanese markings- what a sight that would be!
18 August 2012, 19:51
Flemming Forsberg
oboy all 3 pieces at one time, what are you up too, great job chappy
19 March 2016, 21:31
Very impressive aerofactory! 👍
20 March 2016, 11:41
Stephan Ryll
I like it a lot 👍
20 March 2016, 13:58
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hey guys, thanks a lot for these comments, it was quite a fun to build that comfortable kit- besides the gluing of the canopy-parts!
20 March 2016, 20:22
Flemming Forsberg
Roland boy, thanks for good tutorials, i am building it myself now on the catapult. what colours are your radios in the cabin, you seem to have both grey and green, please help cheers,
21 March 2016, 09:38
Jean Pierre CULIS-FERY
Bonjour, C'est un très joli travail et un joli album. Je n'ai qu'un seul regret: une photo de famille avec les trois avion sur le même cliché.
21 March 2016, 10:16
Lex Jassies For Flemming, this site has some wonderful colorpictures of german radio-equipment.
21 March 2016, 12:46
Soeren R.
Wonderful 🙂
21 March 2016, 13:35
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you very much gentlemen!
Flemming, I am keen to see your catapult positioned Arado! The radios are part of Eduards "interior" set and consist of pre-painted etched parts; for the interior I did use Gunzes "RLM 02" shade.....
21 March 2016, 21:36
Clifford Keesler
Totally Awesome.
22 March 2016, 00:21
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you very much, Clifford!
23 March 2016, 19:35

Album info

my workbench, as you can see, houses three of Revells big Arardos... A wonderful kit with lots of sensible details and reasonable parts brake down, as far as I can see... I have added some etched parts from the Eduards detailing set for the cockpits/the interior but no further scratch buildung was done.
Two of the kits will represent the scouts of the auxiliary cruiser "Widder" from 1940, the third is going to be displayed as one of KG 100´s Ar 196 from 1943, having been stationed on the Greek island of Kalamaki.

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