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Jan Tichý (Charlie355)

Christmas is coming soon


15 11 June 2024, 14:05
You must be very organised if you're planning Christmas in June. 😉
Are these to put on a Christmas tree, or gifts?
 11 June 2024, 14:56
Jan Tichý Autor
These serve as Christmas ornaments, they go on the tree. I am trying to be organised, yes, emphasis on the "trying" 😂 This has been going on for 2 years now, more pictures will follow soon.
 11 June 2024, 15:35
Christoph Kunz
WOW, that's a christmastree even I can imagin. 👍
 11 June 2024, 18:55
Jakub Fiala
Tak to je vymazlenej stromek 👍
 14 June 2024, 18:38
nice tree!
 24 June 2024, 21:06
Jan Tichý Autor
Cheers, gents! 🙏
 25 June 2024, 04:41

Album info

Mini Christmas tree with the Masters of the Air

5 imágenes
En progreso
1:144 F-14D Super Tomcat (Revell 04049)1:144 Dassault Rafale M (Revell 04033)1:144 North American T-28A Trojan - USAF (Miniwing Mini313)4+

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