15 23 September, 10:48
Never a Pro
I have this one. Nice build. I see you didn't use the decals, care to elaborate?
I have this one. Nice build. I see you didn't use the decals, care to elaborate?
23 September, 17:51
Jim O'Halloran
@Never a Pro The decals for the digital camo? I was able to get precut masks for the scheme from Foxbot, so I wanted to challenge myself to do it all in paint. Laying down so many large decals was probably going to be difficult anyway, so I decided to try and paint it instead. I figured if the paint didn't work out, I could just repaint it light grey again and apply the decals. The paint version isn't perfect, but I'm pretty happy with it.
@Never a Pro The decals for the digital camo? I was able to get precut masks for the scheme from Foxbot, so I wanted to challenge myself to do it all in paint. Laying down so many large decals was probably going to be difficult anyway, so I decided to try and paint it instead. I figured if the paint didn't work out, I could just repaint it light grey again and apply the decals. The paint version isn't perfect, but I'm pretty happy with it.
24 September, 02:37