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Roland Sachsenhofer (Roland)

Hs 123 /Revell- Italeri kit bash/


1 11 August 2012, 18:15
Philip De Keyser
Great Start Roland, looking good😉
11 August 2012, 22:00
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you Philip, even though nothing great is done by now 😮)
I am really excited abut the intended winter camouflage- we will see...
12 August 2012, 08:27
Lionel Marco
So let's wait for your painting trial...
13 August 2012, 12:30
Roland Sachsenhofer
The paint trials have to wait? while I fix some irregularities on the kits engine and the cowling: I have added some of the prominent wiring and exchanged the arrangement of the cowlings buttress. The kits part, as seen on the first of the new pictures, looks much too heavy to me. So I used florist wire to come near a more realistic dimension.
Wiring and details were also added at the auxiliary tank. As with the engines cowling, the much too over dimensioned buttress was cut down and will be restored with slim copper wire. The Venturi pipe on the fuselages side has also been drilled out.
And now on to the paint shop?.
16 August 2012, 06:24
Philip De Keyser
The engine looks great Roland, can't wait to see it with paint on, greetz Phil
16 August 2012, 07:37
Philip De Keyser
The engine looks great Roland, cant wait to see it with paint on, greetz Phil
16 August 2012, 07:38
Roland Sachsenhofer
thank you Philip- first paint has been sprayed...
It is not very concise and elaborate done, as this will serve as background for the layers of individually shaded white paint. First -and next- I will apply masking solution all over the surfaces to prepare a sharp edged eroding of the white, was frequently seen on these winter camos. This will be supported and enhanced by further different ways of peeling off.
The last two pictures document missing accuracy of fit between upper wing and the N-struts. I will have to deal with it.
Next I hope I can show you some "white" pictures.
Greetings Roland
18 August 2012, 20:08
Philip De Keyser
Hi Roland, it's a shame about the bat fit, yhe paintjob looks awesome like always, can't wait to see the next pix, greetz Phil
19 August 2012, 07:01
Roland Sachsenhofer
Last week I have been engaged in family affairs... now back on the workbench, I would like to show my latest efforts on "winter camouflage". First a few pictures with different layers of white paint; the masking solution has already rubbed off. The next pictures depict the recent state: first trials on applying "mud"-like paint have been done with the dry-brush. The next steps of building up the staining will be done with airbrush. This will be accompanied with final detailing work on the small parts like antenna mast, bomb racks and the tires.
1 September 2012, 17:53
Philip De Keyser
Hi Roland, your Hs 123 looks really awesome, the mud looks fantastic on the beautifull winter camouflage, love this job, greetz Phil
1 September 2012, 20:04
Jan Goormans
Roland, looking very good indeed
any reason why you used the masking solution method instead of hear-spray?
curious because i also have a 1/32 Stuka waiting for it's winter coat and i am looking around to see how the masters do it 🙂
2 September 2012, 06:44
Vitor Costa
Hi Roland, that is looking very good.
Waiting for more
2 September 2012, 10:45
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hello guys,
thank you for your words! By now, I have finished the camouflage by spraying some more dirt in different shades of heavily diluted brown paint and applying the exhaust stains in similar way. Furthermore, the four exhausts stacks have been made by small hollow plastic tubes, these have already been attached.
Jan, I don´t know how the masters do it 😮), but I can tell you about my decision to use masking solution. First to say, I have never tried the hairspray method. With dabbed on masking solution you can achieve stains spot on- and you may correct it by simply rubbing it off. That´s important because this procedure often tends to slightly overdone result ? A "big" Stuka in winter camo will look awesome- I wish you good luck and am looking forward to your submission!
2 September 2012, 10:52
Roland Sachsenhofer
... ääääh... did I write "submission"? That´s mistakable, I am not Dschinghis Khan 😮)))
I am looking forward to your article!
2 September 2012, 10:57
Jan Goormans
thanks Roland
i will post some picture when i start the wintercoat on the Stuka
first i am going practise the hair spray method on some old models
2 September 2012, 19:36
Mike Kryza
Hi Roland - very fine done. In the first moment I believe that you will work with the hairspray-method... The bird looks great.
2 September 2012, 19:53
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hello folks,
thanks both of you for your kind words!
I have finally succeeded in finishing this little biplane!
A lot of the visible parts had to be enhanced, corrected or even exchanged by scratched pieces: that means all the wiring on the engine including the prominent triangular construction, the four -empty- bomb racks, footrests and the rudder horns on the tail plane and, most challenging, the windscreen made of transparent plastic card. All in all I am quite happy with this outcome- now on to a great, winter camouflaged Ju-87G!
Thanks all for watching and commenting.
4 September 2012, 12:30
Jan Goormans
it looks perfect, very realistic winter finish 🙂
4 September 2012, 17:24
Aghis Barberopoulos
Looks very good Roland, good work! The chipped whitewash is very effective! It really makes the HS123 stand out.
4 September 2012, 17:49
Christian Lehmann
Wirklich gelungen. Stimmig und nicht übertrieben. Toll gemacht!
4 September 2012, 18:06
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thanks to you all for these encouraging words!
5 September 2012, 08:59
Juergen Klueser
Sehr gelungen !!
5 September 2012, 18:03
Holger Kranich
Wunderbares Finisch, Roland! Absolute great!
17 September 2012, 13:43
Steve Wilson
Great build and pics on how you got there, very well done...8)
17 September 2012, 13:49
Mike Kryza
Looks very uncommon - great work indeed...
17 September 2012, 16:22
Christian Keller
Servus Roland,

Absolut geniales Finish, das bringt mich grad ins grübeln.
Ich hab auch noch ein HS 123 in 1/72.

Gruss aus dem anderen Alpenland
17 September 2012, 16:37
Bill Gilman
Wow, what a great job on the winter scheme and the weathering! I have bookmarked this one for future reference! Fantastic! 🙂
17 September 2012, 16:43
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hello guys,
what pleasant and enjoyable compliments! I feel quite encouraged and well motivated after your kind words. Thanks a lot for that to all of you!

Jürgen, Holger, Christian: danke Euch für Eure Worte! Christian, aus welchem Stall stammt denn die 72er Henschel? Die 48 er Version in den Schachteln von Revell und Italeri würde jedenfalls eine Ausgabe mit neuen Formen und einer zumindest passablen Passgenauigkeit gut vertragen.
Würde mich jedenfalls freuen, ein Hs 123 Projekt von Dir zu sehen. Mein Gruss als von den Ostalpen reflektiertes Echo herzlich ins Nachbarland!
18 September 2012, 09:56
Christian Keller
Hi Roland,

Ich habe zwei Bausätze: Einen uralten von Airfix den ich vor langer Zeit mal gebaut habe und einen neuen ungebauten von Fly der noch nicht so lange auf dem Markt ist, aber bis ich den baue.....
Ich werde den alten mal reinstellen so als BeginnerYears 🙂


18 September 2012, 12:28
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hallo Christian,
ich kannte den 72er Bausatz von Fly nicht (ich kannte eigentlich nicht einmal den Hersteller 😮) und habe mich ein wenig umgesehen: das dürfte ja ein Sptzenbausatz sein! Was mir persönlich gefallen hat, war der Decalbogen der A-Variante, bei den exotischeren Varianten ist eine von den Chinesen genutzte Hs 123 dabei; die interessiert mich in 48 -oder gerne auch größer- schon lange! Also, ich bin gespannt, was Du da einmal zaubern beziehungsweise auf alles, was Du hier reinstellen wirst.
Lieben Gruß

22 September 2012, 20:21

Album info

Starting with this dated Revell-kit, I am going to make a rather rugged, soiled and weather-beaten Hs 123 in winter camouflage. I would better say: I will try to do so, because it will be the first time that I dabble with winter camo.

This kit shows a lot of raised panels and is of rather basic detail. Hence there is much of filling and sanding to do; I show you photos before and after the primary filling.
The elevators have been sawn off and are reattached by now.

By the way, this bird is destined to be a test carrier for a future weathered and white coated Ju-87G in 1:32.

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