Being Thoughts on Eccentric Processes: A Work by an Amateur
2 January 2015, 23:44
Ian Adams
That makes me cry thinking about the patience that requires. Well done!
That makes me cry thinking about the patience that requires. Well done!
8 January 2015, 04:25
Ian Adams
Is the anti-gas pill for scale or a comment on how this model makes you feel?
Is the anti-gas pill for scale or a comment on how this model makes you feel?
13 January 2015, 04:38
Es-haq Khosravi
Great job! Did you start modeling in September 2014?! You are very fast and talented!
Great job! Did you start modeling in September 2014?! You are very fast and talented!
14 January 2015, 14:22
Es-haq Khosravi
You are very talented! Well done! Which one is your first model?
You are very talented! Well done! Which one is your first model?
14 January 2015, 14:26
Leif Adams
The Revell Dauntless with the dodgy paint and decals would be my first real model.
The Revell Dauntless with the dodgy paint and decals would be my first real model.
14 January 2015, 15:02