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Thomas Kolb (Mimoid)

SAAB SK60 - Marivox

Album image #1

Album image #2
Flash galore 

Album image #3
The fuselage is already cracked in two on the sprue (just behind the air brake opening). Also, if you want panel lines, you'll have to scribe your own. 

Album image #4
Nasty molding errors with some parts - the plastic is so thin and brittle that the parts actually shatter and crumble when trying to remove them. I had them replaced with new parts under warranty. 

Album image #5
Instructions - pretty rudimentary, so online references are needed. Also the position of antennas and smaller stuff are completely wrong, so you definitely need photos! 

Album image #6
Really nice decal sheet for Swedish and Austrian versions 

Album image #7
Brass fret included in the kit - it is surprisingly thick so the parts are difficult to bend in shape if you don't have a bending tool (which I do). 

Album image #8
The kit's own transparent parts are pretty thick. I bought the Maestro Models vac-formed canopy, but those turned out to have a completely wrong shape and are unusable. 

Album image #9
Vacuum-formed canopies purchased from Maestro Models. Unfortunately the shape is completely wrong and makes it unusable. 

Album image #10
Extra photo-etched frame purchased from Maestro Models - this is a superb addition, no SK-60 model should be without it. 

Album image #11
Fuselage halves carefully sawed off from the sprue, repaired and reinforced with plastic cards on the inside to avoid further cracking. 

Album image #12
The over-heavy detailing on the cockpit sidewalls needs to be removed as I will using the Maestro Models photo-etched parts instead 

Album image #13
Removing heavy molded-on internal side-panel detail with my trusty Dremel 4000 - these will be replaced with PE parts later. Also I cut open the small side windows, as they had the wrong shape and were more or less completely covered in flash 

Album image #14
Excavating the cockpit parts from this molten mess is tricky - the plastic is really brittle and clipping tools would just shatter them. I need to use a razor saw to cut out the entire area and then gradually saw and sand away the superfluous plastic. 

Album image #15
A bit discouraging - the cockpit parts are literally drowning in flash ... 

Album image #16
... but with some patience everything can be fixed. But the seat's headrests are completely wrong, so I need to fix them.. 

Album image #17
New headrests scratch built. The seats are now put to the side for later. 

Album image #18
I cut open the "blind" walls in the jet intake, and will add some inner detailing later 

Album image #19
Cockpit back wall cut from a plastic coffee cup - otherwise you could see through the cockpit straight into the entire inner fuselage 

Album image #20
Center separator panel made from styrene sheets and back wall added. Primed and ready to be detailed. 

Album image #21
Cockpit floor and walls done. Seats and dashboard will be added later. 

Album image #22
Fuselage halves cemented together 

Album image #23
Join lines filled and sanded smooth 

Album image #24
The nose cone and area behind the cockpit is filled with lead weights to make sure that the model is not a tail sitter. 

Album image #25
In the meantime I am checking for other fit issues - for instance, I noticed that the wing needs to be modified somewhat to accept the jet intake. The marked areas should be removed. 

Album image #26
The area chopped off with a razor saw ... 

Album image #27
... and now the jet intake fits perfectly! 

Album image #28
While I was at it, I added a hollow plastic tube from the spare box to the back of the jet intake part to represent the inside of the intake tunnel. 

Album image #29
Actually it looks pretty nice - I was even thinking of crafting a small turbine face on the inside, but it would have been too much work for something hardly visible. 

Album image #30
The new jet intake pipes need some cutting and messing to fit, but it is worth it. 

Album image #31
Yep, totally worth it! 

Album image #32
The nose cone is now cemented in place - I crafted some details in the nose gear well, as the nose cone part is otherwise completely empty. 

Album image #33
Since there are no panel lines on the kit, I decided to scribe my own using online drawings. I am not very good at scribing, but as long as there are only straight lines, I can get away with it. 

Album image #34
For the lines around the fuselage, curved templates are needed. I simply cut them from electric tape. 

Album image #35
Place the tape where the engraved lines should be... 

Album image #36
... and scribe away. I just need to be careful so they don’t become Matchbox trenches! 

Album image #37
The jet exhaust is reshaped for a better fit - I added the bottom half first, added the redesigned pipe and the thrust reversor before the top half is cemented in place 

Album image #38
Everything fits *just* barely and a lot of dry fitting is needed before committing to cement.  

Album image #39
Stabilizer, rudder and dropped flaps installed. Notice the ridiculous amount of filling around the wings and the engine nacelles! 

Album image #40
Extended air brakes added. The kit's photo-etched parts are improved with thin metal sheets. 

Album image #41
Cockpit masked off with Tamiya masking tape and the whole model carefully wiped off with alcohol to remove fingerprints and sanding dust. 

Album image #42
I had completely forgotten the instrument panel and the windscreen, so these were added and the cockpit then remasked. 

Album image #43
Priming with UMP Ultimate Primer 

Album image #44
Primed and inspected for imperfections. I also temporarily removed the flaps and the air brakes as I noticed that they would interfere with masking and spraying the camo pattern. 

Album image #45
Spraying the blue underside (Tamiya X-14 Sky Blue). Shiny and bright! 

Album image #46
The line between the blue underside and the camouflage top needs to follow the yellow decal lines very precisely. I started with copying the decal sheet to plain paper ... 

Album image #47
... and used the yellow decal stripes between the blue underside and the camo top sides as a template to cut out the masking for the underside 

Album image #48
Mask carefully applied 

Album image #49
Minor gaps filled with masking fluid to avoid accidental paint to find its way onto the blue 

Album image #50
Top surface camouflage pattern sprayed on freehand - Tamiya paints mixed according to photos: a witches brew of XF-13, XF-62, XF-19 and XF-17. 

Album image #51
New masking applied for the metal parts 

Album image #52
Metalizer applied - I used AKI Xtreme Metal Steel for this. 

Album image #53
Tape removed - looks pretty clean! The yellow stripes under the wing will be represented with my custom made decals as I couldn't make painted stripes crisp and consistent enough. 

Album image #54
Alclad II utility gloss coat applied with a paintbrush before decaling. 

Album image #55
Staring to apply the decals - the kit's own decals are extremely thin and require a delicate touch, but are beautifully printed. In case you didn't know, "Flygvapnet" is the name of the Swedish Air Force. 

Album image #56
Cutting out the yellow stripes under the wings from a spare decal sheet 

Album image #57
Yep, looks decent - the idea with the yellow line between the blue and the camo worked out just fine! I am here also starting to apply some careful weathering with Abteilung 502 oils to bring some life to my scribed panel lines. Antennas, gear bay doors, air brakes and underwing smoke canisters still missing. 

Album image #58
Semi-flat clear coat applied on the top to seal the decals and the weathering. My scratch-built seats added to the cockpit. I was worried for a second that they wouldn't fit, but fortunately they did! Nice! 

Album image #59
Adding the ram air regulator to the smoke generators. The pylons need to be built from scratch. 

Album image #60
Assembling the super fiddly gear bay doors - they need to be bent very precisely to match the curvature of the bracing. 

Album image #61
The resin smoke generators added and some more minor stuff - and that's about it! 

Album image #62
Album image #63
Album image #64
Album image #65
Album image #66
Album image #67
Album image #68
Album image #69


22 12 November 2019, 19:33
Juergen Klinglhuber
Yeah!! Saab 105!! - Looking forward to your double build! have fun and keep us informed.
12 November 2019, 19:44
Łukasz Gliński
Quite rare aren't they? 🙂
13 November 2019, 11:51
Harry Eder
Nice project - ugly kitparts 😉 Following too!
13 November 2019, 11:54
Dietmar Kollmann
This project is interesting. I´m in.
13 November 2019, 14:40
Björn Svedberg
SK 60, I'm in! 🙂
13 November 2019, 15:25
Bernd Korte
13 November 2019, 17:24
Thomas Kolb
I have been trying to figure out the best way to perform this build as the instructions only very loosely correlate with what can be found on the sprues and the etched frets. Also there is no build sequence described, so you need to do some work finding the best assembly order. A lot of stuff needs to be fabricated from plastic and metal sheets, as otherwise things don't add up at all. Definitely challenging, but so far, pretty fun!
13 November 2019, 22:14
I've never seen that plane before. Interesting. Looks a bit like a mix of Prowler (front), Alpha Jet (middle) and Starfighter (elevator).😉
16 November 2019, 10:14
Géza Szekér

I'm following this build, lots of patience 🙂
16 November 2019, 11:02
Gordon Sørensen
Watching! I read once that this kit can be "challenging...." Almost reminds me of an Amodel....
16 November 2019, 12:06
Andy Ball
seems like a lot of, well, seams....
16 November 2019, 17:01
Roland Sachsenhofer
You are a brave man! 🙂 I will follow with interest!
16 November 2019, 21:09
Juergen Klinglhuber
Thomas, I can feel with you, it can be a pain sometimes - 2 of this kits done, 3 waiting - I am really curious about the outcome and your experience. Until now it seems you handle this challenge with ease....
17 November 2019, 08:20
Thomas Kolb
I have now come to the point where the fuselage can finally be cemented together. I will then add the nose cone and possibly try to scratch build at least some resemblance of a nose gear box. Oh, and to make sure to cram as much lead weight as I can into this model. The next will be the tricky wing and complicated jet intake/exhaust assembly. I think I will need to step back a little to think about how to best engineer this, as I can see a lot of potentiall pitfalls.
17 November 2019, 12:28
Thomas Kolb
Jürgen Klingkhuber, Three kits waiting, seriously? That's certainly a challenge! I don't think I would be able to handle three more of this kit, once these two are finished. I'd love to see your results!
17 November 2019, 12:32
Erik De Smet
I have this kit in my stash too, and I think it will stay there, but I am following this interesting build
17 November 2019, 12:34
Bernd Korte
That's some nice scribing!
17 November 2019, 13:05
Thomas Kolb
Erik De Smet, I think you should give it a go, this kit is actually quite fun because it will force you to think outside the box in order to overcome the problems.
Bernd Korte - thank you! But I deliberately leave out the most tricky panel lines, like circles and ovals as I think those are beyond my scribing capability.
17 November 2019, 19:11
Juergen Klinglhuber
🙂 Thomas - once I get up the nerve to start with those three - I let you know 😉
Unfortunally I have developed a passion for that birds - the real one's that are still (!!) in service here in Austria. So it's only a matter of time to take a deep breath and pull the kits out of the stash and put them on the table,....
17 November 2019, 19:22
Thomas Kolb
I am waiting for warranty replacement of some totally deformed jet exhaust parts that were more or less beyond repair... As soon as they arrive in the mail I will continue building. In the meantime I finished scribing the entire kit, it turned out quite nice without any slips or crooked lines.
24 November 2019, 18:01
Andy Ball
this is a real 'labour of Hercules', keep going....
25 November 2019, 10:41
Thomas Kolb
I finally figured out how to build the engine nacelles, as I am unable to make the kit parts fit. I added the bottom halves first, of course heavily sanded in shape. From there I crafted a top half, partially from the kit part, but also by using styrene sheets and a lot of liquid styrene. Finally I built my own thrust reversers, as the kit versions are totally unusable. I will later add metal frames to the reversers to make them look a bit more like the real thing. The jet pipe in the middle will be crafted from a hollowed out styrene cylinder with the tip of the kit part inserted in the middle.

Wow, this is really a lot of work for a tiny model - I hope it will be worth the effort.
26 November 2019, 22:25
Łukasz Gliński
Thomas, could you share your recipe for liquid styrene? Is it nitro-based?
Extremely challenging project, reminds me a bit of my Iryda, but I knew so much less while building it😉
27 November 2019, 08:28
Thomas Kolb
Lukasz, actually quite easy: I cut a sprue tree in tiny pieces (5 mm) and put them in a bottle of Tamiya Extra Thin cement. After a few days the styrene has melted and turned into a goo. If it is too thin, add more plastic, if it is too thick, add more cement. You can then simply brush it onto the model where you want to fill large gaps.

It is a bit messy, but the good thing is that when applied, this stuff really melts into the plastic and becomes a part it - you can scribe and cut it just like the original part and will not crumble like putty. You can even use it to completely reshape parts (e.g to make them thicker or longer), but you will then have to use several layers with a day of waiting time between layers, so it is a bit time-consuming.
27 November 2019, 09:01
Urban Gardini
Excellent work so far on this famous Putty Queen the Devourer of Putty!
3 December 2019, 09:00
Thomas Kolb
I have been crafting my own metal parts to combine with the photo-etched parts. The landing gears are next - the horror.
Urban, thank you! Yes I cannot remember having used this much filler on a single project - like ever. This little kit doesn't give anything away for free.
3 December 2019, 18:05
Roland Sachsenhofer
Are you really going to tame that beast?
You are! Unbelievable and stunning!
3 December 2019, 19:01
Thomas Kolb
Roland, thank you for the kind words, they mean a lot!
3 December 2019, 20:52
Łukasz Gliński
Very cool progress
16 December 2019, 13:23
Thomas Kolb
Backtracking my steps little with the new warranty replacement parts for the engine nacelles. The original parts kept caving in as the material was simply too thin (errors in the molding process). The replacement parts look much better! I also made new seats and added some improvements. I am starting to realize that this kit is not at all as hopeless as people say. Sure the fit is pretty crappy, but it just takes some fantasy to fix most of the the weaknesses.
16 December 2019, 20:25
Roland Sachsenhofer
It keeps growing into a precious gem - and a reference build for this lovely plane
17 December 2019, 09:39
Thomas Bischoff
That's serious modelling!
29 December 2019, 17:13
Thomas Kolb
Thomas, thank you! Yes, this kit really keeps me on my toes.
29 December 2019, 19:25
Thomas Kolb
Blue underside sprayed with gloss Tamiya Sky Blue - next will be the camo on the top, but the blue undersides are still slighly tacky (I obviously used too much retarder in the paint), so I will give it a few days to completely dry before doing any serious masking.
11 February 2020, 21:33
Bernd Korte
Some nice progress!
24 March 2020, 12:07
Paul Juliano
What a neat paint job. I love it!
24 March 2020, 12:07
Łukasz Gliński
I see that Swedish self-isolation has actually begun 😉
That underside scheme is awesome, makes we wanna buy on of these crappy kits.
Somehow it looks bit Russian to me 😉
24 March 2020, 12:22
Thomas Kolb
Bernd, Paul, Lukasz, thank you! Yes, this six week temporary work stop may get me back on track with my model projects! BTW, this is really a weird paint job - clean, glossy and neat blue-yellow undersides and tatty, worn and faded camouflaged top sides (which I will tackle next)... kind of like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
24 March 2020, 12:42
Martin von Schreckenstein
omg whats going on here? that is some incredible work! I consider myself patient but this is a whole new level🙂
24 March 2020, 13:42
Thomas Kolb
Martin, ha ha, yes, it sure is a labor of love!
24 March 2020, 21:06
Thomas Kolb
I used various Tamiya acrylics to mix the brown/green/blue hues for the camo and applied the pattern on freehand - on the aircraft in service today, it is almost impossible to see where the different colors meet, so there was no point in using mask templates. I then also applied a clear utility gloss coat before starting decaling and oil paint weathering.
5 April 2020, 09:32
Thomas Kolb
Decaling underway - the kit's own decals have superb quality and conform beautifully to the surfaces and panel lines using my standard decal setting/softening solutions. I struggled a bit to get the top "FLYGVAPNET" decor correct - the letter E is split in two parts and need to be placed around the inner he wing fence, so everything needs to be lined up with extreme precision.
6 April 2020, 23:25
Urban Gardini
Absolutely lovely so far!
6 April 2020, 23:32
Gordon Sørensen
Great result of an otherwise difficult kit, Thomas!
7 April 2020, 00:01
Thomas Kolb
Decaling underway - the kit's own decals are super thin but are really crisp and conform beautifully to the surfaces and panel lines. I struggled a bit to get the top "FLYGVAPNET" decor correct - the letter E is split in two parts and need to be placed around the inner wing fence, so everything needs to be lined up with care. The yellow lines between the blue and the camo require extreme precision - I am so glad that I used them as masking templates, or it would have looked awful.
7 April 2020, 06:09
Erik De Smet
With all your work it's is becoming a real beauty ,Thomas
7 April 2020, 11:02
Nice tough build, I like that every picture has a description! 👍
9 April 2020, 10:47
Łukasz Gliński
Lovely, you even compliment yourself (pic #58) 😄
9 April 2020, 11:17
Alec K
Great build of what sure looks like a difficult kit 👍
9 April 2020, 11:31
Thomas Kolb
Urban, Gordon, Erik, Pierre, Lukasz and Alec, thank you guys! Your kind comments means a lot, so I can push through the last grueling hours with this kit! Absolutely, hands down the most difficult model I have ever built.

Lukasz, he he, yes, for a second I was seriously worried that the seats wouldn't fit in and I would have to redo them.... but they did, with half a millimeter to spare! Phew!
9 April 2020, 11:48
Thomas Kolb
Pretty much finished the model - I guess some small stuff could still be scratch built and added, like small antennas and stuff, but I honestly don't think it will do much of a difference. I learnt a lot and I would probably be able to do a vastly better job next time (I actually have another kit in the stash) - but for now I am pleased that it is done! I will add some more photos later!
11 April 2020, 09:54
Mid Franconian
This is an absolutely stunning model! You did a great job on this Marivox kit!
11 April 2020, 10:31
Łukasz Gliński
Wow, can't believe it's the same kit as on the first pics. Outstanding! 👍
11 April 2020, 13:03
Alec K
Excellent indeed (y j
11 April 2020, 13:12
Stefan Schacht
very nice 👍
11 April 2020, 13:26
Thomas Kolb
Thanks guys for the nice compliments! 🙂 See, this is what the Swedish self-quarantine does - letting us finish seemingly impossible and endless projects.
11 April 2020, 13:55
Juergen Klinglhuber
Congratulation Thomas - a great model !
11 April 2020, 14:18
Mirko Römer
What an astonishing result, congratulations!
12 April 2020, 09:24
Géza Szekér
Congratulations, superb!
12 April 2020, 13:13
Lochsa River
very cool
12 April 2020, 14:15
Roland Sachsenhofer
That is just cool and worth any congratulations: a great build and a great outcome!
12 April 2020, 16:26
Thomas Kolb
Roland, thank you - kind words from a master builder!
12 April 2020, 16:37
Andy Ball
An unusual subject. A difficult build. A masterful execution. A glass of [.......] deserved.
12 April 2020, 17:49
Thomas Kolb
Andy: Thank you! Now that is a good idea!
12 April 2020, 18:03
Urban Gardini
4 May 2020, 11:00
Great job. I loved it.
4 May 2020, 11:03
Thomas Kolb
Urban, ha ha, so right!
Perry, thank you!
4 May 2020, 12:59
Erik De Smet
This is an excellent result, Thomas, rewarding all the efforts you have put in it. But on picture 1 I see two boxes, do you intend to make a second one ?
4 May 2020, 14:41
Daniel Klink
Great Result Thomas! Superb Job
@Urban..Made my day...cant'stop laughing 👍
4 May 2020, 15:17
Urban Gardini
Nice, then it's mission accomplished. I all of a sudden got the idea for the meme and checked if it was possible it was not just possible but really easy to pull it of!
4 May 2020, 15:39
Andy Ball
"All Killer AND Filler"!
4 May 2020, 15:56
Thomas Kolb
@Daniel, thank you!
@Erik, yes, I bought two kits to have some major spare parts in case I screwed up the first kit. As it turned out, I didn't need to sacrifice the second kit, so I will later try to build it as the regular C-version (the light attack version). I suppose it should be much easier, since I know all the pitfalls now.
5 May 2020, 12:24
Very nice aircraft. Fantastic job and result. Congrats!

Waiting for your next Saab-105 kit 😛
17 May 2020, 18:22
Csaba Fodor
I am sitting here with the same kit - I think I bought it in 2008, I believe. Once in a while I open it, take a look at the parts, and then carefully put everything back. 🙂 You did an amazing job with that kit!
20 September, 18:39
Guy Rump
Great job! 👍
20 September, 21:22
Dave Flitton
21 September, 03:00
Very good work!
21 September, 18:44
Not a easy kit, well done!
21 September, 19:58
Alexander Grivonev
Man, the Swedish plane designers went places....I love it!
21 September, 20:24
Thomas Kolb
Thank you all, gentlemen! I built this model four years ago and I am still hoping for Pilot Replicas to produce a 1/72 version of their kit.
23 September, 04:05
Wow, neat little Swedish jet! One of SAAB's lesser known aircraft, I'm not really familiar. Awesome work, Thomas 👍👍
23 September, 04:13

Project info

69 imágenes
1:72 SAAB 105 (Marivox 2)1:72 SAAB Sk60 (Maestro Models MMP7213)1:72 SAAB 105 Sk60 vacformed canopy x 2 (Maestro Models MMK7231)1+

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