base de datos de modelismo a escala | gestor de almacén
Christian Lehmann (Lemmy)

Leaving Mos Eisley - docking station


80 18 June 2020, 22:28
Woah! Count me in! 😄
18 June 2020, 23:04
me too!!
18 June 2020, 23:07
Your scratch building is already kick-ass!
18 June 2020, 23:10
Chaz Gordon
Nice, Hopefully we will be treated to a Razor Crest in the not too distant future. I have heard that the docking bay he lands at in the Mandalorian is the same one that the Falcon blasted its way out of.
18 June 2020, 23:39
Christian Lehmann
Update: Two new pics added. Seperate from weathering the buildings are ready. The area below the streetwill be used to store the power supply of the starship and diorama illumination. A real problem seems to b to find propper figures in this scale. First idea was to use gauge N figures and modify them but they look very small. I ordered gauge TT figures now. Maybe I will use a mixture of them. It is science fiction .
25 June 2020, 04:41
I'll take a seat and watching😎
25 June 2020, 05:14
Konrad -
Count me in here as well👍!
25 June 2020, 05:32
Oooh, this looks interesting. :]
25 June 2020, 10:33
What are the dimensions for this? Length and depth?
25 June 2020, 10:33
Christian Lehmann
@ Treehugger: the outer dimension of the base frame is 335x220 mm
25 June 2020, 14:12
Nathan Dempsey
Following 🙂
25 June 2020, 15:18
Christian Lehmann
Slow progress. Some new pics added.
12 July 2020, 17:45
Ooh, I've always wanted to make such a diorama. I might want to copy this some time later. :] I got all kinds of led's and stuff for some other project (1:350 Enterprise NC1701A refit). Somehow I would ideally want to avoid relying on using styrene, which seems both expensive and a little too tedious imo for such large things.
12 July 2020, 17:47
What materials would you recommend using for building something like this?
12 July 2020, 17:48
Christian Lehmann
I used high density styrol. I made templates of plywood for the circle shaped parts. I bought a hot wire cutter to cut it.
12 July 2020, 18:01
Chris P
Looks amazing, I`m curious how it turns out!
15 July 2020, 08:54
Christian Lehmann
Some pics of the actual status added. I stopped the diorama part now in order to start with the space ship. Besides this I will continue to cast, scratch build and paint some dio equipment like vaporators, droids or boxes and crates which is a very time consuming process.
3 August 2020, 21:45
Greg Baker
Fantastic work. Sign me up!
3 August 2020, 22:42
Mike Szwarc
Good-looking build!! 👍 👍 👍
3 August 2020, 23:45
😎 work, stay on target
4 August 2020, 04:13
Chaz Gordon
I'd say the mystery device is probably a Binary Load Lifter, a lot Like Binary Moisture Vaporators in many ways.
4 August 2020, 08:26
Such fun to see. :] I wonder what the surface texture is like in the movies. I haven't checked.
4 August 2020, 11:05
Christian Lehmann
Thank you all for your comments.
4 August 2020, 20:28
Christian Lehmann
@ Treehugger: I don´t know if it is like in he movies. I did it my way and I am satisfied with the result.
4 August 2020, 20:29
Christian Lehmann
Started to build the space ship and modified some figures. New pics uploadeds
25 September 2020, 21:01
did you print the stormtroopper yourself, or got it from somewhere? looks really good
25 September 2020, 21:30
Christian Lehmann
I bought them at shapeways.
25 September 2020, 21:40
Christian Bruer
Wow Christian, that comes out stunning so far. I much admire all the nice details you created in that scale. VEry very nicely done. I am looking forward to the next steps 🙂
Cheers, Christian
26 September 2020, 07:29
Top work😎
26 September 2020, 08:12
Roland Sachsenhofer
Wahnsinns-Dio! Ein spitzenmäßiges Projekt!
20 February 2021, 20:55
Alright! Glad to see some progress on this amazing build! The Outrider looks great! Man, those figures are tiny..
20 February 2021, 20:57
Daniel Klink
Amazing Christian... the figures are just whoa in this scale...
20 February 2021, 20:58
Christian Lehmann
Danke Roland! Die Figuren hat ein netter Kollege der IPMS Austria gedruckt.
20 February 2021, 21:02
Christian Lehmann
Thanks JD and Daniel. Indeed they are really tiny. It needs a lot of patience to liberate them from the printing structure.
20 February 2021, 21:11
Dash Rendar
Wonderful build!
20 February 2021, 21:34
Speechless with those figures!
20 February 2021, 21:54
Christian Lehmann
@ Spanjaard: Printing quality is much better than the Stormtroopers i bought from shapeways.
20 February 2021, 22:02
thanks for the info.
those are from a friend, right, not available for the public?
20 February 2021, 23:13
21 February 2021, 07:34
Dietmar Bogatzki
Absolut Genial, nicht nur für Star Wars Fans und mal ein anderes Raumschiff als der Millenium Falke 🙂
21 February 2021, 08:24
Christian Lehmann
@ Dietmar: Das war auch meine Motivation
21 February 2021, 09:17
Christian Lehmann
@ Spanjaard: yes, he did the printing. But the printing files have been down loaded from "Thingiverse" and scaled down by him.
21 February 2021, 15:17
Chaz Gordon
Just found out Revell are doing the Razorcrest in 1/72, now you'll have to do it all again twice the size😉
21 February 2021, 16:39
Christian Lehmann
Nice idea but this might be to large. The main criteria before each diorama I build is the question where to store the finished diorama. This has a base size of 22x33cm which allows to store it in my display cabinet and use my standard ransportation boxes.
21 February 2021, 17:07
Thanks for the info Christian!
22 February 2021, 02:06
Alec K
Outstanding project 👍
22 February 2021, 13:45
Christian Lehmann
Thanks Alec
22 February 2021, 18:30
Piotr Nowik
I'm speechless - amazing work 👍
23 February 2021, 17:26
Christian Lehmann
Thanks Piotr and t is not finished yet 😄
23 February 2021, 17:47
Stephan H.
Amazing! Best of luck for the finish. #GrabingSeatAndPopcorn
26 February 2021, 07:26
Christian Lehmann
Thanks Stephan!
26 February 2021, 09:57
Stefan Fraundorfer
Ein supercooles Projekt Christian. Da bin ich schon sehr auf die fertige Szene gespannt.
26 February 2021, 15:44
Christian Lehmann
Danke Stefan. Bin im Moment noch am Figuren umbauen und warte noch auf ein paar Figuren, die mir ein lieber Freund der IPMS Austria druckt. Dann gehts in den Endspurt.
26 February 2021, 16:09
Rui S
Spectacular 👍
26 February 2021, 18:56
Christian Lehmann
Thanks Rui!
27 February 2021, 14:54
Stéphane Jayet
So impressive !!! I like it so much
27 February 2021, 17:26
Christian Lehmann
Thank´s for your kind comment Stephane
28 February 2021, 15:26
Nice adds, this give life 👍
28 March 2021, 15:51
Hanno Kleinecke
Cool project, the little droid looks great !
28 March 2021, 16:37
Dietmar Bogatzki
Die Figuren und Vaporisatoren sehen spitze aus 👍
28 March 2021, 17:07
Christian Lehmann
28 March 2021, 17:46
Stefan Schacht
well done, I take a seat.
28 March 2021, 18:21
Christian Bruer
Toller Fortschritt Christian. Ich bin gespannt wie es weiter geht 👍
28 March 2021, 19:33
wow, it is looking amazing... and it is not yet finished
28 March 2021, 21:11
Ron Dyson
Well done Where did you find your "Pit Droid" ? I've found them a little hard to get in Australia.
29 March 2021, 03:47
Christian Lehmann
Thank´s mates.
29 March 2021, 15:43
Christian Lehmann
@Ron: They are 3 d printed by a friend who owes a 3D printer. The files are from Thingiverse and he scaled them down
29 March 2021, 15:44
Christian Lehmann
I am calling it done!
1 April 2021, 15:45
Christian Lehmann
This evening I have to take some additional picsto cover the illuminated parts
1 April 2021, 15:46
Klasse geworden, vor allem die kleinen Details und die Charaktere, welche man entdecken kann 👀 ❤️️
1 April 2021, 15:55
Christian Lehmann
1 April 2021, 16:33
Dietmar Bogatzki
Tolles Dio besonders an den Figuren kann man sich sattsehen 👍
1 April 2021, 16:49
Christian Lehmann
Danke Dietmar!
1 April 2021, 17:21
Christian Lehmann
Meanwhile I added some pics with the illumination switched on
1 April 2021, 17:21
Daniel Klink
That is so unbelievable cool and fantastic craftsmanship showing Wow.
I am not at all anyway in Scifi or Star wars etc.. but what a wonderful scene in that tiny scale.
Wow Chris Respect Mate 👍👍👍
1 April 2021, 17:55
Nathan Dempsey
Well done. So many little scenes within!
1 April 2021, 19:00
Brandon H
Very impressive!!
1 April 2021, 19:02
This is just lovely. I'm no big Star Wars nut either and agree with Daniel... I don't think I need to be as there's much to admire in each image - the work involved. I found it intriguing on each click... And of course your obvious artistic skill also. Magnificent work! ?
1 April 2021, 19:06
totally AWESOME (Yes, i am Star Wars fan). fantastic execution and amazing details. i love every milimeter of it.
1 April 2021, 20:20
Christian Lehmann
Many thank´s to all of you for your motivating comments
1 April 2021, 20:45
Chaz Gordon
The street scene on the upper level is the absolute star of this all-round excellent scene.
2 April 2021, 00:14
A well-deserved round of applause for Christian!? This is one of the best Star Wars themed dioramas I have seen in a long time... a long time. In fact you have inspired me to crawl out of the Great pit of Karkoon, out beyond the Dune Sea, from the clutches of the Saarlacc monster. And for that, I salute you Sir.?
2 April 2021, 00:30
Christian Lehmann
Many thank´s Chaz and JD.
2 April 2021, 08:50
Christian Lehmann
This morning I took some additional ( better) photos of the different sceneries and uploaded them.
2 April 2021, 08:51
thanks for the extra pictures. a pleasure to see those details!
2 April 2021, 09:16
Łukasz Gliński
Incredible detailing and the lights make their job 👍
2 April 2021, 11:15
Bernd Korte
Lots to discover in this great diorama!
2 April 2021, 11:52
Christian Lehmann
Thank you Luksz and Bernd. According to all the comets it seem that the aim to build some small sceneries is reached.
2 April 2021, 14:05
Roland Sachsenhofer
Incredible! That´s your masterpiece! Such a exciting pleasure to study and adore this magnificent example of your modeling skills!
3 April 2021, 09:01
Christian Lehmann
Many thanks for your kind words Roland. But I think you are overstating a little bit.
3 April 2021, 12:49
Christian Bruer
Thx for the additional photos showing all the lifelike scenes on you wonderful diorama 👍
3 April 2021, 13:30
23 October 2021, 07:27
Erik St
Impressive work Christian, I can see a lot of dedication here.
23 October 2021, 07:31
Jörg Schäfer
Ein wirklich tolles Dio.
13 May 2022, 05:06
Dominik Weitzer
exzellente Arbeit!
13 May 2022, 08:48
Christian Lehmann
Vielen Dank für das Lob Jörg und Dominik. Das bestärkt mich ähnliche Projekte umzusetzen.
14 May 2022, 11:13
Zsolt Czegle
Es war wirklich eine wahre Freude, dieses Meisterwerk auf der Mosonshow persönlich zu sehen, und mit Dir zu treffen! 👍
21 December 2022, 11:49
Christian Lehmann
Danke Zsolt! Es war schön dich persönlich kennen zulernen. Wir sehen uns nächstes Jahr. Ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie Frohe Weihnachten.
21 December 2022, 21:41

Project info

64 imágenes
1:144 YT-2400 (JPG Productions MK-20)

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