March 16, 2021
I then sanded, primed (ammo by mig grey one shot) and painted the first base coats (Hataka Red line Field green). When i got to the second color, Hataka Red line Dark greenthings went south. The color sprayed fine on my test piece but when i took it to the model it started gunking up and and sputtering. Being the noob i am i didnt catch it soon enough and it started to ruin the paintjob. I decided to swap to some Ammo by mig nato green, but that tint isnt alot darker than the base green. Then i used ammo by mig black instead of the Hataka redline dark grey for the last color. I finished it off with 3 layers of ammo by mig gloss varnish. This was also the first time i did decals. I used Tamiya mark soft strong. Either i did something wrong or all the youtube tuts i watched are just weird. I used a tiny bit of marksoft and it burns away all the clear layers. Also, the decals did not really want to form to the details nomather what i tried (mark soft before i place the decal, after i place the decal, etc). softly rubbing with a qtip just wrinkels the clear and wipes it off, using a soft brush kind of helped but it still silvered alot. I finished it off with another 2 gloss clear coats followed by 3 satin clear coats. Now I just have to do the rotors.