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25 4 July 2022, 16:48
Chan Li
I like the figure paint.
4 August 2022, 15:58
Thank you. I am not that happy with how the flora camo turned out- doesn't seem green enough overall to me.
4 August 2022, 16:07
It doesn't look that off, though if you're still unhappy with the colour of uniforms in general (as I doubt you'd still be tinkering with these guys almost a year after you posted them 😄) - washes can darken up things a bit (basically acting as a filter), while also making the uniform feel a bit more lived-in (since you can go for an uneven application, so the weathering is not.. pardon the pun.. unrealistically uniform).
29 May 2023, 20:07
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work on especially the figures. The BMD also came out very nice.
31 May 2023, 05:38
Mathias Decommere
Fantastic figures!
31 May 2023, 05:58
Thanks for the tips, bk, and the kind words Villers and Mathias! I weathered the BMD and VDV some more since these were posted, I'll get more pics up sometime.
3 June 2023, 16:33
Mr James
What a lovely job. Nicely painted figures and nice subtle weathering on the BDM
3 June 2023, 17:14
No problemo, I was just sharing a tip I stumbled upon (maybe on Reddit?) when I was worrying about a set of Panzergrenadiers I made turned out paler than an Irish vampire XD By the way, thanks to the fantastic work you did with the BMD, I decided to grab me a couple of those (with one destined for some serious interbreeding with a BMP-3 😄 )
4 June 2023, 15:45
Ah, and one final thing I noticed while copying your work, errr... I mean while I was verifying how PE5 should look on the model - in case you want to take a photo of your fantastic BMD-4M with a deep field of view (so the entire bugger is in focus), but don't have access to the necessary camera/lens - you may want to give focus stacking a try. It's literally as easy as taking 3 pictures from (roughly) the same spot that focus on 3/5 spots on the kit and then using Enfuse (a fantastic free tool) to create a seamless composite image that's entirely focus. Ah, and if those pics are an artistic choice, uhh, please disregard this comment 🙂
6 June 2023, 09:18

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4 imágenes
1:35 BMD-4M (Trumpeter 09582)

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