Azov regiment flags
KovoleXX | No. 72115 | 1:72
- Brändi:
- KovoleXX
- otsikko:
- Azov regiment flags
- Määrä:
- 72115
- asteikko:
- 1:72
- Tyyppi:
- Yksityiskohta
- julkaisi:
- 2022 Uusi työkalu
- Aihe:
- Flags » muut (Lisätarvikkeet)
Kumpikaan kumppanimme kaupoista tai kavereista ei ole tällä hetkellä myynnissä.
Ulkoiset arvostelut
Emme tiedä mitään sisäisiä arvioita tästä Azov regiment flags (#72115) alkaen KovoleXX .
Steve Knight
Why would you want to promote a regiment that has ties to the Nazi Germans, is this really appropriate? This sort of trash offends me!
Why would you want to promote a regiment that has ties to the Nazi Germans, is this really appropriate? This sort of trash offends me!
6 1 August 2022, 21:50
Motatim Stanislaw
There was just a substitution of concepts. Do not exclude the fact that the history of the past has been hushed up ... Unfortunately
There was just a substitution of concepts. Do not exclude the fact that the history of the past has been hushed up ... Unfortunately
27 August 2022, 18:59