Emme tiedä mitään sisäisiä arvioita tästä Piper Super Cub (#11678) alkaen Minicraft Model Kits.
Rik VanderBroeck Excuse me, but € 30,- for a basically good but still 1973 tooling of a small model with finally more than 2 decal options in what looks like way too big a box?? The one that sold for less than € 10,- not even 10 years ago? Worse still: they are now going for € 58,- in some shops. But wait, maybe they're gold plated... and I'm just getting grumpy.
Rik VanderBroeckkirjailija Exactly Spanjaard, any precious metal basically. I'll just keep scouring the car boot sales and modelling conventions, that's much more fun anyway.
9 May 2022, 12:59
Brendan Ugh...in the USA I've been seeing these Minicraft kits going for $30-40 now. They were only $10-15 a few years ago!