Airspeed Oxford Mk.I/Mk.II
Pavla Models | No. 72041 | 1:72
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Suunniteltu: Same Product family
Suunniteltu: Generic
Suunniteltu: Same Product family
Twin Brits Yugoslav Air Force Oxford, Anson & Dove
Lift Here Decals 1:72
784-LH 2014 Uusi työkalu Multi-aihe (3)Suunniteltu: Generic
Commonwealth Trainers Airspeed Oxford, Avro Anson, NA Havard, Fairey Battle, Supermarine Spitfire MkIX
Xtradecal 1:72
X72143 2015 Uusi työkalu Multi-aihe (5)Forgotten Operations
Rebellion in Iraq & Exporter May - June 1941 DP Casper 1:72
72012 2011 Uusi työkalu Multi-aihe (17)RNZAF Oxfords 1944-54
Oldmodels Decals 1:72
OMD0932 Royal Norwegian Air Force
Training and support aircraft 1946 - 1958 Vingtor Decals 1:72
72-102 Multi-aihe (6)Belgian Air Force
CR.42, Gladiator, Hurricane, Mosquito, Oxford, MeteorKits at War 1:72
K7/10 Multi-aihe (6)Suunniteltu: Unknown
PBY-5A Catalina, Dornier Wal F RNeth Navy. Avro Anson, Airspeed Oxford, Spitfire FR XIVe LSK
Dutch Decal 1:72
72026 Multi-aihe (5)Airspeed Oxford AS10 / Mk.I
Protransfer Decalques 1:72
720014 Airspeed Oxford Veljekset Karhumäki OY
Arctic Decals 1:72