Halberstadt Cl.II (Late)
Wingnut Wings | No. 32062 | 1:32
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Detail and Conversion sets
Suunniteltu: This specific kit
Halberstadt CL. II Landing Gear for Wingnut Wings
Scale Aircraft Conversions 1:32
32144 2019 Uusi työkalu Suunniteltu: Same Product family
Halberstadt Cl.II exhaust
REXx 1:32
32053 Halberstadt CI.II Niendorf wooden propeller with exhaust pipe
Proper Plane 1:32
PR-015-32053 Suunniteltu: Unknown
Halberstadt CL.II exhaust
REXx 1:32
32054 Decals
Suunniteltu: Same Product family
Halberstadt CL.II stipple camouflage green on red varnished plywood, grey enamel
Aviattic 1:32
ATT32213 2019 Halberstadt CL.II stipple camouflage 5 colour lower palette on clear varnished plywood, grey enamel
Aviattic 1:32
ATT32212 2019 Halberstadt CL.II stipple camouflage 5 colour lower palette on red varnished plywood, grey enamel
Aviattic 1:32
ATT32211 2019 Halberstadt CL.II stipple camouflage 5 colour lower palette on clear varnished plywood, grey enamel
Aviattic 1:32
ATT32210 2019 Halberstadt CL.II stipple camouflage 5 colour upper palette on red varnished plywood, grey enamel
Aviattic 1:32
ATT32209 2019 Halberstadt CL.II 'Stipple' camouflage 5 colour upper palette on clear varnished plywood and grey enamel
Aviattic 1:32
ATT32208 2019 Halberstadt CL.II tail surfaces 5 colour 'lozenge' with lozenge rib tapes (Clear decal paper)
Aviattic 1:32
ATT32204 2019 Halberstadt CL.II bleached CDL lower surfaces (upper tail surfaces inc.) (Clear decal paper)
Aviattic 1:32
ATT32203 2019 Halberstadt CL.II 5 colour alternative palette 'lozenge' upper surfaces w/lozenge rib tapes
Aviattic 1:32
ATT32199 2019 Halberstadt CL.II 5 colour 'lozenge' lower surfaces with lozenge rib tapes
Aviattic 1:32
ATT32198 2019 Halberstadt CL.II 5 colour 'lozenge' upper surfaces with no rib tapes (Clear decal paper)
Aviattic 1:32
ATT32197 2019 Halberstadt CL.II 5 colour 'lozenge' upper surfaces with lozenge rib tapes
Aviattic 1:32
ATT32196 2019