6 March 2015, 22:27

Good job here, Predrag - I like this metallic effect a lot 🙂. Hope there's no over-spray under the unsticked masks on the canopy. Exactly the same problem I encounter usually when using Montex masks for canopies. Their masks for markings work just great, but those for canopies no that good. It seems that the fit here is OK, have you had any problems with this kit? Best regards, Hubert
27 November 2016, 00:14

I did not have any expirience with no Montex products before. Yes,the canopy masks here did't show like good solution. I tought that's only happend here on my model and this set,but as you say , problem is in every thier product.
Any way I hope it will come out ok.
Fit problem, with ICM kits, thats like winter without snow,you could always expecting some. Here is the same. Only wings comes with to many parts,and hard fit ,with many dry fit probe.
27 November 2016, 06:57

I'm glad it isn't just me that had problems with Montex masks Hubert. I used them for a Bv 141 last year and yes a couple became unstuck at the edged. Als,o they left a slightly sticky residue on the glazing when they were removed. I won't be using them again.
Predrag: I've done the 'Ark models' Mig-3 (from the ICM moulds) and your right, the fit wasn't particularly good. Yours looks much better at this point than mine did.
27 November 2016, 07:48

Joli travail. J'aime bien la forme de cet avion, on dirait un avion de course.
27 November 2016, 09:16

C'est pourquoi j'aime le Mig-3 John Pierre - on dirait qu'il est construit pour la vitesse.
That's why I like the Mig-3 John Pierre – looks like it's built for speed.
27 November 2016, 09:57

Désolé Jean - je voulais dire Jean Pierre. Un ami à moi a un petit ami appelé John Pierre (il est anglais!)
27 November 2016, 10:02

That`s exactly what Mig-3 looks like to me, like some race airplane or some race car .
Merci beaucoup, Pierre.
27 November 2016, 18:18