Schaufelradbagger under construction
1 17 December 2016, 14:16

Ah this big monster monster lives only 20 kilometers from my home- I'm in
18 December 2016, 08:49

What city? Have you ever been on an excursion to it? RWE organises them.
18 December 2016, 22:09

I visited that side a long time ago - at the moment you can whatch them straigt from the A61 motorway
19 December 2016, 16:13

? I was on the 61 by Mönchengladbach just two weeks ago and managed not to see this monster! (driving towards Koblenz) count me in for this build!
22 December 2016, 12:55

This seems to become a very interesting project! Will stay here and watch! 🙂
22 December 2016, 13:55

I hope you have somewhere to display this monster - or are you putting it to work in the back garden?
17 January 2017, 15:37

No my garden is too small ????! I'm going to put in on a glass shelf in my study, over my pc.
18 January 2017, 01:27

Yes Lukasz. It already gave me lots of fun, including three visits to the real one, one of them even down in the quarry. And playing with sand makes me feel young again 😉
18 April 2017, 16:23

I bet the Lego kit is fun too hey 🙂
Quite tempted to get it for myself too, just think of all the robots you could make with it 😄 😄 😄
18 April 2017, 17:05

All the Lego kits are fun, but the problem with them is that they take up a lot more space than aircraft. And I know because I've got 12 of them in our living room, thanks to my wife.
19 April 2017, 04:54

haha, you know when someone buys you a toy it's really for them, especially if they live in the same house😉 😄 😄 😄
I keep all my lego in suitcases now, more compact😉
19 April 2017, 14:59

Haha 🙂 That's a great argument that I must note for the future 🙂 🙂 🙂
20 April 2017, 06:53

What a monster model !
I wonder how it compares size wise next to the Lego version ?
15 May 2017, 11:52

Choppa: be patient! When I've finished it, I will show pics of both models and compare them
3 February 2018, 10:42

Till now it looks like the real beast - the only thing thats missing is the real ground -amazing work 👍
3 February 2018, 11:33

I always like checking out the unusual. And this particular beast is extraordinary. Very fine work.
3 February 2018, 13:10

"Choppa: be patient! "
haha I asked that question nearly a year ago lol 😄
All in good time Wouter😉 😄
3 February 2018, 16:20

I saw it now. But good news: today I finished it (until I took some pictures and discovered I need to do more weathering on some places
3 February 2018, 21:08

Looks cool Wouter, nice to see both side by side, big models !! 🙂
3 February 2018, 22:32

Well Done. First saw this kit in Melbourne Australia late 90s. Bought it when released again. Decided to build the lego BWL first for practice. You have really built a great model.
24 July 2019, 06:32

Thanks! I'm quite pleased with it. Something different after building a lot of aircraft.
27 July 2019, 19:12