GPW 1/4 ton 4x4 Utility Vehiclenäkymä: Diaesitys Mosaiikki ListaKommentit 26 10 April 2021, 22:04NeulingTop work! 👍11 April 2021, 09:12Bogicevic VladimirThank's Neuling.11 April 2021, 18:45Mr JamesMore great desert weathering. Top work indeed.21 April, 21:45scaleffectSuper cool, never seen a jeep with a roundel like that on it. Love it.22 April, 00:06Project infoGPW 1/4 ton 4x4 Utility Vehicle18 kuvien1:35valmistunut2+Kaikki albumitNäytä kaikki albumit »