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Andrea Brenco (homusbrencus)

Messerschmitt Me 163B white 11

Album image #1
This is an old project, finished in 2014, I found more photos in my PC so I uploaded this album with some original images and caption taken from a PDF saved from the Me 163 website, robdebie.home.xs4all..69Tk273B70qKtBVguAis
Academy kit with some mixed PE from Eduard and Part  

Album image #2
Album image #3
Album image #4
Album image #5

Album image #6
Album image #7
"When I enlarge this photo I clearly see three distinct upper surface colors. Starting with the quarter window
area, we see the darkest color, green 71 (?), then to right of that is a medium color. The area beneath the
fuselage white cross had been sprayed this same medium color. The medium color matches the inside of the
quarter window bulkhead perfectly. I am going to say it is gray 74. Then the area beneath the "C" marking is
the lightest still, and this light color has been sprayed all around the rudder. The light color is very light so it
appears to be bright green 82.
Greatly enlarging the photo of the rudder reveals some interesting clues. On the rudder, just above and below
the center hinge, is a thin vertical streak of very light paint that was not sprayed over because it was in the
groove. There is also a patch of this same light color on the top corner of the rudder (or glare, not sure).
Note this light paint in the rudder groove lines up perfectly with the diagonal light band of color to the right
of the swastika. So, this diagonal swath was originally very light RLM76, and when we return to the fuzzy
photos of the starboard side of the A/C, we see an unusual patch of very bright, almost white rudder. So the
port side had a similar treatment, then was painted over. The top of the rudder appears to have a upside
down triangle sprayed very lightly with the medium color, it is most likely the original dark paint showing
through the oversprayed color.
My guess is that this aircraft originally had an all green fuselage and tail, and was repainted to be more
disruptive and blend in better on the ground due to increased Allied air field attacks. So my two cents is

Album image #8

Album image #9
Jim Gordon (USA) kindly sent an analysis of the last photo, noting correctly that the top side shows three
instead of two colors 

Album image #10
Luigi Mazzola (Italy) modified the original Uwe Frömert photo by inverting the colors, which can help to
better discriminate the camouflage pattern. Indeed it makes the three camouflage colors between the cockpit
and '11' quite visible. 


11 12 June 2022, 16:35
Jan Peters
Very nice komet! 🙂
12 June 2022, 16:44
Andrea Brenco
Thanks Jan, it is a 7 years old model but I still like it. I am gathering my references about the Komet, new kits are on their way...
12 June 2022, 17:14
Alec K
New kits???
14 June 2022, 12:02
very nice Komet, even if an old one 🙂
14 June 2022, 12:04
Jan Peters
Like Alec, i'm curious about the new kits you mentioned?
14 June 2022, 12:06
Andrea Brenco
Sorry, with "new" I meant the re-boxing of the "old" Academy one, that are on their way to my doorstep... 🙂
14 June 2022, 13:34
Andrea Brenco
The Hobby 2000 and the Wolfpack double boxing... Yesterday I received the latter one, still waiting for the Hobby 2000.
At a first look, if you like Komets and will build more than one, the double boxing has the advantage of a small PE fret with flaps and pre-painted seatbelts, and a pair of nice metal pitot tubes; both offering has masks for canopy included, this one are of a kind of "blue" kabuki tape.
I suspect the Cartograf decal sheet from Hobby 2000 will be better, but I will pronounce when I will see it in person.
14 June 2022, 13:45
Jan Peters
Ok, thanks for the explanation, just added the wolfpack offering to my wishlist🙂
14 June 2022, 14:17
Alec K
I am kinda relieved, have the Academy kit along with copious aftermarket bits ready to go!
14 June 2022, 23:12

Project info

10 kuvien
1:72 Me-163B/S Komet (Academy 1673)

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