Tulokset löytyvät: 28
Vickers Vimy Ilma-alus » Potkuri | 1919–1933
Flying the Atlantic in Sixteen Hours With a Discussion of Aircraft in Commerce and Transportation
Arthur Whitten Brown
1920 Yesterday We Were in America Alcock and Brown — First to fly the Atlantic non-stop
Brendan Lynch
2012 Yesterday We Were in America Alcock and Brown — First to fly the Atlantic non-stop
Brendan Lynch
2009 Flying the Atlantic in Sixteen Hours With a Discussion of Aircraft in Commerce and Transportation
Arthur Whitten Brown
2016 Race Across the Atlantic Alcock and Brown's Record-Breaking Non-Stop Flight
Bruce Vigar, Colin Higgs
2019 Flying the Atlantic in Sixteen Hours With a Discussion of Aircraft in Commerce and Transportation
Arthur Whitten Brown
2015 The Greatest Flight Reliving the Aerial Triumph That Changed the World
Peter McMillan, Terry Gwynn-Jones, John LA No...
1995 Flight to Fame Victory in the 1919 Great Air Race, England to Australia
Ross Smith, Peter Monteath
2019 /fi/search.php?fkSECTION%5B%5D=Books&q=Vickers%20Vimy?fkSECTION%5B%5D=Books&q=Vickers%20Vimy