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Aerospatiale Alouette III

Fujimi | N° 30020 | 1:48 (1:50)

Boxart Aerospatiale Alouette III 30020 Fujimi


Aerospatiale Alouette III
30020 (Aussi répertorié comme P-20)
1:50 1:48 on box
Maquette complète
1988 Changé ?
Code à barre:
4968728300207 (EAN)
Boîte rigide (ouverture par le haut)
Aerospatiale Alouette III » Hélicoptères (Avions)


Aerospatiale Alouette III

Sud Aviation SA 316A Alouette III
FR Sud Aviation

Contenu de la boîte

Grappes de plastique, Grappes de plastique (Clear), Décalcomanie (à l'eau)

Chronologie du produit

Bachmann Fujimi
Historique complet »


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Avis sur le contenu de la boîte

Examens externes

Nous n'avons connaissance d'aucun avis sur le contenu de la boîte Aerospatiale Alouette III (#30020) de Fujimi.


Gertjan Zwart
Ah, one of the grandfathers of my modellcollection...! Although the box says the kit is 1:48, I would say 1:40 is closer to the truth. It is considerably larger than the 1:48 Fujimi Alouette III- kit. The Heller- kit is very undetailed. The cockpit area has a horizontal seam instead of the more common vertical seam. Although the overall dimensions look ok (imho the shape of the cockpit is better than that of the Fujimi Alouette), the general appearance is sketch- like and toyish. The rubber tyres (!) add to this impression...
21 March 2013, 11:00
Holger Kranich
Really an ol kit! It comes from the 80´s, doesnt it?
 21 March 2013, 12:07
A lot of Heller Helicopters are in fact 1/50 scale! but I think a lot of the boxes say 1/48!
 21 March 2013, 13:56
Gertjan Zwart Auteur
It wouldn't surprise me if the kit was even older, Holger. I remember buying it, must have been in the early 80's, and already thinking then the box and the box-art style looked really old!!

Glenn, that's right, the scales with Heller have been a bit of a mess all along. The Alouette III somehow is the worst of their catalogue in those days: it is not just slightly out of scale but really way off! I guess Heller had plans to aim for the younger modeller with this kit. Very rude and basic, completely different from f.i. their Lama, Gazelle and Puma.
 21 March 2013, 15:24

Documentation de référence

L'Alouette III sous l'uniforme (Lela Presse 25)
L'Alouette III sous l'uniforme
Profils Avions N° 25
Patrice Gaubert, Bernard Palmieri
50 Anos Alouette III na Força Aérea (Contra a Corrente )
50 Anos Alouette III na Força Aérea
Alexandre Coutinho, André Garcez

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