WIP - British 155mm AS-90 SPH
8 March 2014, 04:06

Awsome, I have exactly the same kits and accessories in my stash exept for thegun barrel but I think I'll get that too.
Could you please do me a favour and post more pics here from your painting, especially when you paint and mount the tracks. Would be very helpful to see what you do and how.
10 March 2014, 12:33

Looking forward to your progress as the kit is in my stash, not sure if I'll be getting all the aftermarket though!
10 March 2014, 18:34

I just posted some more photos on my work on base to this vehicle.
3 May 2014, 12:12

Thanks Barry. Feel free to use it.
In the meantime I have added some more photos.
18 May 2014, 18:16

Brrrr.... these tracks scare me.
That base looks fantastic!! These concrete elements are very well done!
19 May 2014, 07:28

nice work on the howitser and the base. before painting, it's best to rotate the sleeve on the barrel 180°'s so that the sag points downwards instead of upwards. Those hexagon segments are also scratchbuild?
24 October 2014, 11:47

Thanks. You have good eyes Bart. Thanks for pointing this out.
Hexagon elements were bought.
24 October 2014, 12:05

I'll bet you have spent twice the value on materials for your dio than the model cost, as I did with mine on my 1/6 Flak 38. lol 🙂
6 November 2014, 22:21

Now I'll say, "what a fantastic result and Bart is right about the barrel bag, they do sag quite a bit". Will you be competing at any expo with it ? you should 🙂
6 November 2014, 22:25

True, model is worth about 20$, but barrel is about 7$, tracks 14$, mesh for engine another 7$, rest is leftover from old models (barrels, jerry cans) or homemade like wooden crates or concrete boards. Anyway I do like to build bases for my models, I think that they tell a story and complete model somehow. I know that building base slows me down and I can do in best scenario 6 models per year but usually is only 3 or 4 but I just cannot put model on a shelf without base.
About expo - maybe someday. Who knows. 😉
6 November 2014, 23:29

I saw all your pics whit my jaw on the floor, what a great job! inspiring, congrats
10 November 2014, 23:33

Przemek, I need to ask. Did you remedy the "Bag Sag" at the base of your barrel mate ?
6 December 2014, 04:56

Matthias, Mike - thank you very much.
Kerry - unfortunately no. It was stone glued. I tried even debonder to unglue the CA glue but no luck. I was worry that finally I will destroy something so I left it like this.
6 December 2014, 10:34

Nice paint job with great chipping effect.Was this done using a fine sponge or with a fine paintbrush?
6 December 2014, 16:09

Thanks Martyn. It was done using a size 1 brush with syntethic bristle.
6 December 2014, 16:45

You really have an eye for the details... very well done!
Guess that took you a while. 🙂
7 December 2014, 09:12

Thanks Matthias. And to be honest it's not so time consuming. It took about 1,5h to do all the chipping and scraches on turret.
7 December 2014, 09:53

Thank you Marcus and Michael.
It's not so difficult as it seems. It's rather matter of idea and experimenting and of course a lot of free time. :-D
I saw your planes, and even it they are not in my scale, they look amazing.
7 December 2014, 10:23

Wow! Some people weather too much. I dont do enough weathering. Yours is perfect. Its hard to believe this is plastic. Even my girlfriend wanted to see more!
10 December 2014, 22:42

Thomas and Dave - Thank you very much.
Pete - I do not like too much either, I was worried that I did it too strong, so thank you for your kind words.
Michael - I used artists oil paints from VanGogh. In this case mostly dark brown, I can't remember exact name so I will provide it when I'll get back home.
11 December 2014, 06:52

nice work, but am I seeing this correct that the sag in the bag at the beginning of the barrel is still pointing upwards?
18 December 2014, 13:19

Thanks. Yes, uou right. It is up side down but it is stone glued. I was not able to fix this.
18 December 2014, 13:23

Thanks Kerry and Nicolas. I believe I'm getting close to the end.
18 December 2014, 15:39

Very well done!
Thx. for sharing, will be helpful when I start mine.
20 December 2014, 11:47

Thanks. I have to make some more photos with details and create gallery album.
20 December 2014, 11:48

What's that I see..................Ah, it's the light at the end of the tunnel, WOW, almost there mate, and looking superb. 🙂
20 December 2014, 19:20

Kerry - Yes, almost finished. Some final adjustments and gallery.
Thank you very much Micheal and Julian.
21 December 2014, 06:38

awsome!!!..I want to build something similar...do you have more photos?, do you know how I can download them?..It is a good reference for me!
6 May 2016, 10:53

Oh Oh Oh. I am stunned. !! What a fantastic result Przemek. 🙂 🙂 🙂
So worth waiting for, even if my beer did go flat. LOL 🙂 👍
6 May 2016, 11:01