WIP - Cougar HEV
1 9 May 2016, 11:47

Looking good so far! I got the same kit from Panda Hobby, so I am watching your build with interest!
On your question on variants a), b) or c): maybe last one is an option for the four-wheeld version of this vehicle?
9 May 2016, 18:49

Thank you Bart. Trying to finish it along with Egyptian SA-2 truck/trailer/launcher dio.
5 September 2016, 13:45

Looks nice your Cougar, not to speak about the beginning of your Diorama Base 👍. I'll be following too
8 September 2016, 15:53

Thank you John and Andy. I'm trying to lighten base a little bit and make more coherent with vehicle.
9 September 2016, 08:47

Nice Progress Przemek, it looks like you're almost done with the built
14 September 2016, 12:21

Thank you Michael and Bryn.
Andy - thanks and yep, its almost done. It needs only some final touch and thats it.
14 September 2016, 19:59
Album info
Photos of build in progress of 6x6 Cougar HEV.