Almost ready!
1 6 June 2016, 12:12
Holger Kranich
How did you liked the kit and the tracks? They look like Friuls, nice ´n crisp!
How did you liked the kit and the tracks? They look like Friuls, nice ´n crisp!
14 June 2016, 14:09
Kim Branders
@ holly: the kit was ok but the roadwheels I had to ajust a little bit.For the kit I paided 15 euro, what was nice.And the tracks where grrrr so yes they are friuls.
@ Gerald: thank you.
@ holly: the kit was ok but the roadwheels I had to ajust a little bit.For the kit I paided 15 euro, what was nice.And the tracks where grrrr so yes they are friuls.
@ Gerald: thank you.
14 June 2016, 20:03