Lockheed AP-3C Orion, 10 SQN RAAF 1999
17 March 2018, 08:59
Wonderful work so far, as usual brother Ray! So the Hamilton Hobbies conversion was only a suggestion? I agree that most simple antennae mods can be scratched easier than most people think. (You seem to have a mini-production line there!) For some odd shapes, we now have 3-D printing available. I want to start doing some 3-D drawings soon for some other P-3/C-130/C-135 mods and send it out to one of the many 3-D producers to see what they look like. Will keep you and brothers Glenn & Don posted. R/ Dutch
Wonderful work so far, as usual brother Ray! So the Hamilton Hobbies conversion was only a suggestion? I agree that most simple antennae mods can be scratched easier than most people think. (You seem to have a mini-production line there!) For some odd shapes, we now have 3-D printing available. I want to start doing some 3-D drawings soon for some other P-3/C-130/C-135 mods and send it out to one of the many 3-D producers to see what they look like. Will keep you and brothers Glenn & Don posted. R/ Dutch
19 April 2018, 14:54
Ray Seppala
Thanks, Dutch. The Hamilton Hobbies set is a good starting point. I decided to copy the parts and make them from styrene, the P band base plate (triangular shape) was not the right shape so I made a new one with some diagrams I have. The other antennas were very simple to make and attach well to the fuselage with plastic cement giving a better bond than gluing resin with CA.
Thanks, Dutch. The Hamilton Hobbies set is a good starting point. I decided to copy the parts and make them from styrene, the P band base plate (triangular shape) was not the right shape so I made a new one with some diagrams I have. The other antennas were very simple to make and attach well to the fuselage with plastic cement giving a better bond than gluing resin with CA.
20 April 2018, 09:04
Love the Harpoons! Granted, 90% of the time you see P-3s without any external ordnance, but I like mine with a little flavor. Well done, Ray!
Love the Harpoons! Granted, 90% of the time you see P-3s without any external ordnance, but I like mine with a little flavor. Well done, Ray!
25 April 2018, 14:08
Album info
Conversion of the Hasegawa P-3C Update III kit to a RAAF AP-3C in the early stages of Project Air 5140. Using Hamilton Hobbies conversion for reference and making all the mods from styrene rather than using the resin from the conversion kit.