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Jeremy O (EmpireOfGhostsStudio)



4 27 September 2021, 15:25
Christian W
Very interessting project. I read the article about it. "Funny" facts are, that the Danish (that is what I understood) soldier bought the car from a US soldier, based in Germany, and the car has german license plates on it. The book he wrote, is also German and if you read through the description on Amazon, he was at court in Bremen. Sounds to me, that he lives in Germany. The Camaro still has it's German license plate.

I'm on it, when you build this.
 29 September 2021, 04:10

Project info

4 images
1:25 Super Z (MPC 1-0786)1:25 Turbo Z28 (MPC 1-0713)1:24 Camaro Z-28 (Monogram 2717)1+

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