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Andy Ball (Lerxst)

Normandy Niémen Yak-3

Album image #1
Made a start on Airwaves’ PE cockpit which went together well. Some levers have spares as inevitably you’ll lose them. The actual insertion of the PE onto the kit is another matter and requires some work to sort out how to marry it all up. 

Album image #2
After around 2 hours, we’re here. There was quite a bit of grinding out of the plastic floor to allow the PE ‘cage’ in. Dry fitting suggests we’re okay with the fuselage when it comes together. 

Album image #3
The air cooler and air intakes in the wings have PE grills - neat little piece of detailing missing from the original

Album image #4
After a morning’s work we have the fuselage and wings readied for attaching. The kit maybe old, but Hasegawa’s moulds are pretty tight. 

Album image #5
I scratch built the wires from the radio receiver having seen a larger scale build doing the same. 

Album image #6
The instrument panel has been inserted and Milliput fills the back of it for strength. You cannot attach the panel in the correct place in the fuselage without shortening the cockpit’s cage (see next photo). 

Album image #7
Note: gingerly I chopped the forward pieces of the side walls off to allow for the instrument panel. Not clear in Airwaves’ instructions on how to mate these two parts of the build. Pragmatism for me. 

Album image #8
The fuselage mated to the wings went well. No filler and all PE (once manipulated) fell into line. I hope the kit runs true to scale. It is by far the smallest single seat WWII fighter I’ve built- even smaller than the Bf109! 

Album image #9
A challenge- the tricoleur spinner. That’s the easy one done. How to get the blue tip done so that all looks equidistant?… 

Album image #10
Airwaves provided the torque links/plates for the oleos- nice and detailed  

Album image #11
The kit gives no gunsight- so I scratch one 

Album image #12
The Achilles’ heel- nothing in the wheel wells. So again, I’ll think about how I add some details. End of the 2nd day. 

Album image #13
scratch built gunsight now in situ, going to use Hasegawa's open canopy option (rather than Rob Taurus) as its pretty clear and allows the main shield to be withdrawn backwards. 

Album image #14
well, I went 'old school'...cracked open a 30 year-plus Humbrol 109 enamel, a paintbrush, held my breath and painted the 'bleu', et voila!, think I got away with it? 

Album image #15
spinner <<comme le tricoleur, n'est pas?>> 

Album image #16
2nd full day of work on this. Having to decide the Soviet colours, without resorting to buying any official shades. I'm going with Vallejo's 71.258 (Grey-Green) and 71.307 (BS Medium Sea Grey) for the uppers. 71.255 Hellblau for the lowers. (the three left to right on the stick).
Pitot is my signature guitar string aftermarket!
It looks the tiniest of things, this Yak-3. I have measured it, multiplied by 72 and it is pretty much to scale. [To my eyes looks 1/76th, but no.] 

Album image #17
canopy masked freehand with Tamiya tape. 

Album image #18
Well, every so often one tries to up ones game. This is mine. The scratch building of the wheel wells. I couldn't see any aftermarkets, so out with a piece of plasticard and away we go... 

Album image #19
wells in position, some filler required to emulate the side walls. 

Album image #20
they don't look too bad?...end of day 2 (and a half) 

Album image #21
I discovered on a walk-around that the doors have an “H” hinge. PE raided, and a suitable piece found and attached. It then prompted me to finish the legs (unusually) to see if we’ve got the right sort of look. 

Album image #22
The PE “Y” struts are from the Airwaves ‘boost’ and fit well against the kit’s legs. I assume the undercarriage was a little “knock-kneed”! 

Album image #23
Corrected the gait. 

Album image #24
First pass of tri-camouflage- Vallejos’ performed better here.  

Album image #25
First pass of tri-camouflage- Vallejos’ performed better here. 

Album image #26
Underside will need a tidy up around the meeting of the uppers  

Album image #27
We’re decal'd and almost ready for washes. 

Album image #28
We’re decal'd and almost ready for washes. 

Album image #29
Front undercarriage all done now. 

Album image #30
For me a quick build. Hasegawa's 1990s moulds still pass the muster, and this builds into a little fighter- probably the smallest I've made so far. 

Album image #31
For myself, a quick build. Hasegawa's 1990s moulds still pass the muster, and this builds into a little fighter- probably the smallest I've made so far. 

Album image #32
For myself, a quick build. Hasegawa's 1990's moulds still pass the muster, and this builds into a little fighter- probably the smallest I've made so far. 

Album image #33
Top side I 

Album image #34
Top side II 

Album image #35
Underside I 

Album image #36
Top side III 

Album image #37
Underside II 

Album image #38
NB didn't use the Rob Taurus canopy. Hasegawa allows you an open or closed version, and it isn't too bad.  

Album image #39
That's all, folks!, on this one.....(another one to be built, someday) 


33 15 August 2022, 17:44
Guy Rump
Watching 👍
16 August 2022, 18:42
Andy Ball
Hello Guy! Thanks for your time!
16 August 2022, 20:28
Robert Podkoński
Me too 😉
17 August 2022, 11:59
Andy Ball
Welcome Robert, have a beer, we're on warp-factor with model builds at the moment....
17 August 2022, 12:01
Robert Podkoński
I must confess, we're in the same boat, Andy...
17 August 2022, 12:38
Fast and top job with great details!
17 August 2022, 18:26
Andy Ball
@Robert- "speedboat". Definitely my last build for a while, been trying to run down the stash.
17 August 2022, 21:27
Andy Ball
Thanks Cuajete! Always a welcome for you here!!
17 August 2022, 21:27
Łukasz Gliński
Very nice build A, that's probably a bit better materiel than my Yak-1b.
I have to disappoint you, but I think the undercarriage wasn't leaning inwards that much:
18 August 2022, 11:15
Andy Ball
Oh, piffle- better get the splints on them and get them straightened 😞
18 August 2022, 12:15
You can do it, Andy... and on time! 💪
Yak-3 was smaller than Yak-1?
18 August 2022, 17:58
Andy Ball
Thanks Cuajete, I'm no "rivet counter" and don't know their relative sizes, but this Yak-3 seems to be on scale. It looks like a tiny Soviet gnat. Much like Putin.
18 August 2022, 18:47
Hey Andy. Nice project and plane. As always your explanations in each picture are very interesting. Good work with the scrap parts.
18 August 2022, 20:32
😄😄😄... Thanks for making me laugh, Andy 😄 👍
18 August 2022, 20:32
Andy Ball
@Micky: glad we could throw some light on this kit and I welcome your words too.
19 August 2022, 14:29
Jan Peters
You're working as fast as lightning Andy, pun intended 😄
Looking good 👍🏻
20 August 2022, 17:58
Andy Ball
Thanks Jan! Yes, got to make a dent in the stash.
20 August 2022, 19:39
Noël Bossaert
Good job.

This paint on the tail, it was just when the Normandie Niemen come Back to France.
During the war, there was a red star on the tail.
20 August 2022, 19:50
It looks better and better 👍
20 August 2022, 20:04
Andy Ball
@Noël, thanks for those historic notes. The duo combo pack allows 3 schemes, and the Croix de Lorraine seemed unique to Delfino's mount, and doesn't involve putting on a Russian red star, so I thought it was a twist on the usual theme. Therefore this project is set when the squadron returned to France. Cool!
A bientôt, et merci beaucoup.
21 August 2022, 07:23
Andy Ball
Thanks Cuajete- getting close to finals. I had a heavy weekend with commitments and lost some build time!
21 August 2022, 07:24
Andy Ball
22 August 2022, 20:25
Jan Peters
Great result Andy!
22 August 2022, 21:23
Andy Ball
Cheers Jan! A neat little build.
22 August 2022, 21:28
Robert Podkoński
Really good work, Andy! I like it very much.
23 August 2022, 06:24
Andy Ball
Thanks Robert, glad you've had a peek!
23 August 2022, 16:33
Ludvík Kružík
Famous pattern and nicely built model, I like it very much. 😎 👍 👍 👍
23 August 2022, 16:59
Very nice job, Andy 👍
One express build more with a little pause, but very well executed.
23 August 2022, 17:22
Łukasz Gliński
Well done A. 👍
23 August 2022, 18:52
Andy Ball
Thanks Ludvík, Łukasz and Cuajete - a quickie. May return to the weathering another time?...
23 August 2022, 19:55
Andy Ball
Thank-you Pietro!
20 January 2023, 07:24

Project info

62 images
1:72 Yakovlev Yak-3 Combo (Hasegawa 01938)1:72 Yakovlev Yak-3 (Airwaves AC72-64)1:72 Canopy - Yak-3 (Rob-Taurus 72073)1+
Yakovlev Yak-3
SU Forces Aériennes Françaises Libres (Free French Air Force 1940-1945)
GC 3 Normandie-Niémen 00 (Col. Louis Delfino)
1945 World War 2 - East Prussia 3R
Light Gull grey, Field grey, Bright Blue

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