The Bridge
37 16 February 2023, 14:30

It's not a "good one" - it is a perfect dio! Fantastic work and interesting concept.
16 February 2023, 14:36

The dio is very well done. I only do not think that a plane would have gotten on a flatbed car with its wings still on and the pilot seems a bit out of place too.
16 February 2023, 19:48

Dio is really good, bit i have to agree with Michael, wings would have been removed for transport (imagine tunnels, etc etc....)
16 February 2023, 19:54

oh yes ,I will be change it whit a 1/72 tank or something ,and remove the lovely pilot let him go to his place, Thank you for your advice guys!
16 February 2023, 23:51

Don't be so cruel to yourself like in your opening words. I know you always see every mistake on your own models, that is because you are the one who made them. Everybody else is just enjoying to watch a nice dio and for a first it is absolutely well done. I for my part absolutely like it. And you are right about it will get better and better in the future. Practice and time is the magic combination. Nice little gem! 👍
17 February 2023, 07:55

Thank you Ralf,for your encouragement.
I will keep trying and working.
17 February 2023, 09:20

Very nicely said Ralf, totally true. It is a fantastic dio, and being 1/72, wow, even better
17 February 2023, 18:06

Great work 👍 Let me thinking, with that wing span they wouln't go a long way 😉 but great anyway
4 March 2023, 12:38
Album info
I love diorama and I like doing diorama. Although it is not good enough,but I believe it will be better next one.