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Joachim P. (Jo1975)

#1: M966 TOW Missile Carrier/ ACADEMY

Album image #1

Album image #2
....let´s go 🙂 

Album image #3
...first things first: 40% diluted Vallejo Bronze Green 70.897

Album image #4
Album image #5
A classic saturday morning: coffee and a kit!
Instruction steps 1&2 finished
Tryout/ Muffler brown: mixture of Vallejo Flat Brown 70.984 and a good dose of Vallejo Pigments "Old Rust_73.120" 

Album image #6
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Steps 3-5 done 

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weekend result: steps 1-7 without clear parts 

Album image #12
...a dry-fit before painting and decals 

Album image #13
Late last evening I searched for some Humvee detail-material and found a final diorama theme 

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Album image #24
This plastic bag came with a pair of shades. Since I had it in my hands for the first time, I knew, I could use it...time to wrap up this old Tamiya guy, winter is coming 

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I´m pretty happy with the result 

Album image #29
Test fit... 

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Album image #31
This guy had his shirt sleeves rolled up, so he needs to stop by at the clothing store, too... 

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...unwanted wrinkles will be touched up with Vallejo Putty.... 

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...done 🙂 

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Album image #41
A convoy of M-998 series multipurpose-wheeled vehicles proceeds through the Norwegian countryside during Operation Cold Winter '87, a NATO-sponsored military exercise. The first two vehicles are equipped with Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided (TOW) anti-tank weapons systems and the third has an M-2.50-caliber machine gun. 

Album image #42
By Bernard E. Trainor, Special To the New York Times
March 29, 1987:
Four NATO countries are conducting maneuvers this week in northern Norway within the Arctic Circle to test the alliance's ability to defend its northern flank in the event of a Soviet attack.

The exercise, called Cold Winter, involves 14,000 troops from the United States, Norway, Britain and the Netherlands.

While the British and Dutch forces came by ship, the 4,000 American military men flew across the Atlantic last week to demonstrate NATO's ability to reinforce Norway. This is almost a third of the forces that would be dispatched in a real crisis. The Americans were mostly from regular and reserve Marine air and ground units trained for Arctic warfare. An Air Force Reserve detachment of A-10 aircraft also took part. More than 120 aircraft from the four North Atlantic Treaty Organization nations were involved in the exercise. Early Deployment Plans

Much of the equipment and supplies to support the Americans is already in Norway. ''The Marine reinforcement is part of our maritime strategy,'' Brig. Gen. Matthew R. Caulfield, the Marine commander, said. ''Holding north Norway is essential if we are to prevent Soviet bombers and submarines from interfering with the reinforcement of NATO.'' 

Album image #43
The plan, according to the general, is to get Arctic-trained and -equipped forces into northern Norway before hostilities begin, to discourage a Soviet invasion and to stop one if it takes place.

There are four airfields in the sparsely populated and bitterly cold area of northern Norway that, he said, must be held. In addition to Evenes, west of Narvik, they are Andoy, Bardufoss and Bodo. According to General Caulfield, aircraft flying from these fields are needed to stop a Soviet advance from northern Russia across the Finnmark region of Norway and also to prevent a Russian amphibious attack between Tromso and Narvik on the Norwegian coast. Carriers in the Fjords

''As the land battle for Norway goes on, NATO naval forces will move into northern waters to join the battle with aircraft carriers and submarines,'' the general said. ''The carriers will operate out of the deep fjords in the area where they will be hard to detect by the Russians and harder to hit. It will be a total NATO effort with the land-based early warning radar and fighter planes helping to protect the fleet and carrier planes helping the ground forces.''

Gen. Fredrik Bull-Hansen, chief of Norway's defense staff, is aware that in the United States there are critics of this maritime strategy, who say naval forces would be sunk in wartime if they came within striking distance of the major Soviet bases on the Kola Peninsula near Norway's northern border.
He said, however, that NATO's resolve to defend Norway is essential to deterrence. With or without American carriers, northern Norway will be defended and the entire Norwegian population will be mobilized for the effort. the general said. He pointed out that the current maneuvers include not only NATO allies and the regular Norwegian Army, but also Norwegian reservists and home guards.

The Norwegians do admit that early reinforcement of their fully mobilized but small defense force by allies is vital to a successful defense of Norway. ''Time is of the essence,'' a Norwegian officer said. ''All  

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Album image #52


44 9 June 2023, 07:12
Villiers de Vos
Booking my seat.
9 June 2023, 10:34
Joachim P.
A hearty welcome to You!
9 June 2023, 18:27
Jennifer Franklin
following 👀
11 June 2023, 11:12
Bruce Huxtable
Impressive micro-tayloring!
17 June 2023, 17:59
Joachim P.
Thank You, Bruce! I am glad, it worked out, it was a bit tricky 🙂
17 June 2023, 18:07
Villiers de Vos
The winter uniform came out nice.
18 June 2023, 07:33
Joachim P.
Thank You, Villiers, I am happy you like the result. The decision to go for the uniform makeover came from the wish to display the trunk opened. I thought, it needed a reason to be opened on the open road, and so the refueling by jerry can was plausible. The finish-line of this project is in sight now, I enjoy it very much to show my progress here on scalemates. Have a nice sunday!
18 June 2023, 07:56
Rui S
That's looking Great 👍 I agree with Bruce, keep it coming
18 June 2023, 12:27
Joachim P.
Thank You, Rui... a nice, mellow sunday throttle around here, preparing brushes and paint for camo atm 🙂
18 June 2023, 12:34
Ian Shaw
I like how you've done the winter clothing, is it wax paper?
18 June 2023, 12:49
Joachim P.
Hello, Ian, thank you very much! It is not wax paper, but a random plastic bag, that came with a pair of shades. The surface feels a bit rubberish, like foam rubber. With this simple hobby glue "Pritt" it worked out fine.
18 June 2023, 12:55
Ian Shaw
That's a clever idea and its come out really well.
18 June 2023, 14:26
Joachim P.
Thank You, Ian, I am happy, you like it!
18 June 2023, 14:42
Mr James
Great ingenuity with the winter clothing. It came out very well. Also love the camo colour scheme on the Hummer. A lovely winter dio
21 June 2023, 20:44
Joachim P.
Thank You very much! I really appreciate your words. The idea of this winter scene is taken from a NATO training operation in 1987, where the USMC was testing the norwegian winter conditions. The operation was called "Cold Winter", well, obviously. I am happy, that you like the winter clothing, tbh, one "Marine" hasn´t made it in time for the pictures, but I will make some better detail pictures at the weekend.
21 June 2023, 20:56
Mr James
Its nice that there is a little story behind it. I'm always drawn to winter scenes and the snow and ice effect is very good. Winter is here 🙂
21 June 2023, 21:02
Joachim P.
It felt refreshing to make it small but very freezy, while temperatrures rose outside 🙂 I am interested to try the AK Micro Balloons as well! In terms of road/ driving effect to how snow and ice look like, I still want to learn a lot. Many thanks!
21 June 2023, 21:11
Joachim P.
I want to thank everybody, who liked my first complete project here on scalemates. It means a lot to me to see that you like my way af modelling and it is a real pleasure to be around here on scalemates. Cheers!!!
21 June 2023, 21:13
Rui S
Woh, that was fast. Great scene and beautifully done winter camo.👍 congratulations
21 June 2023, 22:28
Joachim P.
Thank You! It means a lot to me to present it now. As my dio is meeting contributions of much more experienced scalemates around here, I am very thankful and am coming to learn! Really appreciated 🙂
22 June 2023, 03:56
Bruce Huxtable
Totally nailed it, Joachim. It feels soo cold....
22 June 2023, 06:39
Joachim P.
Thank You very much, Bruce. Winter as topic of an dio is really rewarding, and now the eye is welcome to chill 🙂
22 June 2023, 07:16
Simon Nagorsnik
Nice topic for your debut here!
Beautifully implemented!
Like your winter camo and good work on the figurines👍
22 June 2023, 08:03
Joachim P.
Thanks a lot, Simon! I am very clear with myself: seeing so much great projects around here is truly inspiring and makes me ask more from myself, in a positive, training way. I am happy you like it 🙂
22 June 2023, 08:12
Excellent work and interesting wip pictures. If this is a beginner´s work how will it end ? 🙂
22 June 2023, 09:04
Joachim P.
Hello, Neuling, many thanks for your kind comment. Well, with all this good and even perfect work around here I am sure to strive for more patience and more detail cleanliness....but of course it is the fun, that makes things wow and the details from scratch, that always update the challenge 🙂 thanks again!!!
22 June 2023, 11:47
Mathias Decommere
Taking notes for my winterscene! Love the snow! The rest also offcourse
23 June 2023, 04:50
Joachim P.
Hello, Mathias, thank you very much! The snow finish is "NOCH 08760 Snowflakes"....very nice looking, but because of static attraction as by-catch ALL over the place... 🙂 🙂
23 June 2023, 04:58
Jennifer Franklin
I love the open trunk with supplies being pulled out. The winter effects are amazing. This is an impressive debut.
24 June 2023, 08:57
Joachim P.
Hello, Jennifer, I thank You very much!!! The warm welcome, I was allowed to face here, meant such a good mood and inspiration to me, while building it. Thank you for your compliment, I really appreciate it. 🙂
24 June 2023, 09:02
Joachim P.
I want to thank everybody, who liked this freezy little project. I really appreciate it!!!
5 July 2023, 20:29
Bob Hall
20 Plus years in the Army, never seen that Camo scheme. I like it 👍
5 July 2023, 21:20
Joachim P.
Thank You very much! Well, from my understanding, this camo scheme must have been of a temporary nature only, with all black of the original scheme being touched up with a kind of whiting/ chalk. Even more, I am happy that you like it. I just found the reference material, that I have set to the album from pg. 41-44, by chance, to be honest, but I instantly fell in love with this camo variation.
6 July 2023, 03:37
Very realistic dio, fantastic
15 August 2023, 19:52
Joachim P.
Hello, Spanjaard, thank you very much! Winter is for sure a future dio topic, again: I really enjoyed making it "cold" 🙂
15 August 2023, 20:25
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
18 August 2023, 04:55
Joachim P.
Thank you very much, Villiers. I really appreciate it. I wish a nice weekend to you!
18 August 2023, 20:25

Album info

My debut project here on scalemates

52 images
1:35 M966 TOW Missile Carrier (Academy 13250)

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