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Markus Kutsch
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench (Markus Kutsch)

M50 A1 Ontos Figures


24 January 2013, 16:12
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
HI Mates.
The first pic. is "The Thing" with the finished Sandbags.I wanted them to look very beaten and pressed together from the rain.
The eyes of the Driver and the Commander are painted also the basic flesh paint.I can handle they look without throwing them out of the window.
I washed the paint from the Commander 3 times off.By the way...did i say i hate figure painting !! 🙂
Next step face shadows ,highlights .I give it a new try with acrylics this time.
24 January 2013, 16:19
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Oh ...add wires on the left side to fix the additional armor tracks (the three rust things)
24 January 2013, 16:21
Frank Krause
Nice, Markus! I'm following...!😉
24 January 2013, 18:56
Mike Kryza
...this could be a very interesting work...😢
24 January 2013, 19:23
Philip De Keyser
Hi Markus, It look not that bad mate, I wish I have the same scills of figure painting that you have, looking forward when the times comes to fit al these beautiful things together, youve did till now a extramely beautifull job😉
greetz Phil
24 January 2013, 19:44
Kim Branders
tuned in
25 January 2013, 06:49
Tim Vereecke
tuned in 👍
25 January 2013, 06:57
james johnson
your figure painting beats the hell out of anything I can do! A while ago, I saw a figure you did (I think with acrylics) and it went with a WW2 american tank that had a scratch built cooking grill on the aft end. Anyway, that figure looked great as I recall!
You said something about not liking acrylics and doing any further figures with enamels.
25 January 2013, 07:00
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Thanks Mates 🙂
Iam not sure how i paint them .Yestarday i decided to paint it with acrylics(and buyed some additional colors),and an hour after i saw a video with a top result painted oil over acrylics!
Iam getting Mad (aaaaaaarrrrrghhhhhh)
Which path i should choose (live is full of choices). 😉
Must be the "Pershing " Tank!
25 January 2013, 08:17
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
James (sorry)
25 January 2013, 08:19
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Colors i needed are there.Perhaps i give it a try for Highlight and Shadows at the Weekend.
May the Force be with me😉
25 January 2013, 16:13
Duncan Cook
I see a Peace symbol. Cool
25 January 2013, 16:20
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Hi Mates
I think faces finished.Iam not that happy with it.Lets see how it look when i put the green on the clothes (iam better with green then with flesh color 🙂
27 January 2013, 10:03
Frank Krause
Yeah, Markus! Pretty poor faces, far away from anything... 🙁😉
If I would come a bit closer to your skills, I would be more than satisfied!
27 January 2013, 10:14
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
No,not Kidding.I find they look to grey.!But its not the last figure constellation.The commander may be changed .Just the driver is set for the Ontos.
But thanks Frank 🙂
27 January 2013, 10:38
Roland Roth
Die Gesichter, Markus, sehen soweit gut aus. Ich denke, sie kommen noch besser zur Geltung, wenn du den Figuren die Uniform angepasst hast. Irgendwie vermisse ich jedoch einen richtig dunkelhäutigen Kameraden ...
The faces, Mark, look good so far. I think they are even more effective when you have the figures matched the uniform. But somehow I miss a really dark-skinned comrade ...

27 January 2013, 10:51
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
HAHA thats infact my thought,Roland.The commander is on the package nor Dark skinned nor white!!!!!!!!!!!!Although he got the looks like a Dark skinned.
But i think the driver will be the only one that i choose!
27 January 2013, 11:03
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Hi Mates
Figures are finished.As you can see i changed the Commander.He will be leaning out of the cupola to talk to a GI.
12 February 2013, 15:01
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
From Pic 7 . new !
12 February 2013, 15:02
Marko Paakkanen
Fantastic figure painting!
love light and shadows.
12 February 2013, 15:04
james johnson
Good job on the figure Markus!, I have ONE figure to paint to complete my KV 85 project and am not looking forward to it. I got the Kovacs DVD and am still a bit lost. I would be more than happy if my figure comes out nearly as well as the fellow you just painted.
12 February 2013, 15:10
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Thank you very much ,Mates.
Dont worry ,i was a bit lost too.I can only say ,be patient and work in thin layers (well dilutet).The paint should be more like dirty water.Dip the brush in and remove most of the color on a tissue paper.Dont soak the figure with it!!!!!!Important is, let the layer dry (hair dryer).And practice,practice,practice.
Iam glad that you like the figures ,but if you ask me ,there is still a looooot work to do .
12 February 2013, 15:23
james johnson
Going to the thrift store today, on the list: hair dryer! I forgot about you mentioning that previously.!
12 February 2013, 15:40
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
But i must admit ,as i watched Kovacs dvd for the first time ,after the 7th highlight i was thinking .....oh man ,what the hell are you doing there ?
But the result is worth the try .I add 2-3 highlights ,and 2 shadows.
12 February 2013, 15:54
james johnson
ha ha!!!!! I know what you mean!! After about 3 highlights I was thinking, "Okay, that should about do it" then he goes on to what? 8, 9 Highlights???
Also, I have about a hundred Vallejo paints, but not the base (Light sand)....kind of a drag when the whole thing is based on that color. I've probably got something close, but when you're dealing with such subtleties I'd like to start off with the correct color. As in a battle plan, at least I would have an idea where I may have gone wrong!
12 February 2013, 16:17
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Thats funny .Same with me .I got a great color range but this color (876)i had to order 🙂
12 February 2013, 16:24
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Looks like the Dio will be that the Ontos is called to support a troop that comes into an ambush and on their way to retreat.3-4 figures will be more to paint.The commander(pic18-19-20)leaning out the turret to listen to a Sergeant.
12 February 2013, 19:10
Dirk Heyer
Hi Markus,
the figures are well painted!
Seems you are more common with acrylic paints?
I like the result!
14 February 2013, 20:12
Christian Meyerhoff
Nice, nice, nice! Love that figures from every angle. Nice addition to Your fantastic model!
2 March 2013, 21:07
Steve Wilson
Excellent Markus, b1%6y excellent🙂🙂🙂
2 March 2013, 22:50
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
Thanks ,Steve 🙂
I must kick me in the a... to begin with the Dio !!
I changed the exhaust with a tube thats seen on many Ontos.I think its somekind of deep wading thing.I will show a pic in time!
3 March 2013, 06:01

Album info

Figures Finished.
For that the lower body and legs of the Driver and Commander would`t be seen,i decided to be a little lazy and to not paint them.
Artistic freedom 🙂

171 képek
1:35 M50A1 Ontos (Academy 13218)1:35 USMC M50A1 Ontos Anti-Tank Vehicle (E.T. Model E35-093)

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