ESCI F-16BNézet: Diavetítés Mozaik Lista 1February 20, 2016parts and instructions 2February 20, 2016All parts primed. Sprayed white in the gear well and intake interior 3February 21, 2016Added the cockpit floor. Sprayed the interior light ghost gray 4February 25, 2016drop tanks and burner 5February 25, 2016seats in cockpit. decals on IP and side consoles 6February 25, 2016fuselage halves closed up with wings and vertical tail on 7March 4, 2016horizontal stabs 8March 5, 2016 9March 8, 2016filling seams 10March 12, 2016still puttying seams 11March 13, 2016burner can in MM Stainless steel 12March 16, 2016finished the light ghost gray on the bottom 13March 17, 2016another coat of white on the gear wells 14March 17, 2016finished cleaning up wing root seams and primed again 15March 18, 2016 16March 19, 2016wings and tail sprayed 17March 19, 2016exhaust and speed brake housing added 18March 20, 2016dark ghost gray sprayed 19March 22, 2016starboard cockpit seam puttied 20March 26, 2016cockpit seam painted 21March 31, 2016nose sprayed black 22April 2, 2016first coat of Future from canopy aft 23April 10, 2016decals on the left side 24April 11, 2016canopy on and another wing walk stripe 25April 15, 2016more stripes added 26April 21, 2016on her legs 27April 28, 2016 28April 28, 2016wheeks and wingtip Sidewinders added 29April 28, 2016ventral fins and tail hook added 30May 8, 2016drop tanks added 31May 9, 2016right side final 32May 9, 2016left side final 33May 9, 2016bottom final 34May 9, 2016on the shelf Hozzászólások4 January 2025, 01:15 - Project infoESCI F-16B34 képek1:72BefejezveGeneral Dynamics F-16B Block 1 Fighting Falcon Belgische Luchtmacht-Force Aérienne Belge (Belgian Air Force 1949-2001)10 W FB-03FS36118 FS36270 FS36375 Összes albumÖsszes album megtekintése »